Elise Hategan was a one-time, short-time member of the White Nationalist Heritage front. She flipped sides, ratted out some of her former associates and became an anti-racist writer, lesbian and now a Jew, in no particular order. She has launched a lawsuit against fellow Heritage Front recruit turned anti-racist Elizabeth Moore, her one-time friend, and Bernie Farber. Hategan and Moore have shopped around their Heritage Front experiences and conversions for a quarter of a century to receptive media and Jewish audiences. Hategan now believes Moore, with the assistance of former Canadian Jewish Congress CEO Bernie Farber, has wrongfully appropriated some of her experiences for Moore’s benefit.
Along the way, there are some important secrets revealed.
Most important is the identity of “Nosferatu 200” the persona behind the online smear sheet Anti-Racist Canada Blogspot. It turns out the smear meister, who has “outed” many people and damaged many people’s lives and reputations in an Alberta grade school teacher, Kurt Phillips.
An affidavit is a sworn statement. It has not been tested in court.
Here’s a quick guide to the Hategan affidavit.
1. Who is Nosferatu 200 who runs Anti-Racist Canada Blogspot? — Kurt Phillips. At Paragraph 320, Hategan explains: “. In my 4 years of friendship with Kurt Phillips and as part of the ARC Collective, I supplied
information (such as names and photos of Heritage Front members), took photos and wrote several
blog pieces that were posted on the ARC blog. I supported the website and Kurt’s sleuthing
activities by providing opinions and verbal/written support whenever necessary. We advised and
confided in each other on numerous occasions, both via email, telephone and in person, and had
conversations that reached far beyond the topic of racism and white supremacy. Kurt also sent me
gifts and care packages on multiple occasions, I sent him one package in return, and he contributed
financially to my book fundraising efforts.”2. Close ties between Bernie Farber and CSIS agent provocateur Grant Bristow , at para 300-305
3. Warren Kinsella’s machination & Elise Hategan, Bernie Farber and Elizabeth Moore, at para. 306-318.
4. ARC’s Kurt Phillips joins Canadian Anti-Hate Network. CAHN helps fund ARC. Richard Warman of CAHN pressures Elise Hategan to remove Twitter references to Phillips’ identity. at para. 326-332.
Journalist Keane Bexte who works for Rebel Media identified Phillips as a social studies at St. Anthony Middle School in Drumheller, Alberta.
Now, that we finally have this sleazy coward’s identity, his dozens of victims — people who, over the years, he’s smeared, mocked, doxed and exposed, people whose lives he’s damaged — should carefully consider their legal options. Phillips likes to say he opposes violence, but the Antifa who gain much of their information from ARC actively practise violence. And, until very recently, both were masked, that is, their identity was disguised and, for very good reason, because, as mother used to say, “they were up to no good.”Oddly enough, I am not demanding that Phillips be fired from his job as a school teacher. I’ve been down that route. In the early 1990s, I was the target of a persistent campaign to have me fired from my position as an English instructor with the Peel Board of Education. There was never any question that I was a competent and effective teacher. Indeed, my Director of Education at the start of the six year ordeal called me “an exemplary teacher.” I did not bring my political views into the classroom. Even an NDP Minister of Education refused to lift my teaching certificate because he KNEW I kept my political and teaching lives separate. In the end, the lobbying pressure became too strong and, in February 1997, I was fired for the non-violent expression on my own time of my support for free speech and my opposition to this country’s catastrophic immigration policies. I was fired because, in the words of my district union leader, “the day after you are fired, the phone calls will stop.” This put a man with a wife and young family in a very difficult financial position.
My firing followed closely on the firing of a fellow teacher, a devout Christian gentleman and writer, Malcolm Ross of New Brunswick. After a similar campaign of media demonization and intense lobbying by Jewish groups, he was dismissed for writings critical of Zionism. Needless to say, to, too, never brought his views into the classroom. He’d been hailed as an effective and compassionate teacher of difficult students and Native kids.
Thus, I believe a teacher is entitled to a private life and to the expression on his own time of his political views, however reprehensible. Phillips activities on ARC are evil and a disgrace. He was part of the mob that eventually took down (at least temporarily) a satirical and vibrant Christian newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS.So, does he deserve to keep his job. Reluctantly, I say “yes”, if, and this is a big IF, after a through investigation the Catholic school board determines:1. He did not bring his views into the classroom and indoctrinate his young charges;2. He did not use school equipment or his work hours for his work on the ARC website;3. His presence did not create a “poisoned environment” for children from families with less leftist views than his. Drumheller is an intensely conservative area — a stronghold of the old Social Credit Party, years ago, and more recently of the Reform Party and the socially conservative wing of the Conservative Party. Did the children of such parents feel safe and welcome in his classroom. Only a thorough investigation will tell.