
June 5, 2018
Dear Paul:
On May 31st, I received a large pile of mail, most of which was from the month of April, some of it even from March! They really let it accumulate a long time before handing it over to me. But they had delivered the occasional teaser before that, with newer more recent mail, a bit of a psychological trick, surely not on purpose though! They’re not that clever.
Amongst that pile were two of your cards from meetings, one postmarked 4th of April (8 weeks’ delivery time) and the other was from an April 23 meetings postmarked the 26th. So that one came through the rush delivery wagon, a mere 5 weeks underway. Thank you so much for those! Also, there were a few of your CAFE NEWSLETTERS in the pile. Sometimes I get them; sometimes I don’t. It depends on who’s working. …
Yes, definitely my German is improving and so is my French. I am using my time well here, studying actively to get my French back that I once-upon-a-time was fluent in but lost so much through ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it.” I am also composing a few new tunes. When I am working on that, I completely forget where I am. …
I had another hearing, the result of which I am still here, of course. Their written justifications for my continued incarceration were so ridiculous, twisted and turned, that it is obvious that the hearing was just for show. just going through the motions of what is required, but with a preconceived outcome.

In a paradoxical way, it frees me up even more to say and do as I please because whatever I say or do, they have predetermined the outcome anyway, What w wonderful sense of freedom that gives me!
Well, I think I’ll end on that note.
I hope you are receiving my letters. I am numbering them so you can tell if some go missing.
Take care, stay healthy. We need you, Paul. Thank you for all you do.
Much love, 
