Red Tory Elite Keep Social Conservative Out of Party Leadership Rce
Despite support from thousands of CPC party members, the unelected LEOC has disallowed my candidacy and will not allow my supporters to cast their ballots for me. No reasons were provided to me by the committee.

It seems my candidacy was viewed as a threat to the establishment of the CPC and to the kind of leader THEY want to select. Thus far I was the only candidate who took a strong position in support of traditional marriage and who proposed to defund abortion federally as health care.

True Blue Conservatives, including those with traditional values, are a major force within our Party. They are a force with or without my candidacy in this leadership contest. I continue to work with all True Blue conservatives who support and take action in the conservative movement, and within the CPC regardless of how uncomfortable this makes the unelected Red Tory elite.

I believe in a CPC that welcomes all True Blue conservatives and offers a clear alternative to the Liberals. The CPC began on these principles. I helped build it from its founding, especially in Québec. I urge all my supporters to keep pressing on towards that goal.

The work continues! For a True Blue Conservative Leader, Richard DECARIE
Richard DECARIE Campaign