CAFE Attends END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna & Penticton, March 6 & 7.

Great END THE LOCKDOWN Rally today in Kelowna — about 175 attendees. C.L.E.A.R. leader Dave Lindsay reported some victories in BC court this week.Bonnie Henry’s lawyers admitted the restrictions on outdoor rallies are WRONG! I distributed lots of copies of the great monthy END THE LOCKDOWN tabloid DRUTHERS.
I was happy to join two dozen freedom fighters for the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Penticton. Traffic at this busy intersection on Main St was overwhelmingly pro-freedom. Honks & thumbs up were 3 to 1 over fingers. An ancient crone did curse us: “I hope you die of COVID.” Some of us held hands and said a short prayer to block this curse.