More Silicon Valley Censorship: CitizenGo Locked Out of Twitter

More Silicon Valley Censorship: CitizenGo Locked Out of Twitter

Dear Paul,

I woke up this morning to quite a surprise. Our CitizenGO Canada Twitter account (@citizengocanada) just got shut down. We are supposedly guilty of “hateful content”.

In case you’re wondering what, exactly, we tweeted that was so hateful and evil, here it is:

We don’t know who made this absurd decision, or what the reasoning might have been behind it. We were not given any opportunity to address the allegation beforehand. We only know that it happened in response to our petition opposing a proposed conversion therapy ban in Canada (Bill S-260).

You can read more about the S-260 conversion therapy ban, and why we are opposing it, here:

Apparently, helping LGBT people who want help IS a crime – at least in Twitterland. I guess “love is hate”.

How we could get shut down over some comments disagreeing with a proposed therapy ban is, at best, ridiculous. At worst, it is insidious political interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation – and that during an election period!

Bill S-260 is only a proposed Bill. It is not the law of the land. In a normal democracy, we can discuss proposed Bills and debate their merits. We can advocate for or against certain elements of the Bill. This is particularly vital during an election, when the outcome of said election will likely determine if said Bill will move forward or not.

But Twitter has chosen to actually interfere in our Canadian democratic process – and our Canadian election – by locking our account over a comment on this Bill.

Twitter Ban

Clearly, Twitter has decided that Bill S-260 must go forward into law, and the Liberal government that is pushing this Bill must be elected. They are hell-bent to enshrine the newest political crime – the crime of helping homosexuals overcome their unwanted same-sex attractions, or helping transgenders overcome their unwanted gender dysphoria.

Just try it – or simply try saying you support the idea – and you will be brandished a hater and a homophobe in Twitterland. You will be de-platformed, and your voice will be silenced. That is what we have experienced.

We are now considering our next steps to address this political interference from Twitter.

Yours for Freedom,

David Cooke and the Entire CitizenGO Team

David Cooke

P.S. Be sure to sign and share our petition opposing the conversion therapy ban. If this ban goes ahead, it won’t be just CitizenGO that feels the heat. Every church and mission and individual Christian that shares the message of “change in Christ” will be liable to punishment under the law. Sign here: