Press Release More Kelowna “End the Lockdown” events! Demo. Stuart Park, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday.May 6

Press Release More Kelowna “End the Lockdown” events!

There will be NO NEW NORMAL!

Following upon public demonstrations across Canada and globally, CLEAR (The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative), will be joining in solidarity with patriots across Canada and the world, holding another public gathering opposing the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown in Kelowna on May 6, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., across from Kelowna City Hall, at Stuart Park.

CLEAR members and supporters take the well documented view that governments, including here in British Columbia have, knowingly or through wilful blindness or even recklessness, instilled an unjustified false sense of mass fear and panic in our society, and closure of most of our economy and social activities. There is no pandemic – it is a Scamdemic.

The demonstrable results of further rights and freedoms deprivations, encouraged social distrust and fining Canadians in the exercise of lawful activities, and the promotion of a “new normal” of same, is strictly opposed to by the vast majority of Canadians who are aware of the true underlying factual situation.

Through manipulation of recorded deaths and other statistics, our governments, with the support of compromised or ignorant medical personnel, have destroyed our social trust, created mass unemployment for which many will not recover, created unreasonable restrictions and inconveniences in our lives, and continue to advocate further destruction of our Constitutional rights and liberties. Governments are using the PCR testing procedure for COVID-19, despite the fact that the inventor of this procedure has repeatedly warned scientists and governments, it is not to be used as a method for testing for viruses – it was not designed for that purpose as it is unreliable for this, and will yield false results.

Death statistics are grossly inflated by encouraging and/or compelling doctors and others to record deaths as being COVID-19 simply because the deceased allegedly had the virus upon death no matter what the true cause of death was – not because the virus caused the death. True death stats for COVID-19 are significantly lower than those being promulgated. Governments fail to consider that there is an estimated 50% or more number of people who have caught the virus and it is not reported, due to minor symptoms and no testing. Combined, the true mortality rate of COVID-19 is virtually the same as with all other flu viruses. Governments admit it is a mild form of the flu.

With over 50% of patients in nursing homes and similar places with a high risk, and with one ore more existing serious medical problems, protection activities need to be focused on these locations only, not the general public.

No such actions have taken place during previous flu seasons with similar mortality rates and the classification by the WHO that COVID-19 is a pandemic, is false, misleading and self-serving to those who stand to benefit the most – vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.

There are inexpensive, proven and effective treatments that governments and doctors are withholding from patients. Mega-doses of Vit C have been proven time and again to kill ALL viruses, known since the 1940s. Over 64 000 studies have been done on the effectiveness of Vit C. Hydroxychloroquine has been recently proven in a study of over 1000 patients, with a 92% success rate in a maximum of 10 days.

Our governments have unconstitutionally shut down almost our entire civil court system, virtually preventing the public from taking necessary and immediate legal action to hold them accountable.

This is unprecedented in our law. Former C.J. McEachern correctly ruled in 1983, upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada, and answered his own question in the negative: Let me say again that my only intention is to ensure universal free and unfettered access to the courts by those persons who wish or are obliged to enter the law courts of this province. I also wish to say that it is the intention of the judges to carry on as best they can with or without staff to discharge their constitutional responsibilities during these difficult times, and no one should think that the courts of justice are not functioning if he needs them, or that he may decline to attend in court if he is obliged to do so during these difficult days. The rule of law has not been suspended in this province. The question arises whether it is proper or permissible for anyone, individually or collectively, deliberately or accidentally, or directly or indirectly to interfere with the business of the courts of justice or to interfere with or impede the absolute right of access all citizens have to the courts of justice. British Columbia Government Employees’ Union (Re), 1983 CanLII 572 (BC SC)

To Premier Horgan and our Communist Sympathizing Prime Minister Trudeau, this is not a request to return us back to normal – it is a Demand and an Order.

The facts do not exist to support this lockdown nor your prohibitions against public gatherings and violations of our Constitutional right to socialization, association and assembly. Constitutional rights and liberties were intended to exist exactly in this very situation, not to be denied at the very time they are most required.

There will be NO NEW NORMAL! We demand our restaurants, bars, stores, and all businesses be instructed they can immediately re-open and to return to normal operating procedures and times.

We further demand that there are no more restrictions on the rights and liberties of all people, including socialization. All social distancing orders be immediately cancelled, children are returned to schools, and truthful and accurate statistics be henceforth issued in relation to this flu virus. Reinstate all our cancelled markets, summer festivals and concerts. End the Lockdown NOW

CLEAR is an Okanagan based freedom activist group, with focus upon holding governments, the judiciary and public officials accountable for their actions and protection of our fundamental and Constitutional rights, powers, privileges and liberties. David Lindsay 778 801-9513