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CBC Reveals Canadian Jewish Lobby Groups Involved In & Applaud Arrest of Revisionist Monika Schaefer In Germany

CBC Reveals Canadian Jewish Lobby Groups Involved In & Applaud Arrest of Revisionist Monika Schaefer In Germany

In its story on the arrest in Germany, January 3, of Canadian revisionist Monika  Schaefer, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (January 5, 2018) revealed that the League for Human Rights (but not free speech or thought) of B’nai Brith may well have instigated Miss Schaefer’s arrest. B’nai Brith even boasted of its network of contacts in Germany: “Monika Schaefer, a Jasper woman who has denied the Holocaust ever happened, has reportedly been arrested in Germany.  Monika Schaefer was arrested in Munich earlier this month, B’nai Brith Canada, said in a statement Thursday. The Canadian-based Jewish rights advocacy group  … praised German authorities. B’nai Brith officials said the group had filed complaints against Schaefer with German officials because of her ‘anti-Semitic incitement.’ Holocaust denial is a criminal offence in Germany. Under Germany’s Incitement to Hatred laws, those found guilty of denying the Holocaust could face a maximum of five years in prison. ‘German officials should be commended for taking action against Holocaust denial,’ said Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada, in a statement. ‘We will continue to work, even across borders, to ensure that racism and bigotry find no haven in Canada.'”

Every bit as much as Saudi Arabia is a theocracy that enforces Islam, post World War II Germany is a secular theocracy ruthlessly enforcing the new religion of holocaust.

Not surprisingly, according to the CBC report, another Canadian Jewish lobby  group rejoiced in the 58 year-old Alberta musician and former Green Party candidate’s arrest. “The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said it confirmed through the Bavarian State Police that Schaefer had been arrested on charges related to Holocaust denial. The Toronto-based …  organization, which is committed to countering racism and anti-Semitism, commended German police for the arrest. ‘Holocaust denial and revisionism continue to prevail across social media platforms in Canada and across the globe,’ Avi Benlolo, chief executive of the centre, said in an emailed statement. ‘Such perversion of the truth must be confronted through the use of the deterrent tools available under the law, as well as through education.'”

Monika Schaefer

Monika Schaefer in happier times with Green Party leader Elizabeth May. Monika was four times a Green Party candidate.

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