Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, February 26 & 27; Osoyoos Convoy & Revealing First Hand Report by David Lindsay on Police Brutality in Ottawa

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Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, February 26 & 27; Osoyoos Convoy & Revealing First Hand Report by David Lindsay on Police Brutality in Ottawa

Feb 26th Stuart Park

Ottawa Trucker’s Rally Report

It was a long trip to Ottawa, fraught with hours of snow, treacherous roads, and slow moving vehicles…but make it we did. Winnipeg has huge volumes of snow everywhere!

You can see our pix and videos at:

On Friday morning we attempted to get in via the Rideau Centre bridge, over the Rideau Canal. Hundreds of police from Toronto, Ottawa, RCMP, Quebec were present. Drones, snipers everywhere. Tow truck drivers who gave up their morals and ethics for a paycheque, were seen to bust into a camper, breaking windows and hauling out the person and arresting him. A woman attempted to stand in front of a semi-truck, as visible thrown to the ground by at least six cops and was clearly seen to be assaulted.

They then towed the camper and proceeded to haul out the semi-trucks.

Cops barricaded the bridge preventing anyone from crossing. All exits to downtown from the 417 were simultaneously blocked by police. By this time, we began to walk back to the car and try and get downtown from another entrance point. We had to drive later to Quebec and enter from one of the bridges there. And was it cold…-15 with strong winds blowing in from the Ottawa River. I think we have been acclimatized to the Okanagan too long for this type of weather!

Prior to leaving, Bettina from the World Wide Rally was scheduled to speak at a special meeting in Vernon on Sunday. Thank you to supporters at this meeting for their generous donations which we distributed to the truckers. Some of them were even locally from B.C. (Keremeos and Abbotsford). A couple of them actually looked like they were going to cry when I told them the donation was from our Vernon BC freedom activists. CLEAR and the WWR further helped out some additional truckers. There was so much appreciation from them it was hard for us not to cry. The emotional energy was amazing and inspiring, not just from the truckers, but everyone present. Several truckers told me that they were in tears driving at the support they got along the way. An insight many of us were not privy to because each driver was in his/her own truck. Those are people with true feelings.

It was amazing to talk to the truck drivers and people present – thousands. The media reports are not exaggerated – they are falsified. There is no violence of any kind anywhere. Just love – everyone says hi to each other whether stranger or not. Where else do you see that in Canada today?

We were grateful to be able to go into the heated tent area and meet more people and I witnessed actual homeless people be allowed in to eat as well. These people are not the terrorists that Trudeau and the media portrayed them to be – but we all knew that to begin with, didn’t we?

On our way back later that night, the Quebec police had set up gates and were letting people out but refusing entry. Same with Saturday morning. At this time as we were going to try and get across again, I noticed that the wood on one of the bridge sidewalks had been removed from one side of the bridge. Interesting.

So, we travelled until we got to the Confederation Bridge and were able to get across there and park about a 30 minute walk away – again in bitterly cold weather and sustained 40-50 KPH winds.

It was wonderful to see Kyle, Sarah (from the Resistance), Marcus Ray, Dan Dicks, Laura Lynn, and others, as well as local friends.

Things had changed significantly overnight and in the early morning. Almost all trucks were gone and the police had pushed everyone from the Rideau Bridge all the way to the Confederation Building, at Wellington and Bank St.

Cops would push with their batons and then stop. People tried to set up a chain but were pushed back by the brute force of these terrorist “law enforcement” officers – a difference I have said for years is much different than a peace officer.

A tank of some sort was behind the front-line cops, (these aren’t cops – they are glorified military officers in times of peace) who all had pepper spray and used it profusely on innocent people.

At some point, a large number of officers left only to cross over and come back down Sparks St., with another tank. Horses then followed up behind on Wellington St., however they too left after about 45 minutes or so. The crowd by this time, had they desired to so do, could have pushed the remaining police back – there were many more of us at this time than the police. But as a testament again to the peace loving nature of the protesters, no such attempt was made of any offensive action.

We stayed for hours again in this bitterly cold weather and wind. Many people were having to leave by this time, many with icicles on them. It is difficult to describe this cold wind – and unfortunately though we were prepared for cold, we were not prepared for this wind. Finally, after hours of a stand off, we were simply too frigidly cold to be of much use and had to leave. Shortly after, long time B.C. freedom supporter Kyle Cardinal was hit with rubber bullets which destroyed his camera.

The new Ottawa Police Chief fill in, held press conferences lying to the press that we were assaulting them. I witnessed no such assaults other than the police pepper spraying innocent protesters. Nor did anyone else.

The police meanwhile were filming everyone in attendance and the police chief fill in has warned their investigation will continue for months and more charges will be laid. For what? This Emergencies Act Order will go down in history as the largest unlawful and unconstitutional use of power in the history of Canada.

MSM of course was there, to cover only those parts to support the gov’t narrative.

No doubt Trudeau has been on his knees to Jagmeet Singh of the NDP to get his support for the passage of this Emergencies Act. If Trudeau fails on Monday in either the House or the Senate, it will be a non-confidence vote and an election will have to be called. Trudeau knows full well he will never get re-elected right now, as does Singh, and thus is likely offering Singh anything he wants.

The truckers have relocated to a location to kept silent for the time being. But they will be back – and so will we!!!

You can see our pix and videos at:

Ex post facto

Now the Gov’t and police propaganda wheels begin. They are now personally attacking the leaders. False allegations will be made, including criminal charges, in order to convince the gullible MSM public that people who love and organize for freedom, are terrorists.

Watch in the media, especially from the Ottawa police, as they begin to attack everyone attending these rallies in the public MSM, on the direct instructions from the PMO and Freeland.

Speaking of Freeland, she is using this protest as a basis to immediately give FINTRAC more powers to steal your property. The Emergencies Act Order will continue the Gov’t says, but refuses to say for how long. This is frightening as now, the alleged reasons for the Order, ie: the protests, are over in Ottawa, and the ability of the police anywhere in Canada to now steal your property and arrest and beat you without cause, still remains.

Freeland – you need to be in the jail cell next to Trudeau!

Special Thanks:

To all those people involved in the border protests throughout BC over the past few weeks. Thousands more amazing freedom loving people who refuse to believe the gov’t narrative.

Here are just a couple of pictures from the incredible Osoyoos border protest on Saturday, with an estimated 2000 in attendance. Combined with Kelowna, Penticton and Vernon, we are approaching 4000 people now publicly objecting to these lockdowns just in the Okanagan! And there are tens of thousands more who are simply unable or fearful to attend. We are the majority


From 176th St. border crossing.


February 26, 2022 12:00 noon Stuart Park Kelowna – CLEAR MEGA RALLY & MEGA MARCH!

Featuring some of Canada’s leading

advocates for freedom:

Tanya Gaw Action4Canada

Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada

Beatrice Weir Vernon Activist

Jennifer Vaccine injured speaker

Immediately after our rally at Stuart Park, we will begin the CLEAR MEGA MARCH through downtown Kelowna onto Harvey St. (Hwy 97)! This MARCH is incredibly exciting and inspiring and brings out the best in freedom supporters. It demonstrates to the entire City, Province, and to the world that we continue to be one of the largest anti-lockdown areas of B.C., and with the lowest vaccination rate!

With the longest Freedom marches in the BC Interior, you can participate in our ongoing historical opposition to gov’t tyranny. Support in the public is higher now than ever! So too is the need to public visibility.

With the Trudeau Gov’t now planning increased FINTRAC powers and ongoing rights and freedoms deprivations, and Bonnie the Commie clearly not quitting in her attempts to impose Communism under the guise of concern for your health, “it ain’t over” and we need your ongoing peaceful participation to these rallies/protests and refusal to comply with all Gov’t COVID-29 mandates.

We will return to Stuart Park after the highway for socializing and greetings!

NOTE: BC Gov’t attempts to infiltrate and ruin our Freedom Rally – and FAILS!!!

Despite recent attempts by a Provincial Interior Health official, Elliot Penner, to organize a counter rally, only about 10 people showed up, compared to 1000 in support for freedom! Attempts have been made previously at counter protests which have all failed miserably, confirming that our support for freedom remains the dominant force. Even those advocated by the Provincial Government, are wretchedly failing. Clearly Elliot Penner was not acting on his own but in his capacity as an IH official.


February 26, 2022 Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the Northern Okanagan, and growing weekly!


February 26, 2022 Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


February 26, 2022 Osoyoos Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Hwy 97 – both sides – South of Hwy 97 and Hwy 3 intersection

Join the Osoyoos freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


February 27, 2022 Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the Southern Okanagan, and growing weekly!