It has come to the attention of Manitobans that a special hate crime working unit has been commissioned to undertake investigating “hate” within the province. See Manitoba News Bulletin text down below.
It will be interesting to observe what transpires from and replicated within Manitoba concerning this new and trendy initiative that other jurisdictions elsewhere have adopted. Maybe Manitoba will be a novel first in discovering the whole range of behaviors that may be considered hate. Will this pogrom also consider prosecuting individuals for maybe, possibly, thinking what the government thinks they are thinking?
The process for arriving at what constitutes “hate”.
Who gets to decide what constitutes “hate”? Special interest groups funded by the government whose claims would not have been thoroughly vetted for accuracy, similar to a previous government funded special interest group from the last 40 years? Will special interest groups influence government to examine only what they believe would be considered “hate”, and cancel any attempt at identifying other sources of “hate”?
Will the government of Manitoba investigate the lounge at the University of Winnipeg that excludes white people? Or will the government claim that alleged past grievances – not thoroughly vetted for accuracy – should trump the present and be a deciding factor in allowing this particular brand of hate at the U of W to continue?
Another example of hate in some Manitoba schools, and some in Winnipeg. See graphic below. It is currently considered a joke among individuals influenced by a long-standing government funded special interest group not vetted for accuracy.
Here it is: “Boys Are Stupid. Throw Rocks At Them”

An image above was displayed on bulletin boards in a Winnipeg school. This is considered proper? “Equality” groups from the past have over time influenced the acceptance of what you see above. Since when does “equality” mean disparaging half the school and other populations? Equality was originally meant as “Equality before the law”. Will the 40 year government funded special interest group be investigated for their hate? Or will the personnel in a WINNIPEG school be under investigation for promoting hate? Or retroactively holding Winnipeg organizers of Black Lives Matter responsible for inciting hated?
You think this attitude from the image above is fitting for your boys? Or are you requiring or asking 6 to 12 year old boys in elementary school to “man up” by accepting this ridiculous attempt at “equality”, or humour. If so, what the hell is the matter with you? The following would likely never have occurred in the schools of western culture if the sexes were reversed – “Girls are stupid. Throw rocks at them”. This is yet another example of what occurs in the real world when special interest group claims are not vetted for their veracity – one in particular for the last 40 years costing Canadians billions of dollars, and forced upon us by government. You two are OK with this as well?
We do not need another special grievance or special interest group to decide the fate of what constitutes proper thought or behavior, considering their own thought and behavior may be in more need of examination.
Not counting on a reply from the NDP administration regarding this letter – if it isn’t trashed before arriving in your inbox.