Rally’s and Events
“It Ain’t Over”
October 4, 2022
Recommended Kelowna Candidates:
Glendon Charles Smedley Mayor
Brian Rogers Councilor
Ron Cannan Councilor
Chris Williams Councilor
Sasheen Collecutt Councilor
School Dist. #23 Trustee
Chris Fieber (ParentsVoice BC)
Teresa Docksteader School Dist. #23 Trustee
Lindsey Hall
Wayne Llewellyn
James Miller

+22° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)
12:00 Opening comments, Prayer and O’Canada – David -Arlene and Jacqui
Opening songs by Jacquelyn-Rose
12:20 Downtown MEGA March
12:45 Introduction – Erica & Lloyd
1:05 Introduction – Ted Kuntz
1:25 Introduction – Curtis Stone
Conclusion – David Lindsay
Socialization and support!
B.C. Doctors continue to courageously trailblaze! Don’t miss out!

Date Location Address Time

Kelowna will be part of the 2nd leg of this tour. More info will be forthcoming in the near future. Stay tuned!
Prayers for doctors who died due to the COVID vaccines. Thank you Heather for your work here


Years in the making…
Next Webinar is on Oct. 6, 5:00 pm PST
Many myths and much disinformation have circulated for
years about our common law, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and other important topics.
This incredible Webinar series will finally provide irrefutable documentation confirming the true source of our property rights and the supremacy of God in our Constitution – and why we should be thankful they are NOT in the Charter!!
- If you want answers to what your common law and Constitutional rights and freedoms are
- Definitions and applications of the most important words in our law
- Where your Constitutional right and power of civil disobedience to all unlawful statutes and orders originates
- How Gov’ts and judges use “legal fictions” to steal your fundamental rights and freedoms from you
- What limited rights, powers, and duties Gov’ts truly have
And much, much more….this is the Webinar series you have been waiting for!
We provide all sources of our research for verification purposes!!
By registering to this Webinar series, you will have
downloadable access to each presentation you have registered to watch!
Never forget important information again!
For more information, go to:
For registration information, email us at:
Making Changes From the Ground Up
Election Day is fast approaching. A trusted friend did a bunch of research and helped me select the candidates that we believe have Kelowna’s best interests at heart. Only one recommended Trustee is an incumbent. In other words, it’s time to clean house. When your city and schools are run by individuals who’ve sold their souls to the Devil, their accomplishments are the Devil’s work. We’ve been bystanders witnessing this once beautiful city fall to the hands of greed and corruption for years now. And what’s been happening in our school system is heart-breaking. The children need you to care and take action!
Many individuals have recognized the need for change and felt inspired to put their names in the election hat (45 in total). But most of them are not awake to the deeper issues that are contributing to Kelowna’s downfall. Some are incumbents addicted to the power, many others want change but don’t understand the underlying issues. Most of these individuals have not gone down the necessary rabbit holes that lead to awakening. Many have good intentions and practical solutions, but can we afford to wait another four years for them to possibly wake up? Once elected, will they have the courage to investigate the ugly truths and expose them?
It’s easy for anyone to provide a plethora of great-sounding solutions, but if these solutions don’t involve digging below the surface to expose the rotten foundations first, they will become nothing more than band-aids that cover up the true cause of our problems.
Being an incumbent makes you an easy shoo-in. These candidates count on the non-voters to get them back into office. We know there will be the expected number of voters who will simply vote for those they recognize. This is classic behaviour of the non-thinker. Many will vote for candidates that have a great personality and charisma (ex: actors like Trudeau), others will vote for people whose platform resonates with them. Be we need people who are awake to steer this ship back in the right direction. That won’t happen by simply having great public speaking skills and legitimate-sounding solutions. We need people who possess higher consciousness to make wise decisions and provide a voice for the rest of us who have been silenced for the past two and a half years.
Please make the effort to vote for these candidates. They need your support to get into office so they can advocate for your concerns. Print the above PDF Kelowna Civic Elections Pamphlet at the top of this email, make copies and distribute them in your neighbourhood. Let’s help wake people up and provide recommendations that will benefit us all!
New Credit Card Fees
Recently it has been announced that as of Oct. 6, merchants will be allowed to charge customers a fee for paying by credit cards.
The alleged reason is because retailers fought the credit card companies in 2010.
They settled out of court and part of this settlement, is that they can charge more for the use of these cards.
Telus has announced that it will be charging 1.5% extra for using credit cards.
Here is another reason to use CASH!!
I discussed the problems of these fees at our Kelowna Sat. rally.
The announcer, in this CBC audio newscast at the link below, opens by a second announcer and a shopper, admitting to buying a Fresca using a credit card and no longer carrying cash. Why would you do this? This is really a stupid move. And when asked if she would continue to do so her answer – a stupid reply:“I’m a tapper”.
The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash.
Start by withdrawing money on Sunday from the bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry small amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.
Castanet is linked to Google!
Thank you Shelagh!!
To no surprise, Kelowna’s Castanet anti-freedom, pro-gov’t online news service, has been linked to Google’s promotion of COVID-19
Below are the links to the statement that Castanet = Glacier Media = Google = WHO = vaccine company
* Glacier Media bought Castanet in 2019
* Glacier Media signed deal with Google
* Google is part of the Trusted News Initiative
* Google has spent billions of dollars to train journalists and journalism students and to fund newspapers during covid.
* World Health Organization partnered with Google (FB, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc) in March 2021
* Google turned its facilities into vaccination sites in January 2021 and spent millions to support education and distribution of vaccine education.
* Google invested in a national flu vaccine in 2018.
Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to combat spread of harmful vaccine disinformation and announces major research project | Dec. 10, 2020
The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.
Google Canada signs deals with eight Canadian publishers for Google News Showcase | June 24, 2021
10 ways Amazon, Google & Microsoft are assisting with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout | February 15, 2021
BC Gov’ts are getting justifiably scared of the number of people running for councils, mayors and school trustees in this upcoming Oct. 15 municipal elections.
Anytime our gov’ts get scared they issue press releases and/or internal communications, labeling freedom activists and/or concerned parents, as “extreme right”, “racists”, that we spew forth “hate” and similar pejorative names. They are repeated in almost every article or release in relation to our activities to the point that people actually start to believe their lies. Of course, no option is made for us to reply in confidence to dispel these myths with facts. No opportunities are provided for public debates so people can make up their own minds.
Bear in mind that there is a reason and place for every emotion – including hate. Showing porn to our students is legitimately hated, and should be. Having usury (interest) in our money system is unconstitutional and legitimately hated.
Gov’ts and media promote the idea that “hate” is something we all most, well, “hate”, not because it is true, but because it frightens people from dealing with topics that they would prefer to ignore – like immigration destroying our culture, or the fraud that “multiculturalism / diversity is our strength” and other false allegations and concepts.
To avoid participating in controversial issues, people, including parents, decide to do nothing, even if it is harming their children. I hate apathy!
See how the BCTF shows its fear of our determination to have people in power exposing their corruption, and their false allegations against us.
Yes, I hate wimps, idiots, and corrupt gov’t officials who promote the destruction of our law, our culture and our society.

Hands-on Help!!!
Each Sunday, for as long as we can, we are delivering Druthers/Pandemic Papers Publications, including CLEAR rally cards and other important inserts such as our Masks/PCR brochure, and the recently released UNITY Health & Sciences brochure, for door-to-door delivery to all the mail boxes in Kelowna
See these inserts below
Though labour intensive, the outings are enjoyable and productive
But we need YOUR help!
There is simply no other way we can reach so many people who have believed the Gov’t/MSM narrative/lies
Join us each Sunday by signing the CLEAR Newspaper Delivery Sign Up Sheet at the CLEAR table & providing your EMAIL address to Linda & Nikki.
We need about 8-10 people to deliver about 100 flyers each – only about 90 min.
Each Sunday we will meet at a specified location to be announced by email on Saturday night. Start times will be 11:30 a.m.
Many recipients continue to thank us for delivering these to their doorsteps!

Contact Unity Health & Sciences Team to volunteer to distribute their professional brochures and Medical Doctor Packages throughout your home area, and to your medical doctor!
Not every doctor, analyst, and specialist is on the gov’t side and many have strong science and personal experiences opposing the gov’t narrative.


If you want the criminals out of power – we need to run for office – NOT RUN AWAY!!!
37 B.C. mayors win by acclamation after standing unopposed
These Mayors, many of whom are likely corrupt to the core, have been returned to office simply because no one ran against them. How can we complain if we don’t oppose them?
Vote only for people who value freedom!
Municipal Elections

From Vaccine Choice Canada

Please obtain a copy from Tom on Saturdays and pass along to informed and uninformed alike!
Or watch here: https://librti.com/uninformed-consent
Public Emergencies Act Hearings
NOTE:Allegedly due to an unexpected surgery for the Commissioner Paul Rouleau, these hearings, if you wish to make submissions, have been delayed one month and are not set to start on Oct. 13 and to end in November.
Date: Sept. 19 – Oct. 28 (Oct. 13 start now)
Location: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa
Live streaming
Commissioner Paul Rouleau said in a statement that he intends to hold the government to account and wants the inquiry to be as “open and transparent” as possible.
Hearings will be livestreamed online and members of the public will have opportunities to share their views, with a final report expected early next year.
NOTE: See if you can contact Paul Rouleau and determine how you can make submissions to this inquiry, especially if you have new or important information to share that has been kept from Canadians by our corrupt Gov’ts and media.
Experts estimate 20 millions dead due to COVID vaccination – The Lazarus Report – Less than 1/100 injuries are reported
“Air Canada welcomes the removal of these restrictions, acknowledging that air travel is safe and that the measures were not justified by science. We believe it will greatly facilitate travel, help to continue stabilizing the country’s air transport sector and support Canada’s economy.
Customers and crew will still have the option to wear masks and we also encourage customers to monitor their own health to be sure they feel well and fit to travel,” said Craig Landry, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer at Air Canada
Then why didn’t you do anything about this and lie to your customers by telling them they had to wear a mask?
CBC Investigates 70 women who almost died or had problems with childbirth. Of course, no mention is ever made of vaccine related complications as the source…it is either chalked up to an unknown, or to acknowledging symptoms such as a heart attack caused by postpartum hormones, but never analyzing why the hormones were so high in the first place. Experimental COVID injections????

Freedom Rallies
“It ain’t over till it’s over”
Kelowna, BC
October 8, 2022
+22° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)
12:00 noon
+ The CLEAR Information Table
Stuart Park
Because It Ain’t Over!

October 8, 2022 12:00 noon
Vernon Freedom Rally
12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park
Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio
October 8, 2022 11:30 a.m.
OK Falls Freedom Rally
11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station
Join the OK Falls freedom activists continuing their local Freedom Rallies!
October 8, 2022 12:00 noon
Oliver Freedom Rally
12:00 p.m. Town Hall
Join the Oliver freedom activists who are continuing their local Freedom Rallies!
October 8, 2022 11:00 a.m.
Osoyoos Freedom Gathering
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall
Kamloops Freedom Gathering
October 8, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon
Valleyview Centennial Park
October 9, 2022 1:00 p.m.
Penticton Freedom Rally
1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot
Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!