Bravo for Ontario MPP Randy Hillier Defying the Ant-Family, Anti-Christian Medico-Stalinist Lockdown

Bravo for Ontario MPP Randy Hillier Defying the Ant-Family, Anti-Christian Medico-Stalinist Lockdown

MPP Randy Hillier posts a photo of 15 people in one room celebrating Christmas

By Neil McArtney Global News Posted December 28, 2020 7:07 pm

A photo posted by Independent MPP Randy Hillier on his social media feeds.
A photo posted by Independent MPP Randy Hillier on his social media feeds. Courtesy: Randy Hillier

Independent MPP Randy Hillier appears to be at it again – defying provincial COVID-19 guidelines.

Hillier, whose represents the riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, posted a picture of a Christmas gathering on his social media feeds.

A photo posted by Independent MPP Randy Hillier on his social media feeds.
A photo posted by Independent MPP Randy Hillier on his social media feeds. Courtesy: Randy Hillier

The behavior in the post appears to be in defiance of the province’s recent lockdown and enforced public health protocols. Story continues below advertisement

According to Hillier, the photo was taken on Sunday and showed 15 people around a table, celebrating a holiday meal.

Read more: MPP Randy Hillier says son tasered by OPP outside Perth, Ont., pub

A gathering of that size is in direct violation of lockdown guidelines set out by the Ford government.

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The number of people allowed to gather indoors is restricted to “only” members of a family living in the same household.

“The lies and deceptions of COVID are over. How and why so many allowed themselves to be deceived will take years to uncover. But I and many other Canadians will not accept the deception any longer. We are free and will defend our freedom,” wrote Hillier on Twitter.

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The public was quick to react to Hillier’s posts on social media.

“It’s over? Dozens are dying daily,” wrote one person.

Another called for Hillier to resign.


Many are supporting Hillier on Facebook, however. At this point, it is unclear if charges will be laid.

Hillier did not immediately respond to Global News’ request for comment.