See everyone on Saturday, August 22, 2020  12:00 noon at Stuart Park!

Hi everyone.  With almost 40 people at our past meeting, response in Kelowna was very positive at our last rally. There was a significant amount of interest in our information from many people and talking to many of them was inspiring. It’s amazing how many people from foreign dictatorial countries complain about how bad things are in Canada compared to their countries of origin.  Not a good sign for this now Socialist country, but more inspiration for us to make changes.

Our next rally is Saturday, August 22, 2020, 12:00 noon at Stuart Park in beautiful Kelowna, B.C.

We need as many people as possible for our rally!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

Bring at least two friends!!!

The Real New Normal from now on, is:

Live normally and just say NO!

Do not fall into the trap of believing that it is only because of the Gov’t’s social distancing/masks demands that stores can now begin to slowly open and kept figures low.  To the contrary, it is directly because of the Gov’t’s actions that we have sustained tens of billions of dollars in economic losses, permanent job losses, unknown deaths and needless suffering from cancelled surgeries, and incurred further health care costs resulting from these cancelled tests and surgeries, and actually placed thousands of people’s health and lives at risk.  Communist PM Trudeau, Premier Horgan, Health Minister Dix, and Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry are the true cause of these problems and short of a public apology and immediate cancellation of the lockdown and social distancing policies, must be voted out of office next election, or fired for Ms. Henry.

Also, don’t forget our biggie upcoming educational assembly at Bertram

Creek Park in Kelowna, August 29, 2020, 10:00, featuring speakers:

David Lindsay
Gary Fong
Ted Kuntz
Donna Roth

See our attached brochure for info on times, topics and location map.


Other upcoming events:

There is a rally scheduled for Aug. 29, 2020 on Parliament Hill.

There is rally scheduled for August 29, 2020 in Calgary for those in Alberta to support and attend.

If you know people in either of these areas, please forward this information to them so they can attend and provide their support.

It appears that there will be a massive rally in Vancouver on September 13, 2020.  More details will follow in next week’s email. Stay tuned and if this proceeds as planned, we will try to make arrangements for all our group to head to Vancouver for one day. 

Further rallies are taking place before the end of the month in Berlin and other major world cities.  Be comforted in knowing that our values and knowledge, is shared by millions around the world.


And the draconian laws get worse in B.C. , all supported by the claim that anyone who doesn’t believe in the gov’t narrative is stupid, foolish, a conspiracy theorist, or some other pejorative description. This means we have to strengthen our resolve to educate people that the virus is no more deadly than the regular flu and the ineffectiveness of mask use – combined with the political knowledge that they are being played like mice in a cage.

On the heels of B.C.’s Bill 19, which permitted the Provincial Gov’t to extend emergency measures and take various actions without legislative approval, comes the recent announcement today by Health Minister Dix (and a future one later this week) that they are going to be cracking down on restaurants, partiers, and clearly protesters such as us. I believe all this will do is mobilize support for people to rise up resist.  To what extent these political moves will be, remains unknown.

Mr. Dix stated today:

This pandemic is not ending soon,” says Dix. 

“This pandemic that we’re all tired of, so very tired of, will be going on now we would expect well through 2021 into 2022.

The measures we have to take together, this new normal we have to fashion together, and in some ways enjoy together – this new normal is going to be in place for a long time.


New enforcement measures coming, says Adrian Dix

New enforcement coming

Laura Brookes – Aug 17, 2020 / 4:50 pm | Story: 308187

COVID-19 in B.C.: Stricter enforcement coming as B.C. hits among highest case numbers during pandemic


These lockdown procedures do not work.  Historically, the idea of a lockdown originated from a 14 year old US student’s science fair project model, of how social distancing (forced isolation) would work upon 10 000 people, in a computer simulation.  The CDC relied upon this unproven hypothesis as the basis for their recommendation for lockdowns and social distancing.

Economic lockdowns, forced isolation, house arrests (jail), masks, etc., have never been scientifically proven to prevent viral transmission.


In a ground breaking study in 2006, Dr. Henderson and several other epidemiologists, release a report titled:  Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza


Here are some excerpt findings: 

Hand-Washing and Respiratory Etiquette

The influenza virus actually survives on the hands for less than 5 minutes,4 but regular hand-washing is a common sense action that should be widely followed. It has been shown to reduce the transmission of respiratory illness in a military trainee setting,44 although there are no data to demonstrate that hand-washing deters the spread of influenza within a community.

Large-Scale Quarantine Measures

There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods in order to slow the spread of influenza.

A World Health Organization (WHO) Writing Group, after reviewing the literature and considering contemporary international experience, concluded that “forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical. Despite this recommendation by experts, mandatory large-scale quarantine continues to be considered as an option by some authorities and government officials.”

The negative consequences of large-scale quarantine are so extreme (forced confinement of sick people with the well; complete restriction of movement of large populations; difficulty in getting critical supplies, medicines, and food to people inside the quarantine zone) that this mitigation measure should be eliminated from serious consideration.

Travel Restrictions

Travel restrictions, such as closing airports and screening travelers at borders, have historically been ineffective. The World Health Organization Writing Group concluded that “screening and quarantining entering travelers at international borders did not substantially delay virus introduction in past pandemics . . . and will likely be even less effective in the modern era.”2

Similar conclusions were reached by public health authorities involved in the international efforts to control SARS. Canadian health authorities report that “available screening measures for SARS were limited in their effectiveness in detecting SARS among inbound or outbound passengers from SARS-affected areas.”45 A review by a WHO Working Group on SARS also concluded that “entry screening of travelers through health declarations or thermal scanning at international borders had little documented effect on detecting SARS cases.”46


In what can only be described as an unbelievable case of Constitutional infringement of one’s power to make their own health decisions, the State of Connecticut issued in April, announced an executive order that residents cannot go outside without a mask or doctor’s note.  That’s right – you can’t go for a walk anywhere in the public without a mask.  I wonder what the penalties are for so doing?  Do they physically beat you until they can get a mask on you?

Will I be fined if I don’t wear a mask?

Lamont has said the order is mostly “common sense” and that he expects residents to self-enforce the rule.

However, businesses can refuse you entry if you are not wearing a face covering.


And stupid people like the Kelowna woman who wrote to the editor last week claiming that she didn’t care about the Charter or Rights and Freedom, or “my body, my choice”, all that mattered was governments make mandatory mask laws.  People that stupid do not deserve rights and freedoms.

Combine that with the recent findings where studies now show that the coronavirus can travel as far as 5m or 15”.  So now what?  We all have to stand 15” from each other in the rain to get into a store? All communications come to an end as people are too far away to talk without screaming.  Every third checkout is now only open?



Did you know that the regular flu virus can have over 15 000 viruses/m3

In the infected samples, the average concentration of flu viruses was 15,000 viruses per cubic meter of air and the average size of a flu virus particle was less than 2.5 micrometers. That means the viruses could stay suspended in the air for hours, the study said.


In a completely moronic and hypocritical article called:  “COVID-19 ‘Super Spreaders’ quickly fill room with virus – but masks help.”, Dennis Thompson claims that masks can “can help prevent the spread of COVID-19” in a room with the newly coined word, ‘super spreader’.

For anyone who has listened to me speak and seen the supporting studies and materials we have put out on the masks issue, this is completely unsupportable. Further, read the words.  He does not state that masks prevent the spread of COVID-19, but that they can help to prevent the spread of the virus.  Talk about double speak.  There is no conclusion that masks help at all, only that that CAN help. He does not state that masks WILL help or anything remotely analogous to that.

Now the kicker.

“But a severely infected person who’s coughing frequently can fill a poorly ventilated room with as many as 7.4 million copies of the coronavirus for every cubic meter of air, according to researchers Michael Riediker and Dai-Hua Tsai, from the Swiss Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health in Winterthur.”


Wow.  Even if only 1-2 million viruses/m3, does anyone really think a porous mask with holes all round the facial edges, is going to stop that many viruses, or anything in remote proximity to that from being inhaled into one’s body?  Even an N-95 mask would, assuming a virus 3 microns or larger (or droplets), only stop 95% of the millions of viruses in the air, leaving hundreds of thousands of viruses to still infect someone. 

Also, it is now claimed that you can become infected through the membranes of the eyes.  Well, masks will do nothing there.

NOTE:  Though I included this only in the title of the document and a quote, we should all try to refrain from using their buzzwords.  So now they call infected people super spreaders.  Interesting that you do not see that applied to people who have the common cold or the flu, oui?

Cool Florida Sheriffs – all businesses should do this in B.C. in opposition to this unsupported lockdown and restrictions


Further health dangers directly attributable to long term exposure to mask use, now are recognized by the name, “mask mouth”.  As I discussed at last weeks rally and now reported on Rebel News, a large number of dentists are warning of the hazards they are finding associated with mask use, such as gum disease and oral decay, based on up to a 50% increase in patients with these health issues amongst patients with previous excellent dental hygiene.

Of course, now the WHO has responded by advising against dental visits, resulting in people in massive dental pain, and gum disease that will only get progressively worse, until several teeth will have to be extracted at once. 



Scotland’s Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf, recently gave a shocking speech in the Scottish Parliament where he complained about how many white people there are in Scotland.

It was pure racism.

If he had spoken that way about any other group — blacks, Jews, gays — he would have been thrown out for bigotry, and probably charged with a hate crime.

The irony is that same Humza Yousaf has now proposed the most shocking censorship law in any democracy.

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I made a video going through his proposed law line by line.

Yousaf’s new law would:

  • have prison terms for up to seven years for hurt feelings
  • criminalizes “insults”
  • make the mere “possession” of insulting material on your laptop a crime equivalent to having child pornography
  • lets police look through your entire social media history, for “proof” that you committed a hate crime in the present

I’ve read censorship laws from around the world, and I’ve never seen anything this bad.

It’s interesting that Scotland’s police are against this proposed law.

They say that it would destroy policing in Scotland, because it would turn police into political censors and thus destroy public support for them.

But then again, maybe that’s Humza Yousaf’s plan, too.

The essence of pure stupidity and/or evil. 

NOTE:  With so many videos out there, finding the time to watch is problematic.  You can speed up the videos on YouTube. In the bottom right hand corner of each video, you will see a settings symbol.

Click on the sprocket symbol and this window will appear, or something similar.  You can then change your playback speed.  I can handle 1.75, but you may wish a slower speed.

B.C. Doctors Interview?

We need to get some B.C. doctors/nurses who are willing to speak anonymously, both visually and in audio, as to what is truly happening behind the scenes, from a medical perspective and a political perspective in the medical community.  We need to have local doctors/nurses providing accurate facts in relation to this issue.

If you know any doctors or nurses who would be willing to be interviewed anonymously, and with guaranteed power to review the interview prior to release, please contact me as soon as possible, and let’s see what we can arrange.  U.S. doctors are still medical professionals, but we need local facts to support our cause.

Doing a video of BC medical people would really strengthen our demands on Premier Horgan and allow us to attack them – instead of waiting while they attack us. 

If you know anyone “in the system” who can provide us anonymous tips and/or documents, we need all the help we can get.  Please let me know.



Please post the attached Circular and Flyer here to any Facebook account or website you may have, and send out to your email list.  Increasing our rally numbers is critical for our support. 

See Youtube and/or Bitchute videos with: 

Laura Lynn has some excellent videos on her Youtube channel and website:          http://www.lauralynn.tv/

Dr. Mikovits on exposing the false pandemic, Dr. Fauci’s history of corruption, success of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 and the dangers of wearing masks.

Dr. Rashid Buttar on the true medical nature of COVID-19, patents filed years ago for coronavirus and the people behind this, and the virus getting killed by Vit C and heat.  Check out, amongst many others:  

For the success of Vit C therapy in killing all viruses, check out this site of registered doctors from around the world:


Canadian Dan Dicks and his awesome efforts and sacrifices in reporting the truth on COVID, the Vancouver rallies, and many other issues.   https://search.bitchute.com/renderer?query=Dan+Dicks

And don’t forget to read:  THE LAW, by Frederick Bastiat.  If you do nothing else to learn of freedom issues, you MUST read this awe-inspiring 70 page, 200 year old book!! It will be the best investment of time you will make.


You may also wish to read: The Politics of Obedience, by Etienne de la Boetie, for an awesome read on the reasons why people not only agree to being enslaved by governments, but actually demand to be enslaved! This will provide a fascinating insight into why people still do what gov’ts tell them to do, even if the orders are morally, ethically, legally and Constitutionally, wrong.


Our fundamental law for over 1 200 years in our common law history, is based on the supremacy of the individual,


This is the biggest threat to our way of life and standard of living in our history.  Not the flu – but the over reaction  from corrupt and/or dishonest opportunist Gov’ts.

It is a complete destruction of our common law.

See the attached, “End the Lockdown Now” flyer for details of our upcoming event.

We need YOUR participation!

For the first time, Canadians are starting to realize the hidden gov’t agenda.  And we’re angry!

CLEAR is joining other patriots across the world who value their rights and freedoms and know that our/their gov’ts are lying to us. With the help of international subversive organizations such as the WHO.

When Communist Trudeau states: “If you want life to get back to the way it was exactly before, it won’t.”, you know these are code words that the State is planning more spying and privacy invasions, more restrictions on our fundamental rights and freedoms, and using this flu virus as the basis for the destruction of our way of life and standard of living.

People need FACTS.

The Canadian Gov’t has repeatedly admitted that this is a “mild form of the flu”.

There have been ongoing false predictions from the very beginning to frighten everyone into compliance.

Gov’ts have admitted to purposely falsifying the numbers of deaths by including everyone who dies with the virus, as opposed to those who die because of the virus.

People are being recorded as COVID deaths in many places even without testing.

The mortality rate of this flu virus is virtually identical to that of previous flu seasons!!!

This a not just a major overreaction to a flu virus, it is, minimally, a fraudulent use of the flu to invoke one of the largest rights and freedoms deprivations in our history, and instill unwarranted and widespread fear and panic.

And for a flu virus that is demonstrably controlled by mega-doses of Vit C and/or Hydroxychloroquine.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations.

They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest, opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.

If you don’t realize the gov’t is using a virus with a 99% + survival rate to control the country, you’re not paying attention.

Something much bigger is happening.


Join us on Saturday, August 22, 2020, 12:00 – 2:30 at Stuart Park in Kelowna, B.C., and every Saturday until this lockdown and all social re-engineering comes to an end, to voice your concerns and our demands upon Premier Horgan, the Public Health Officer, and Communist P.M. Trudeau.

Bring your own signs!

And lots of supporters who value freedom.

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