David Eby suggests …”the state should be able to involuntarily detain and force treatment on people”…
The application to proceed to Recall David Eby has been approved!
– The signature gathering period is from January 17 to March 20.
– A Canvasser can be any BC registered voter, but the signatures must be registered voters in David Eby’s riding – Vancouver-Point Grey.
– Any signatures gathered by anyone not officially registered as a canvasser will NOT be counted.
– The target for signatures is 25,000! to make the official signature requirement is met.
1.1. Register as an authorized canvasser here: https://elections.bc.ca/docs/rcl/recall-petition-canvasser-registration-application.pdf
a. Complete the canvasser application form with all your own information.
b. The proponent is Salvatore Vetro. You may type in his name or leave it blank to be filled in by Salvatore himself.
c. Salvatore must sign every application and submit it for the canvasser to qualify to gather signatures.
2. Print a copy of your completed application and sign it.
3. Scan your signed application.
4. Email your scanned document to RecallDavidEby@protonmail.com
5. Save your original application as a precaution.
6. Find more information at http://www.recalldavideby.ca/ The new website will be up by noon, January 11.
IF YOU HAVE LIMITED COMPUTER, PRINTER OR SCANNER CAPABILITIES… please get in touch with Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 for help.
IF YOU WANT TO FILL OUT THE FORM AND HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TAKE CARE OF THE REST FOR YOU… Show up at a Sunday rally at 1 p.m. at Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton where we will have blank printed Canvasser applications for you to complete and sign. We will then scan and email your application for you.
1. Make signs that say RECALLDAVIDEBY.CA and use it at the rally or put one up on your front lawn or both.
2. If you wish, you can add something else to the sign such as “Scrap Bill 36.” and/or “We need healthcare workers.”
3. Check the electoral district map at https://www.elections.bc.ca/images/map/by/Vancouver-PointGrey.html
a. If you have contacts in or near the riding, get in touch and see if you can work together canvassing.
b. It’s also good to find a place to stay for a few days while you are actively canvassing.
4. Although we generally advocate moving away from major social media because of censorship, it’s important to use the opposition’s tools to defeat them wherever possible. With that in mind…
a. Recall David Eby has a group on Facebook and on Instagram. If you have accounts with either or both, please repost and encourage others to participate.
5. Have a magnetic vehicle sign made and spread the word that way. Use it in the January 28 BC interior convoy. (Convoy details in our Penticton4Freedom emails and on our website.)
6. Sign the petition to Scrap Bill 36. Many volunteers have sign-up sheets. Come to our Sunday rally at 1 at Main & Warren, Penticton to sign the petition.
~ Mary Lou Gutscher