The Crazy Season of Political Purges is in Full Swing
‘These comments do not reflect the views of the Conservative Party of Canada. We believe that all Canadians — regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation — deserve to be treated with respect and dignity,’ the Conservative Party said in a statement. ‘Mr. Grewal is no longer an official candidate for the Conservative Party.’
Grewal, running in Mississauga-Malton, wrote an editorial in the Punjabi Post earlier this year entitled ‘Is it wrong for a homosexual to become a normal person? [A great many Canadians find homosexual practices abnormal.]
Ironically, “At a rally in the riding on Sept. 8, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper appeared on stage with Grewal and praised his work. ‘I can tell you this: through his newspaper and radio show, he urges all those who come to this country to embrace the values of freedom, democracy, of tolerance, and respect, the things that make our country such a great place to live,’ Harper told the audience.”
But in a Canada gripped by the Maoist madness of political correctness, the price of belittling buggery is ostracism, even for a member of a usually coddled class — Third World immigrants. “Earlier, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said that Grewal’s remarks were unacceptable and called on Harper to ‘remove him. We’re saying that in this day and age, a prime minister who accepts that, continues to tolerate it and accepts the type of statement today on homosexuals is frankly not showing leadership,’ Mulcair told reporters in Surrey, B.C. ‘Mr. Harper’s got to start getting it right and it starts by firing this candidate who said those things that are totally unacceptable about gays’.”
The hypocrisy of political correctness would gag an alligator. It’s actually alright to say outrageously offensive things about Christians as long as you say they were not REALLY what you thought. What? A psychotic moment. My mouth ran one way and my brain another? Earlier this summer, Shawn Dearn, communications director to the same canting Thomas Mulcair was revealed to have tweeted the following tolerant thoughts: “Memo to CBC and all media,” one of them reads. “Stop calling the misogynist, homophobic, child-molesting Catholic church a ‘moral authority.’ It’s not.”
However, in a tweet to his followers late Tuesday, Dearn apologized.”Some tweets that pre-dated my current role were offensive and do not reflect my views,” he said. “They are being deleted and I apologize sincerely.: (Canadian Press, September 8, 2015) All was forgiven; Mulcair did not fire his Catholic-hating mouthpiece and the campaign chugged on.
Not so lucky were two NDP candidates who had issues with Israel or extremist Jews. [Mulcair, like Prime Minister Harper is a 110 per cent Israel First. Being married to a Sephadic Jewess may have something to do with it in Mulcair’s case.]
On August 10, according to CBC News (September 16, 2015), “Morgan Wheeldon, an NDP candidate in Nova Scotia’s Kings-Hants riding, was forced to resign after suggesting in a 2014 Facebook post that Israel was engaged in “ethnic cleansing.”
On September 24, the NDP dropped its candidate in Winnipeg . CBC (September 25, 2015) reported|: “Until Thursday night, Stefan Jonasson, a Unitarian minister, was the NDP candidate for Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley in Winnipeg. Jonasson says he was asked by his party to step down after comments he made on social media surfaced earlier this week. Now, he says he plans to leave politics for good. ‘Politics has become so taken over by muckraking, by gotcha standards, by toxic behaviour on the part of those who cover it, I think I’m done with politics.”
Three years ago, Jonasson posted an article in 2012 accusing the Haredim, a Jewish Orthodox sect, of mistreating women. He wrote “much like the Taliban and other extremists, the Haredim offer a toxic caricature of faith at odds with the spirit of the religious tradition they profess to represent.”
Jonasson tells As It Happens guest host Laura Lynch that “people are increasingly using the term ‘Taliban’ to refer to religious extremists of all kinds.” And although he defends his comparison of the Haredim to the Taliban, he says he wishes he hadn’t used those words.
‘It wasn’t my intention to cause gratuitous offence. I was trying to call attention to the fact that women are not being treated equitably by some religious extremists’.”
Understandably disappointed at the intolerance of the NDP, Rev. Jonasson told the National Post (September 25, 2015): “I wish the party had had the courage and the foresight to believe that my candidacy was worth defending, but they did not.”
On August 24, the Tories dropped candidate Gilles Guibord, candidate in Rosemont-la-Petite-Prairie, for his traditionalist views on Indians and men/.women relationships. His offending comments were: “First Nations refused to integrate into European culture. It’s their right, but there was a price to pay for that decision: Rejecting urban society and its advantages. The federal government used corruption to keep First Nations quieter… Political parties didn’t take responsibility for integrating aboriginal communities…”
“Before treating our ancestors as thieves, we have to at least not betray history. In Quebec, it’s the descendents of the French who have ancestral rights [to land], not the Mohawks. The Supreme Court still does not understand that.”
“To be fair, I think it’s better to speak of men’s authority over women, than of superiority. I think that male-female relations were not determined by religion, but rather by forces present before religions [existed]. Man was stronger than woman, the woman was placed under his protection. Because of pregnancies, women were often in a state of fragility or insecurity, so men protected them, etc.” (CBC August 24, 2105)
And the purges extended to the Liberal Party as well. Maria Manna who had posted some views expressing skepticism of the official version of 9/11 was dropped as a candidate in late September. “A Liberal candidate who expressed skepticism about the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S. has resigned as the candidate in the B.C. riding of Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, CBC News has learned. Maria Manna had posted comments on her Facebook page that questioned the official account of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, calling it “the lie.” On Friday, she defended the comments, made in 2010 and 2013, saying they were her “truth” at the time.” (CBC, September 28, 2015) Truth then, but not now? If she’s changed her mind, why not just say so?

Jagdish Grewal out: Tories dump candidate for calling homosexuality “unnatural”