—————————-We urge everyone to distribute the attached brochures on COVID and masks issues, personally and on line.
Confidence is rooted in understanding. Fear is based on the unknownToday:
October 17, 2020 VancouverMega Rally!
October25, 2020 Calgary Rally
Telegram group set up for everyoneVancouver will be presenting some of the most respected medical professionals and freedom activists in the world, this coming Oct. 17,18,2020!!!We urge everyone to join us in the Vancouver march through downtown and join us in our support of ending this lockdown and all restrictionsnow————–
Vancouver. See everyone on Saturday, October17,18202012:00 noon at VancouverArt Gallery!We need as many people as possible for these rallies!If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!
Real New Normal from now on, is: Live normally and just sayNO!
CAN YOUDO? Join us on October 17,18 2020, 12:00 noon in Vancouver, B.C., to support our demands to end this lockdown and all social re-engineering, to voice your concerns and our demands upon B.C. Premier Horgan, Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, Solicitor General Farnworth, and P.M. Trudeau.
Bring at least two friends! Send this email to all your lists-and distribute the Fact Sheet and Masks Brochure far and wide.Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations we are in today.
Estimated Schedule for October 17,
Mark Friesen
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson
David Avocado Wolfe
David Icke
Robert Scott Bell
Judy Mikovitz
Dr. Del Bigtree
Dr. Rashid Buttar
Our Kelowna Rallies will continue on Saturday, October24, 2020, at Stuart Park, 12:00 noon.For our Western friends in Alta., we urge everyone to join them in this Walk for Freedom, Sunday October 25, 2020. Each year we find ourselves with less to be thankful for –we are changing that!!!! But we all need your support and presence.
If you have friends or family in the Calgary area, please forward this to them and promote this Walkin support of freedom.————-
-Fundraising for local billboard. Local media from Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made from other media, who simply refuse to state anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.Our facts and laws are simply ignored. Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative.Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.What are we to do?Flyers door-to-door are good, but extremely labour intensive.Social media has its benefits, but generally speaks to the converted and knowledgeable.
Billboards are the most effective method of advertising our opposition to the Government narrative, and engaging more Canadians to refuse to comply with the nonsensical restrictions onour liberties.Thousands of people see them every day for months on end.As mentioned at our last rally, we are looking to raise $6 000.00 for a billboard in one of the heaviest traveled places in the Okanagan, in relation to the COVID-19 issued we are being lied to about from Henry,et al.This will remain posted for six (6) months.Considering we have been lied to and declined from MSM regularly about being able to place ads there, which invariably are only for a day in newspapers and less than a minute on radio/tv, this will hit thousands of travelers daily for months on end.There is a lot of wealth in the Okanagan, and we need to tap into some of that for freedom related issues.I have said time and again –there are three ways to help if you believe in freedom:Time, Energy, orMoney.————–
Telegram set-up Directions below. Hundreds of freedom activists across Canada will receive this email and have the power to join a powerful group chat on freedom issues of the day –including COVID-19.As previously mentioned, we have set up a Telegram group on this fully encrypted communication program/app. The benefits are becoming more and more recognizable under the present false pandemic. Today, encryption is an absolute must for all communications –even if you have nothing to hide.
The fact remains –EVERYONE has something to hide. What you think today is some unimportant or inconsequential comment, may come to cause serious harm in the future. Virtually all regular communications have been hacked or have back doors. Telegram is the best of the best for encryption.Due to the hundreds of emails on our list, and 100 email/hour limitations on sending out emails, it takes hours each week to send out our weekly email reminders and updates. Moreover, this usually limits us to one email/week and causes temporal anomalies where breaking news issues frequently have to wait days to be released or discussed. These immediate problems are eliminated with Telegram usage.Benefits include:We can send out our weekly bulletins and reminders, which will go to everyone at once. We can do this with an attachment, so that there will be no formatting problems for all those receiving them. This will save a lot of time on sending out emailsAll the latest updates, pictures, news articles, etc., on freedom issues can be uploaded immediately, for everyone on the group chat to seeThis is all done in real time. If you leave ‘notifications’ on, you will get notified of all updates immediately. You have the option to turn this off which is recommended if there are hundreds of people in the group, to avoid constant notification rings,
Everyone can upload videos and pictures up to 2g in size, where emails are limited to 25 mb, prohibiting videos and limiting pictures to about 4-5 at most. People across Canada can work with others to share suggestions and comments, as well as their insight and up to date information no rallies and other activities all across Canada People can work together to arrange cross country rallies and other activities Telegram, for private use, is based on phone numbers. So, you can join with anyone else in the world, to also set up your own private, encrypted communications. This is highly recommended for all communications nowWe recommend you get all your friends and family joined with Telegram for the ultimate in personal, private encrypted communicationsDuties:Our objective is to facilitate use of this private group, not discourage it, so the rules are pretty short, but importantRobert’s Rules of Order are optional, but encouragedAlthough this is a private chat, not public, and only those receiving the link below can enter the group, it is highly recommended that you be careful with whom you allow on the chat. In other words, do not share this link with strangers, or non-trustworthy people. There will be no foul language, pejorative name calling etc., obscene information or pictures are permitted. This is to be a professional site for everyone. Be respectful at all timesIf any post is deemed inappropriate, we may remove itRemember, the foundation of group chats, is that everyone can communicate…all communications are open for all to see who are members of the group chat. Please consider what you are about to write, before sending itDirections:
Here are links below to introductory videos, guiding you through the process of setting up Telegram on your computer. It is pretty easy, and these short videos are professionally done to make it easy.
https://youtu.be/YHDFcNxoFL0Part 1 instructions to download, install and operate Telegramhttps://youtu.be/4wXERoEKyUgPart 2 instructions to download, install and operate Telegramhttps://youtu.be/9aSBjGUi62IPart 3 instructions to download, install and operate Telegramhttps://youtu.be/xpFNS3Cnt-8Part 4 instructions to download, install and operate TelegramOnce you have Telegram set up, you can take the link below and put it in the browserhttps://t.me/joinchat/AVSYSxxcYnnEaxsndiLvqg
Please send us an email and let us know when you have joined the group. We will then be able to cease our bulk mailings to you and just use Telegram. Your email will still be on our list however, for strictly personal communications if desired. Please let me know if you have any questions.Wearing a mask is an IQ test. Do you pass or fail?