See everyone on Saturday, August 29, 2020 – 10:00 a.m. at Bertram Creek Park!

David Lindsay

Gary Fong

Ted Kuntz

Donna Roth

Bring at least two friends!!!

The Real New Normal from now on, is:

Live normally and just say NO!

Hi everyone.   Our upcoming assembly on August 29, 2020 promising to feature some awesome speakers and inspiring information.  However, we would be negligent if we also failed to discuss some adverse possibilities as well.     

Entrance will be from the first entrance to the Park, not the second.

As anyone on our mailing list is aware by now, and those attendees to our rallies, the facts clearly show that there is no pandemic.  The SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19 virus (which I point out has yet to be purified or isolated), is approximately the same mortality as the flu.  Gov’ts the world over all claim it is a “mild form of the flu”, which is why so many cases are not reported. It truly is not that serious.  And yes, sadly people have died from complications arising from it, but the reality is that they would have died from complications from a flu or even the common cold.

We all know as well that masks do not work and we can all thank professionals such as Denis Rancourt and Dr. Tenpenny in the U.S. for bringing the scientific studies to our attention that conclusively provide the medical proof of how and why masks do not prevent viral transmission of SARS-CoV2 or any other virus.

We also know that social distancing does not work.  One cough and millions of vires are expelled, which become part of the fluidic air, and can stay afloat for hours, and travel with the wind, rendering the 6’ distancing completely useless – and recent studies show it can travel even up 15’. 

However, Bonnie Henry et al, continue to force their re-engineering of society upon us.  To force us to get used to be herded like sheep in our stores, and waiting in long line ups like peasants, freezing, sweating or dripping in the rain, as the case may be.

I would first like to mention the following.  We are a common law country, we are not Socialist nor Communist. Our law is based on the common law of England, which in turn is Biblically based, as further evidenced in the Coronation Oath of the Monarch, who must swear to govern and do her utmost to maintain the principle of the Christian religion.

There is nothing in the Public Health Act nor Emergency Program Act nor any Order of Bonnie Henry nor any Order of Mike Farnworth, stating that any of them operate notwithstanding the Constitution, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  This is important.

Under s. 2(a)-(d) of the Charter, we have Constitutional rights to freedom of conscience and religion, thought, belief opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association.  We urge everyone to remember, these fundamental rights and freedoms did not exist because of the Charter, rather the Charter merely recognizes their previous existence.  They have been with us for centuries.

So, we are exercising our Constitutional rights and freedoms on Saturday. Some of us may have a religious component to our attendance, as it is well known that governments cannot pass laws or orders contrary to the laws of God.  Others may be exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and association.  Whatever they may be, they are Constitution in nature.

Section 52 is clear:     The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the                Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force and effect.

Well, the Order of Bonnie Henry and the non-released Order of Mr. Farnworth last Friday, August 21, 2020 do in fact violate our said Constitutional rights and freedoms.

As many are aware, Solicitor General Mike Farnworth recently issued an order on Friday, claiming now that the State will charge organizers of gatherings over 50 people fines of $2 000.00 or people who do not follow Interior Health or police instructions, $200.00.

As a result, many questions have arisen as to how to respond if asked questions by government or police who may show up.  Let me begin by saying of course, that we cannot give legal advice due to the criminal monopolistic lawyers of this and every other province, who of course are truly there for your benefit.  Didn’t Christ say – woe unto ye lawyers?!!!

Having said that.  Success is not obtained by capitulation.  It happens by refusing to comply. Just say NO.  No change ever takes place by agreeing to do what is demanded and complaining about.  Look around at the changes today, unlawful as they are.  They are happening because people are agreeing to do it, based on ignorance and stupidity as it may be.

There is no one answer and everything depends upon who is asking the questions and what they say, along with how you wish to reply.  Suggestions have been made for replies such as: “I don’t answer questions”, or “I refuse to talk to you” and others.

From the Communist B.C. State’s perspective, they will claim, possibly, depending on how many people show up, that we are violating the above noted Orders.  They may ask you to move 6’ apart. If more than 50 people show up, which remains unknown, they may try and tell people they cannot attend or must leave.

Always immediately ask for proof of their name and authority and badge number if possible, and record this.  And immediately begin to tape record everything on your phone if you are able. Or bring another tape recorder.

Our primary response is to politely tell any such Gov’t officials, that we are here in the exercise of our Constitutional rights and freedoms, and there is nothing in the Order of Bonnie Henry or Mr. Farnworth, that expressly states that they operate despite the Charter or that they suspend the Constitution and our rights and freedoms.

Hopefully everyone will stand strong on that position. After that, it would be a good idea to simply say nothing more to them, or advise them that you will not answer their questions.

If they continue to question you, you may wish to simply repeat our Constitutional position above.

There may come a point where the official will try to impose a ticket upon you, for $200.00 for refusing to move or leave the park.  To do so they will ask who you are.  Not telling them may cause problems. It would be better to just tell them who you are and take the ticket, and we will all fight these tickets later.  By the time they go to court for any trial, it will be well into next year some time.

Do not let the possibility of going to court scare you.  You will not go to jail, and you will not lose any property.  It is a ticket only, with a relatively small fine only attached to it if you lose in court – and there is an excellent likelihood that you will not.  The fine can be paid for over a year or so if you lose in court.  And there are defences available too!!

Remember, no one in Montreal walked 6’ apart, nor London, nor Toronto, nor Berlin nor anywhere else, despite worse orders than here.  Nor will anyone in Vancouver.

We cannot tell you all circumstances that may arise, or what these people will try and do to scare or intimidate us. But we must look at the effects if we do voluntarily comply.

The media will portray us as a bunch of wimps who, when the going got just a bit tough, they capitulated.  That is not the message we should be sending out.  It will then only get worse and more difficult in the future.

Our group, more than any other in B.C., has clearly frightened the B.C. Gov’t, which means we are having a major and positive effect educating people with respect to their lies on COVID-19.  They are using intimidate and other methods to try and stop us while they destroy our society and strip us of our rights and freedoms.

Indeed, they are using the media to brainwash people into not only believing that they have to give them up, but to do so willingly!  This is completely unacceptable.

If these officials tell you to move 6’ apart and you do, we have lost and they have won.  The entire purpose of our assembly is to educate, including on the methods being used to falsify their statistics on COVID-19, upon which these draconian Orders are issued.  After all, if COVID-19 truly is no more of a threat than the flu – what can they rely upon to force their Orders upon us – or their social re-engineering?

As Alexander Haig said many years ago: “Let them march in the streets all they want, as long as they pay their taxes.”

Folks, attending rallies and assemblies is critical, but what use are they if we leave them and immediately do what they are unlawfully forcing upon us, ie: to wear masks, social distance, etc.?   Not only have these fraudsters won, they go for drinks afterwards laughing at us.  We are in worse shape than not going at all.

We must attend this assembly and stay till it is over.  We have Constitutional rights and liberties permitting this.  Are there risks?  Sure…but they are minimal compared to what our ancestors had to risk for the rapidly dwindling rights and freedoms we have today.  And if our children and grandchildren are not worth this effort for – than what is?

Remember, if we do nothing, your family will be the recipients of a true police state.  After a while, the public will be used to wearing masks and forced isolation, and human interaction will be the rarity, not the norm.  Magazines and papers are already showing people in ads wearing masks and you can’t even see them.  Is this what you want to leave for them?

Make no mistake, this is the biggest threat to our way of living and our rights and freedoms in Canadian history.  The Gov’t narrative changes weekly, from flattening the curve, to simply reducing infections, to telling everyone this will go on for years, and more mutations will come, and mandatory vaccines, etc. 

The only “New Normal” is to say NO.  Anything less, is a loss of our rights and freedoms that took generations to obtain.

So please show up, be prepared that there may be
a bit of a sacrifice and do not give in.

They will try every trick in the book to intimidate you/us – don’t let them.  Or we have lost.  

Be on the offensive – ASK THEM TO STAY AND LEARN!!!

We have a perfect track record of five (5) months of peaceful rallies downtown and are perfectly situated for this speaking assembly this coming Saturday. That will continue.

Peaceful assemblies are a Constitutional freedom and the only reason Farnworth, Henry et al are trying to deny it, is to prevent organized opposition to the Gov’ts criminal suspension of our rights and liberties, over a virus with the same mortality rate as the flu.  

Mr. Dix stated Recently Stated:

This pandemic is not ending soon,” says Dix. 

“This pandemic that we’re all tired of, so very tired of, will be going on now we would expect well through 2021 into 2022.

The measures we have to take together, this new normal we have to fashion together, and in some ways enjoy together – this new normal is going to be in place for a long time.


We are telling YOU MR. DIX:  This will not be here for a long time.

We will never surrender

Upcoming events

There is a massive rally being organized on Sept. 13, 2020 in Vancouver.  We urge everyone in the area to attend the fill the streets with opposition to this phony lockdown and Constitutional restrictions and denials.  If Montreal can get thousands to rally, so can Western Canada!!!!  We are the bastion of Constitutional protections here and now we need to show it more than ever.

There is a rally scheduled for Aug. 29, 2020 on Parliament Hill.

There is rally scheduled for August 29, 2020 in Calgary for those in Alberta to support and attend.

If you know people in either of these areas, please forward this information to them so they can attend and provide their support.


Our fundamental law for over 1 200 years in our common  law history, is based on the supremacy of the individual,


This is the biggest threat to our way of life and standard of living in our history.  Not the flu – but the over reaction  from corrupt and/or dishonest opportunist   Governments.

It is a complete destruction of our common law.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations.

They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest, opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.

If you don’t realize the gov’t is using a virus with a 99% + survival rate to control the country, you’re not paying attention.

Something much bigger is happening.

End the lockdown NOW

No social re-engineering

Communist PM Trudeau and Premier Horgan – Back off and restore our Constitutional rights and freedoms NOW!

This is NOT a request – it is a lawful and Constitutional DEMAND & ORDER. 

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Vice Chairman


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative