C3RF Update, 24 Feb 2023 – What if?
On the crocodile’s tail and back
The release of the Public Order Emergency Commission Final Report on 17 February 2023 continues to reverberate across the country. Witness Ryan Alford’s analysis that sees the report as promoting an unprecedented “crackdown on free speech” while noting that recommendations aimed at “modernizing” the reasons for invoking the Emergencies Act need to be rejected by Parliament. Then there is Jessie Kline who bluntly states the Report is a “slap in the face to Canadians” even as Rupa Subramanya declared that democracy in Canada “died a little” with the release of the Report. Could it be that all of this criticism, along with the C3RF analysis offered here, are confirmations that Canada is well down the path to becoming the world’s first “post-national state” with “no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.”

Rupa Subramanya, “democracy died a little” in Canada with the POEC Final Report
One could be forgiven for seeing a bit of an analogy between Trudeau’s call for Canadians to join him in celebrating a new post-national Canada and the age-old fable “The Frog and the Crocodile”. In the fable, the frog looks longingly at leaving his damp environs to traverse a snake-infested river to drier ground – in much the same way that Canada has come to look at “build back better” as the new utopia. Meanwhile, the crocodile offers the frog a ride to this new, dry utopia promising there will be no harm inflicted on the frog – in much the same way that Prime Minister Trudeau assures Canadians that transforming and resetting Canada’s economy will result in more jobs in a new, higher-tech economy. In a progressive and tentative fashion, the frog agrees to hitch a ride first on the crocodile’s tail and then on his back – ostensibly to allow the crocodile to better steer. Then the frog was convinced to ride on the reptile’s head for a better view and then, finally and disastrously for the frog, on his nose to help relieve an itch. And so it goes with Canadians as they are progressively nudged and coerced to give up their national sovereignty and civil liberties in order to realize a more sustainable and just world and be stalwart global citizens – like our Prime Minister!

Frogs and crocodiles – good traveling companions?
Canada’s journey from a free and democratic nation, primarily concerned with its own sovereign interests, to a post-national one can be seen as a progression from the tail, back, head and nose of a global beast. The jumping onto the tail of this behemoth can be seen to have occurred in 2015 when the Conservative government-of-the-day signed onto the United Nation’s Agenda 2030. Not to be outdone, the follow-on Liberal government, in the same year, would move the frog further along onto the back of the beast by signing onto the Paris Agreement. Agenda 2030 would commit Canada to prioritize its legislative efforts to accommodate the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) on the way to realizing a just world. The Paris Agreement would commit Canada to reducing its Green House Gas emissions markedly in an effort to hold global temperature increases to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Between the two, the die had been cast for Canada to forego the interests of its own citizens and embrace those of unelected authorities in faraway bureaus.

Did Prime Ministers Harper and Trudeau saddle Canadians up on the globalist crocodile in 2015?
To the crocodile’s head
As per the fable, the crocodile had to use its considerable powers of persuasion to get the frog up to its head. He beckoned by saying “Oh, come now. It’s a beautiful view! Surely you don’t think that I’m going to eat you after we’re halfway across.” The frog relented as he was curious to see the view from atop the crocodile’s head and they were past the point of no return anyway. Everyday Canadians, however, would be a bit more circumspect when it came to giving up their civil liberties to make good on globalized demands to accommodate mass migration, de-industrialization and vaccination programs. Indeed, when it came to immigration policies they would take a look at the lax and disastrous migration flows from the Middle East and North Africa into Europe in 2015 and express concerns. Did the new Liberal government realize that the “no-go zones” and violent crimes that were surging across Europe should be seen as alarm bells for Canada?

Canadians balk at traveling to the “head” of the crocodile due to safety and security concerns?
In the end, the government would have to forego persuasion in favour of nudging Canadians into acceptance through triangulation strategies designed to divide and conquer. And so it was that a very unpopular Motion M-103 was floated in 2017 to accuse Canada and certain Canadians of being “systemically racist” and Islamophobic. If rank and file citizens couldn’t be convinced to fall into line with globalist narratives they would bloody well be named and shamed into accepting them. One way or another, they would be coerced into making the journey to the crocodile’s head where they could better see the errors of their ways and atone. Naming and shaming, however, might get Canadians moving but it would not be enough to motivate the majority. Accordingly, triangulation efforts would be expanded to suppress inconvenient, fact-based counter-narratives.

Canadian House of Commons passes M-103 with little public support – too bad for us?
These inconvenient storylines would be rebuffed with campaigns that cited such speech as “hate”-based or mis/disinformation. And so we saw the advent of a “Digital Charter” to keep government-defined hate speech offline and legislation such as Bill C-11 to regulate your internet user-generated content. Such legislative efforts are proceeding in lockstep with many other initiatives from a wide range of institutional agencies that outright “cancel” the life and work prospects of wrong-thinkers. How else to explain the raft of medical doctors who have had their medical licenses suspended or canceled for offering patient-specific advice in contravention to the narratives being disseminated by their controlling colleges of physicians and surgeons? Then there are the teachers who lose their positions for questioning the woke narratives surrounding Residential School deaths. Some are even advocating such heretical speech be punished to the full extent of the law? Canadians would be herded to the head of the crocodile even if it meant the clock would need to be rolled back to the 17th century and the times of Galileo.

Heretical Canadians risk Galileo-like punishments for wrong-think?
To the crocodile’s nose
Getting the frog onto the nose of the crocodile would enable an endgame that would smash any dream of accessing a utopian homeland. Instead, the way would be open to effecting an intended reality that embraced not only the loss of freedom but a “terrific chomp” that ended the little frog’s life. In the Canadian sense, it became obvious that such a transition would require more than just a “nudge” or “controlling the narrative” as protests like Freedom Convoy 2022 made it obvious that everyday Canadians had some pesky questions that just wouldn’t go away. Shutting down such curiosity and concerns would require efforts that went beyond controlling the narrative to controlling the actual behaviours of Johnny and Janie Canuck. And so we see an accelerated rush to build global systems capable of surveilling and tracking the activities and movement of citizens respectively – systems founded upon digital IDs.

Digital IDs required to advance the globalist/ crocodile agenda?
The invocation of the Emergencies Act was instructive in this sense as it provided the backdrop that allowed Canadians to glimpse the real utopia that exists on the other side of the river – rather than the one that has been advertised to them. This was the case as the Act unleashed the federalized banking system onto the moms and pops who had the temerity to make $20 donations to Freedom Convoy 2022 “insurrectionists”. It did so by freezing their financial accounts regardless of their personal circumstances and without the due process guaranteed, until now, by the Charter. The fact that this draconian move struck too close to home for the comfort of those working with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to implement digital IDs for financial purposes was made clear when the Canadian Banking Association scrambled to escape blame. After all, it was their “legal obligation” to lock down accounts that the RCMP requested member banks to freeze. It would seem that the freezing of Freedom Convoy 2022 participant bank accounts may have provided an inconvenient and unwelcomed preview of what awaits hapless Canadians in the new post-national Canada on the other side of the river.

Angelina Mason, CBA General Counsel and VP, banks had a “legal obligation” to freeze accounts
The fact that the Liberal/NDP government of Canada is chomping at the bit to introduce digital IDs for all of us has been evident throughout the course of their handling of the Wuhan virus pandemic. Witness their working together with the WEF, the Netherlands and several airlines and airports to introduce a Known Traveler Digital Identification system and the tenacity displayed in keeping an ArriveCAN application in place even though it crashed Canadian airport throughputs. One might think that digital ID control measures are now a thing of the past as these initiatives have either stalled or been made voluntary. This is not the case, however, as we now see new efforts to implement them through Canada Health Transfer deals being made between the federal government and the provinces. The transfer of related funds will be dependent on the digitization of patient information in each participating province in accordance with Canada Health Infoway protocols – protocols that include an International Patient Summary dedicated to allowing for the transfer of your medical data, including vaccination status, worldwide. One might well surmise that the individual rights and freedoms of Canadians will be well and truly done if they jump onto the crocodile’s nose by accepting such digital ID initiatives. Chomp chomp?

Will digital ID put us all on the crocodile’s nose?
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Major Russ Cooper (Ret’d) President and CEO, C3RF |
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