Late Breaking News — German  Armed Cops Re-Arrest Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer  at His Home Friday 

Late Breaking News — German  Armed Cops Re-Arrest Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer  at His Home Friday 
FRIDAY, July 6, 2018. Today At 2:00 pm, at the home of Alfred Schaefer, he and I had just finished watching and discussing matters regarding his videos which he was succeeding to screen in full in the Munich courtroom. …Then his wife laid table for lunch after I removed my laptop. Then,   I went to wash my hands). I then heard Police knocking on my bathroom door announcing their arrival. It was like a nightmare Hollywood movie about a police state action! 

At first, I thought maybe high-spirited Alfred was playing a joke. On opening my bathroom door, there stood two armed officers awaiting me. I gave them  my passport. They said they’d come to arrest Alfred. I saw five of them handcuff Alfred. He was taken away  with the little packed lunch his experienced wife swiftly made and handed to one officer for her husband). Alfred was hauled away about something he had perhaps said perhaps when yesterday ( as he has to do) he had duly turned up at the police station as he must do twice per week since he is out on bail. Whatever this “crime” was, he’s again in a police cell now. 
His wife advised that her houseguests,  should disappear asap in case police returned knowing now that we two were there, easy to haul in for good measure. What a business — cat and mouse  — but at least valiant Frau Schaefer made sure we each took with us our  lunch cheese!
“No surrender!”
Michele Lady Renouf