Freedom Prayer Walk Revival, Victoria, June 8, 11:00 a.m.

Campaigns to Educate, Equip & Empower
D ANNOUNCING the LAST A4C Parksville Chapter prayer Walk4Revival is THIS SATURDAY in Victoria at the Legislature on June 8 @ 11:00am.

Anyone is welcome to join, none are required to lead out in prayer. It’s up to you in that area.A special thank you to each participant in the prayer walks for your diligence in standing up for the truth in the nation of Canada. Our six prayer walks since the month of April have been so blessed and wonderful.

We will be joined by other Vancouver Island A4C Chapters for an ALL ISLAND Action4Canada REPRESENTATION at our provincial capital. It will be a great day of unity and togetherness as we walk around the Legislature building and pray for British Columbia. Please join us; bring your family and invite others to join as well. If you haven’t been able to connect with an Action4Canada Chapter in your area, this would be a great time to meet many of our teams and leaders. We would love to meet you.Download and share the A4C Parksville schedule and prayer card or create your own with your local church or prayer group and let us know! Remember to bring YOUR CANADIAN FLAGS Prayer Walk4Revival Finale  Date: FINAL DATE SAT Jun 8thPlace: VICTORIA Legislature GroundsTime: 11:00 amWe look forward to seeing God pull His people together to fight this pervasive evil which preys on our children, families, faith and freedom. “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”.

2 Chronicles 7:14Be inspired by the testimonies of how prayer “moved mountains” in past prayer campaigns. We believe it will happen again! Enjoy the video compilation from the midway point this year.Contact us at: A4C Parksville Chapter. Thank you,A4C Parksville Chapter Team