Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter
Other Important Updates In this issue:
– Rallies and local events
– National Citizens’ Inquiry – Momentum is building! Evidence is being amassed. History in the making!
o VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VANCOUVER HEARING MAY 2 TO 5 – work from home and/or attend in person
o Email to volunteer
– Bill 36~ Petition and action steps – Big Thanks to Laureen and Friends
– Petition: Immediate Halt to COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC
– Petition · NO Cell Tower near OK Falls Elementary!
– Mark Dolan 4 min video Cash is King
– Dr Laura Braden at NCI, Exposing Big Pharma’s Lies and Recklessness
– 15 Minute Cities Action4Canada Notices of Liability
– Dr Mark Trozzi Personal updates and links from NCI
– Prep/Survive/Thrive…and Potluck Event April 15 – P4F will sponsor up to 4 participants – See Rally details for more info.
– Crypto World Free Workshop online – Tuesday, April 11 at 6 pm (zoom opens at 5:30) presented by StandUpVernon.
o please use this link:
– Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 41
– Druthers call to help! The April edition is online And now available at our rallies!
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In case you missed the rally last Sunday…
Local initiatives – updates from volunteers – Doctors packages, Bill 36 Petitions, Alternative Medical Professionals Information Kits and more.
There’s lots happening in the South Okanagan and beyond. Don’t miss this Sunday’s rally for more exciting news, including and opportunity to attend a live workshop on How To Form a Community Survive and Thrive Group
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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?
Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.
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RALLY – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday at 1.
Sunday, April 9th, 1 to 3 p.m. 2020 Main Street, Corner of Main & Warren, Penticton. THIS WEEK, it’s Erica from Unity Health Sciences returning with exciting updates on initiatives from the Health Sciences group and from the recently initiated BC Rising collaborative freedom movement. Erica will also be collecting cash registrations for the April 15 in-person workshop and potluck: How to form a Community Survive and Thrive Group **** PENTICTON4FREEDOM WILL SPONSOR UP TO 4 REGISTRATIONS **** FOR THOSE WHO COMMIT TO ATTEND AND BRING BACK WISDOM FOR OUR COMMUNITY!! See full details further down in this newsletter. APRIL DRUTHERS NEWSPAPERS ARE IN AND AVAILABLE AT OUR RALLY THIS SUNDAY! Future dates: April 9th Guest speaker Erica from Unity Health and BC Rising April 23 Potluck following the Rally at Skaha Lake Park Surprise speakers are a common occurrence at our rallies. Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find to share their knowledge with us. |
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· Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna
· Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.
· Local Action4Canada – Tuesdays at noon, in front of Richard Cannings’ Office – 301 Main Street
and Planning Meetings – Winepress Church – first Tuesdays at 4:30
· First & Third Tuesdays, Penticton Council meeting at 1. City Hall, Penticton.
· School District 67 School Board Meetings 6:30 PM – last Monday of the month.
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ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Witness History in the Making – Watch the National Citizen’s Led Inquiry LIVE! Recorded sessions are also available online. Next Thursday to Saturday, April 13 @ 9:00 am – April 15 @ 5:00 pm Winnipeg, Manitoba Link to stream or watch after the fact. Truro and Toronto proceedings are online as well now. Even though we have heard or “know” about a lot of what has gone on, seeing the testimonies has an incredible impact and they contain some incredible things we are hearing for the first time. Witness stories are moving and tell of the immense harm caused to those who were injected AND those who were not. Very emotional. dropdown Media tab, select from there for live and saved videos including Dr. Jordan Peterson’s testimony in Truro. Visit the rest of the site to get all the news, and see who is testifying next. IT – COULD – BE – YOU – OR SOMEONE YOU RECOGNIZE! IMPORTANT ACTIONS WHILE ON THE SITE Help educate, create awareness, and involve all Canadians! IMPORTANT ACTIONS Help educate, create awareness, and involve all Canadians! Print and share poster & postcards – find HERE (also available at P4F Rallies) Sign Petition HERE (over 57,852 signatures) Buy NCI SWAG HERE Hearing Schedule HERE |
———————————— o0o————————————- NCI RECORDED CLIPS and a personal note from Dr. Mark Trozzi I watched part of the April 1 proceedings. The first time in history that citizens have conducted their own professional inquiry into the actions of their government. All the information from all those podcasts and more, packed into a compact, concise, professional package, complete with graphic evidence, and all organized in an inquiry as a permanent record of evidence of the harm caused by government actions (COVID mandates and fraud). My additional notes are in red. ~ Mary Lou 2023-04-02 Great NCI Short Clips! Dr Patrick Phillips, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Chris Melburn, and Journalist Rodney Palmer The National Citizens Inquiry has begun. The first hearings were held in Truro, Nova Scotia and in Toronto March 30 through April 1, 2023 1. Here are insightful opening statements by attorney Shwan Buckley, and some great short video clips from the first days of Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry. Dr Patrick Phillips on the abandonment of medical ethics; Dr Peter McCullough regarding the unprecedented injuries and deaths from the forced injections; Dr Chris Melburn regarding the huge negative impacts of Canadian covid policies compared to the small impacts from the actual virus; and veteran journalist Rodney Palmer on the CBC using your tax funding to deceive and harm you. There is more great material coming from the Toronto hearings including legal analysis from Michael Alexander, and detailed presentations from both Dr Laura Braden and myself. Plus Vincent Gircys, retired Ontario Provincial Police Officer and Forensic investigator. 2. World Council For Health exposing the Fact Chokers. Here is your invitation to tomorrow’s WCH General Assembly which you can join here at 2 PM EDT (Toronto) 6 PM UTC (United Kingdom). 11 A.M. Pacific. Tune in and join the live chat. Judith Brown, freelance Fact Checker, plus independent, activist journalists from Canada, US & Mexico. RECORDED SESSIONS ON LINE NOW AT Blessings, -Dr Mark Trozzi – His newsletter is always short and impactful. ——————————- o0o————————————- Bill 36 Action~ The crucial independent and industry-specific regulation of regulated professions will be eliminated under Bill 36. Instead of bureaucrats who will operate in the best interests of the government, not the public or professionals, governance is best handled by people with the necessary skills, such as those who directly provide health solutions. Another point of contention is the government’s decision to attack and reform private health care when it is obvious that hospital and community medicine are in danger of failing. You can rapidly confirm this teetering implosion by talking to emergency personnel or hospital professionals. Under their control, politicians have systematically destroyed healthcare. Join the Local Bill 36 Action Print your own copies of the two letters and the Bill 36 petition and drop them off at alternative Health Care clinics and Businesses. TAKE ACTION Thank you Laureen, for initiating this ongoing project. And to Lynn, Shar, Darlene, Gloria, Carol and others for your hard work on this initiative. Join the team and get updates at our rallies on Sundays ———————————— o0o————————————- Petition: Immediate Halt to COVID-19 Vaccination Program in BC Please sign the petition and share it with others. Sign HERE |
——————————- o0o————————————- Petition · NO Cell Tower near OK Falls Elementary! ——————————- o0o————————————- |
WORTH A LOOK Prep/Survive/Thrive…and Potluck Tickets are selling fast. April 15th – Vernon Saturday, April 8th at the Vernon Rally (12 – 2 pm at Polson Park) Erica from Unity Health Sciences will be taking cash registrations for the Prepping workshop with Joshua JD Lemmens at our rally this Sunday. Lots of requests to be able to pay cash! The Unity Health & Sciences group in Kelowna are hosting the all-day workshop on Saturday, April 15th, in Lake Country. SOME P4F-SPONSORED TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT OUR RALLY THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 9. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO ATTEND AND BRING BACK YOUR WISDOM. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU CANNOT ATTEND THE RALLY THIS SUNDAY, PLEASE CALL MARY LOU TO RESERVE A SPOT. Everything you need to know about the workshop is on the poster and in the links provided below. (NOTE: This event is not suitable for children under age 16). 1. Workshop promo video: 2. Web info with flyer and details: |
——————————- o0o————————————- Freedom Rising Newsletter – Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 41 – World Freedom Declaration HERE ——————————- o0o————————————- Please read… I truly believe Druthers is the single most potent tool we have for defending our freedoms in Canada and getting more people to join us, so please, help this fundraiser along. It’s important that we keep the information flowing to our fellow Canadians. etransfers: DONATE HERE Our 29th issue for April 2023 is out and it’s a real eye-opener!! Unfortunately, we had to print a shorter run than we hoped, for lack of funds. Each issue is funded separately, with rarely any leftover money for the next one. We’re aiming to print 300,000 copies of the May 2023 Druthers So please use this link to make a donation. Your kind contributions are the only way this paper keeps happening. So many thanks for your continued love and support. We are making a difference! Shawn Jason & the Druthers crew Read The April Issue Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. Read DRUTHERS Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events! Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!! |
~ Mary Lou Gutscher