Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Nearly Ruined for Opposing COVID Mandates

Doing the Right Thing

Friends Read Free



Doing the Right Thing
Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill, president and co-founder of Concerned Doctors of Ontario (CareNotCuts.ca). (@dockaurG/X)
Jeffrey A. Tucker

By Jeffrey A. Tucker




As of this writing, 2,000 people have given $200,000 to a marvelous cause, the saving of a great doctor in Toronto from bankruptcy and homelessness. She is Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill, a medical physician to underprivileged children, a soft-spoken and highly trained expert who could not stay silent from 2020 and following. She spoke out against lockdowns, closures, forced masking, and forced shots just as a tyrannical Canadian government had sworn to shut down all dissent.

The Canadian medical associations, media, and government all seized on her simple posting on social media to make an example of her. They hounded her, smeared her, investigated her, and attempted to destroy her career and even life. She attempted a pushback and then they used every mechanism to bankrupt her and drive her to the brink of insanity.

What’s shocking is what a sweet, quiet, and scrupulous woman of faith she truly is. The message seemed to be: we can do this to anyone, so certainly we can do this to you!

As the emergency intensified, friends rallied and put out a fundraiser that pulled together $200K, which was $100K short of what her oppressors were demanding. At this point, Elon Musk jumped into the fray. His legal team at X reached out to her over the weekend and agreed to cover the rest plus add resources to pay her legal liabilities and take her case to the next court level, even if it means a sure loss.

Many of us have been down in the mouth about the state of the world and wondering what we can do about it. We want everything to be better but we’ve also realized that this is not possible. The pandemic planners and all their allies have caused so much destruction that there cannot be justice.

We are fortunate at this point even to retain the freedom to complain about what has happened. They even want to take that away. The baying hounds of corporate media are calling for more and more censorship. It’s all in the name of crushing the competition, which is us.

In this case we have our answer: help those who we can help when the opportunity presents itself, one life at a time. That is how we improve the world. It is not within our power to take away the calamity or end human suffering. But we can touch lives, save lives, rescue lives, and improve lives. In that way, we land a blow against tyranny and for human dignity. (Epoch Times, March 27, 2024)