The Sneaky Cats Paw Steps to a Medico-Stalinist Dictatorship in British Columbia

The Sneaky Cats Paw Steps to a Medico-Stalinist Dictatorship in British Columbia

Here’s a scary thought. This is not a rumor.

This is the URL to the official BC govt. website listing forms under the Public Health Act  revised statutes of British Columbia

Here you have the nuts+bolts of the mechanism  by which the medical system transmogrified to unapologetic tyranny. 

While the minds of British Columbians were on vacation over the summer of 2020,  the NDP administration changed the Public Health Act so that police officers may now carry out the powers that, previously were ONLY available to Health Officers.

Amusing, that  that same Act makes a way for someone to demand re-consideration of an Order made by a Health Officer. But we don’t see that form listed, do we? 

No. Back a decade ago,  the Health Authorities slapped Orders on our little raw milk dairy.   When I went to the head office of Vancouver Coastal Health, seeking the form mentioned in section 43 of the Act,   head honcho Nick Losito sneered at me “I”m not giving it to you!” then ran back and hid in his office.  Eventually, via my MLA, I did get a copy of said form. Turns out it hadn’t even been composed, til I came calling!   But = demonstrating the insolence of  bureaucrats when they rise to a level beyond their competence  =  Mr Losito didn’t have the civility to acknowledge even that much

Same thing going on now with the Medico-Stalinists in charge of this poor suffering province.  The good thing to keep in mind : they  always overstep themselves

So  = as of this writing, what I’m expecting will happen > is some outrageous misuse of the powers of the  Act.  As unhappy as that will be for the individual who gets taken away in handcuffs, or a straitjacket ( I am NOT exaggerating)  it will provide a good set of facts with which to challenge the assinine GATHERINGS AND EVENTS Order which the sainted BonBon Henry authorized on Oct 30th 2020. 

challenging the police or asshole bureaucrat filled with her own importance, on the ground, in the moment,   is NOT the thing to do. Psychopaths love that, because it gives them the thrill of sheer power. Then officialdom uses such example of dissidence as propaganda to further kow the normies. 

No : we’re in the SitzKreig = opening stages of “law -fare”.  Our best hope, is > to get a constitutional challenge underway, before a decent judge who remembers what common sense used to be in this white, Christian nation, before the globalists slithered in to the high places of government.  And, to blaze to the skies the FACTS of what’s happening. Publicity is the soul of Justice

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic,
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians