Dr Rigolf Hennig (1935-2022)
Posted by admin978 on March 20, 2022 · Leave a Comment

H&D was saddened to learn today of the death of the great German patriot Dr Rigolf Hennig, one of the most loyal and intelligent defenders of the real Europe.
Rigolf was a few weeks away from his 87th birthday. He remained a vigorous and committed political activist despite periods of ill health in recent years, and was a good friend and campaigner for the defence of Ursula Haverbeck, the 93-year-old educator and publisher who is still facing a series of trials and threats of imprisonment for asking questions about German history.
After studying medicine at several universities – beginning in Munich – Rigolf received his doctorate in 1961 and trained at hospitals in Switzerland and Austria as well as Germany, becoming a specialist surgeon dealing with trauma injuries.

For many years he was a medical officer in the German Army Reserve, holding the rank of Colonel, until ‘anti-fascists’ forced the Bundeswehr to remove him in 1995, already aged 60.
Having begun his political activism as a defence policy specialist in the mainstream conservative Bavarian party CSU, Rigolf was later active in a series of nationalist parties and groups including the Republikaner, the German League for People and Homeland, NPD, and Europäische Aktion (European Action).
He was a local council candidate twice for the NPD in his home city of Verden and regularly wrote articles for nationalist journals.
H&D‘s assistant editor Peter Rushton comments: “Rigolf Hennig was a great and good man. He was a very rare combination of the very highest intellect, the most unshakeable ideological commitment, and the most loyal and decent friend – unhesitatingly giving his time and effort without a trace of self-importance. He will be an irreplaceable loss to the European nationalist cause, but his example will continue to inspire future generations.”
Further tributes to Dr Rigolf Hennig will appear here and in the May edition of Heritage and Destiny.

Lady Michele Renouf, a dear friend of his, adds:
Dear Annelore and friends,
Terribly sad news. Our Dr. Rigolf Hennig will be terribly missed. A tragic loss to us all who dearly loved Rigolf a great humanitarian and true comrade.
The UK/USA magazine Heritage and Destiny has published a brief Obituary:
With heartfelt condolence,Michèle
PS Attached is perhaps one of the last photographs taken of dear Rigolf at the beautiful funeral of Henry Hafenmayer.
Possibly the last nationalist action Rigolf undertook was his translation of my interview (first published in The Barnes Review).This was about RA Wolfram Nahrath’s extraordinary victory for my trial and historical truth for which I spoke at the Dresden Commemoration. Rigolf’s translation into German of that interview was published recently in Volk in Bewegung.