Farewell to Freedom Fighter & German Patriot Gunter Wild

Farewell to Freedom Fighter & German Patriot Gunter Wild

[Gunter Wild was one of my first political contacts after I became a public anti-communist activist in April, 1967 with the first anti-communist demonstration of the newly formed Edmund Burke Society. Anti-floridation activist Ann Burton looked me up and contacted me. She said I should visit Gunter Wild, who ran West Stereo on Dundas Street, West. Gunter’s shop had a backroom and it was a drop-in place for many interesting people from Germany and Eastern Europe. Gunter had a treasure trove of literature which he offered visitors. I got my first copies of Willis Carto’s The American Mercury from Gunter. When I ran for Board of Education in 1974, 1976 and 1978, Gunter supported me and put my election sign in his store window. A true friend of freedom – Gunter Wild. — Paul Fromm]

Yesterday August 21st was the second Anniversary of Günter’s passing into Valhalla. I am sure if he would still be with us now when our World has been turned upside down, he would be busy writing his “delicate comments” and distribute his “heated” opinion to all his Friends all over the Globe, and summon us all to stand up and fight for our freedom, truth and justice.


Eulogy for Günter Wild to be read Aug 29

Today we are gathered here to remember Günter, our Friend and warrior that has been an inspiration to all of us over the years. Like most of us he was a Pioneer that had the courage to Immigrate to Canada to offer his Family a better life. He dedicated many years of his life to the endless fight against the Injustices done to all Germans and retaliated against the lies that have been portrait for decades against them. Günter educated many of us with the true facts of History.

In the last few months many well wishes and prayers were received from Friends all over the world. I like to mention his American Friend, History Professor Raymond Goodwin, who wrote on various occasions: “I will miss my e-mail warrior buddy” “The Glory of Valhalla awaits” and last “ Valhalla has gained another warrior”.

I met Günter through Friends 8 years ago, we formed a special bond because we were both born in Cologne Germany, 1927 & 1942. Günter would frequently visit me when he came to Toronto to shop, many times unexpected, he was an early riser and did not notify me in advance, my doorbell would ring and there he stood with Magazines and Articles or requests that I should scan documents for him and send info out to the world. I would make Breakfast for us and we would sit in my Kitchen and talk. The talk would always be politics, because he was 15 years older he had more knowledge of the past, politics, truth and justice  was a topic that meant everything to him. Through Günter I have learned the true History, he inspired me to investigate and look beyond.

Even though Günter occasionally may not have expressed himself delicately when he retaliated against lies and unjust  attacks, he certainly got to the point and the recipients of his written counterattack were definitely not happy receiving it . His detailed knowledge on political events was enormous.

When I visited him on January 28 in the Nursing home in Arthur, I asked him how he feels and how he likes it there, he smiled and his eyes sparkled and said “ I am educating one of the male nurses now, he is learning the truth”. I had to smile when I knew who the male nurse was, it was a Sikh with a turban. It made Günter happy that he thought that he enlightened another person with the true History.

One of the highlights in his life was his Visit to South Africa together with Katja where they stayed with wonderful Friends, it captured him for many years. He proudly showed us the beautiful  films and photos he took, his praise about the beauty of South Africa was never ending. When the terrible plight started happening to “De Boers” it broke his heart and fueled his anger, because again terrible injustices were done to innocent people, as the rest of the world looked on.

Over the years we had many visits and gatherings at Günter’s House, meeting his family, we were always welcome and spoiled with food and drinks, and had endless debates, these are treasured memories.

Günter’s fighting spirit will be carrying on in a new dimension, perhaps his spirit is with us now as we are all gathered here to remember him, all I can say to him now is:  “ we all miss you, until we meet again”.
