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With 2024 wrapping up, I thought to share with you what is on the horizon for Druthers in 2025. Central communications hub for Druthers Ramp up video production & live streams Deliver 15 million Druthers in a single month Re-ignite the iloveyoupassiton project =========== FIRST: Please don’t forget about Druthers over the holidays. The number of copies of Druthers we print for January entirely depends on how much we are able to fundraise this month. So please give generously. At just 10 cents per copy for printing and shipping skids, this is a wonderful gift you can give to the entire country and to the futures of our children and grandchildren. Tap over to: https://donorbox.org/druthers Or simply send an etransfer to admin@druthers.net and we will manually add it to the fundraising page. =========== Ok, on to the roadmap for Druthers in 2025 1. Central communications hub for Druthers We have been testing out many different platforms over the last few years with the intention of creating our own central communications hub for everything Druthers related. With so many options out there, it has been a slow process, as each platform has their own pros and cons and it takes time to learn and figure out what works for us and what doesn’t. One of the most important factors I insist on is that it be a self hosted platform, meaning, we have the software and all data on our secure servers rather than on 3rd party servers. With so much censorship and cancel culture running rampant, it just doesn’t feel like a good idea to leave all our communications hub on any of the big guys servers. We use a very privacy-centric hosting provider in Switzerland. Switzerland is known for having the strongest privacy laws in the world. I finally found the platform that is affordable and suits our needs. We have been testing it for a few months and I really like what we’ve got. I think you will too 🙂 I’ll be inviting you all to jump into this new platform with me first thing in the new year. Watch for the email. 2. Ramp up video production As many of you know, we used to do a lot of live streaming and we also stepped into video creation for some time. Both of those realms fizzled off though. There were fewer event to provide live coverage from and our video production was growing, but then social media basically muted us. So we are giving it all a reboot and in 2025 you will be seeing a lot more video content coming from Druthers. The potential for reach and effect from producing videos and live streams is huge, especially if we host our own videos (they can’t censor us that way) and just use social media to post small preview bits that won’t get us in trouble with their algorithms. With that said, more good help in the realm of content / video creation would be fantastic. We are still assembling a team of creators from across the country so if you make videos and would like to help out, please hit reply and show us some of your work. 3. Deliver 15 million Druthers in a single month Since starting Druthers 4 years ago, I have been dreaming / envisioning putting a Druthers into every single mailbox in Canada in a single month. Well, 4 years in and that vision is finally beginning to materialize. This is a big project and a lofty goal, but it is finally feeling real. It finally feels like we can actually pull this off. Imagine the potential this holds. If we get the ‘right’ messaging or call to action on the front page and have them stuffed into every mailbox in Canada in a single month, we can quite literally create massive positive change in this country, rapidly. What that message is, I don’t know yet, but I am very open to hearing everyone’s thoughts and ideas on what that front page message should be. What messaging do you see sharing that could quickly shift the power from the few self-appointed rules and into the hands of the people. We already have that power, we just need to recognize it and do something about it. I very much look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. To do this it is going to take the help of many Druthers lovers all over Canada. I am just planting the seed of thought now that we are aiming to pull this off in 2025. Watch for more info coming likely in early spring. 4. Re-ignite the iloveyoupassiton project Most of you who knew me prior to 2020 knew me as the iloveyoupassiton guy. I was a part time carpenter, airbnb host and as a hobby project, I created I Love You Pass It On. It was simple, passive activism. A way to help create a more peaceful and loving world by helping bridge the divide that I saw being driven into society in so many ways. That project touched a lot of people all over the world in profound, life changing ways through little love cards and shirts with positive messaging on them. Then 2020 came and all my providers shut down, along with most of the rest of the world. So I put that project away for a bit. Then Druthers came to be and that has been my primary focus ever since. Well, now it’s time to fire it back up again. The website is being rebuilt right now and in the next few weeks I will be sending you all a notice that it’s ready, along with more information on how to participate. I am really excited by this as it was a long time project that meant a lot to me, and to many others. Thank you & happy holidays! Alright, well that sums up what I am seeing for us in the coming year and I thank you deeply for all your continued love and support with my crazy projects / adventures / ideas 🙂 None of this would be happening if there were not so many people passionately supporting this work. Let’s keep it going. Please DONATE to help us print more papers. Much love, Shawn Jason P.S. Please excuse any grammer mistakes, typos or other errors. I am hurrying to get this email off to you asap. Nancy is downstairs cooking a big turkey dinner for the crew and I am eager to get down there with everyone 🙂 Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope you all are enjoying good food and great times with your loved ones over the next few days. |