For the past 9 months, I was either behind bars or forced to reside in a dirty, disgusting probation hostel filled with drug addicts, paedophiles and murderers.
My 9-month ordeal was – to be blunt – horrific.

After being sentenced for exposing a gang of Afghan child rapists, I was loaded into a cramped and freezing prison transport van and taken to a ‘Category A’ women’s prison called HMP Bronzefield, near London.
Bronzefield is home to some of the country’s most prolificsex offenders, paedophiles, murderers and Islamic terrorists.
Whilst these vile animals were free to roam the wings with enhanced privileges, I was immediately cast into the dungeon-like segregation unit.
I was forced to endure complete isolation and disgusting conditions for a long and grinding six weeks.
During that period, I was banned from associating with anyone, banned from going to church and deprived of any perks available to the child rapists on the normal wings.
Whilst I was in Bronzefield, a convicted Muslim terrorist prisoner paid another inmate to get down to the segregation unit and kill me.
After the first six weeks of rancid isolation – in a cold and heavily stained cell – I was transferred to another women’s prison, HMP Downview.
Downview is yet another grim prison full of child molesters and killers.

I managed to stay out of segregation and was put into the ‘normal’ prison regime living on the same wing as high profilepaedophiles.
After a short while the inmate who was sent to kill me in Bronzefield was also transferred to Downview.
When I was finally released from prison, I quickly learned Iwasn’t going to be allowed to return home.
Instead, I was grabbed by two car loads of ‘SO15 Counter Terrorism Command’ officers and forcibly taken to a secure probation hostel with 24-hour surveillance in the South of England.
The jobsworth Gestapo at the Probation Service forced me to ‘live’ in this hell-hole for a further four and a half months, surrounded by degenerate druggies, alcoholics, paedophiles and child killers.
This hostel was in a multicultural cesspit area and my licence conditions stated that I couldn’t associate with anyone involved in Britain First, so for four and a half months I had no security or protection.
I was in my own ‘living hell’ that I could not escape from!
As soon as my licence ended and I was kicked out of this hostel, the Probation Service started to harass and torment me.
They threatened to send me immediately back to prison if I did not live in a hotel in London, costing me a fortune every single night for the next 8 months!

They want me to leave my home standing empty whilst I shell out thousands of pounds to live in a hotel room until July 2019!
As if that is not ludicrous enough, they are demanding I give them 10 working days’ notice to see any of my family or friends!
I feel like I have walked straight out of jail into a parallel universe.
From beginning to end, this has been a tough, stressful andexasperating ordeal.
I have only been off licence for two weeks, but already I am staring prison in the face once again with my upcoming trial for ‘Hate Speech’ in Belfast.
On 14-15th January Paul Golding and I will be stood once again in the dock facing prison, this time in Northern Ireland.
After just serving a 9 month sentence I am faced with the harshreality of serving another 12 months behind bars.

Apart from the fact that this upcoming court case will be alandmark decision as to whether free speech is dead in our once great nation, it is also yet a further assault on my personal liberty.
The authorities have no problem stooping so low as to lock up a woman for being a patriot and confronting child rapists – like that is not a natural thing to do!
This time they are hoping to ‘hit the jackpot’ by sending me back inside for the second time within a year.
My determination to fight against corruption and persecution has only strengthened over the last 9 months, but I am going to be totally honest with you Elsa, I do not want to go back to jail.

At the end of the day, I am merely a woman who is devoted to her country and people.
Should constant spells in prison facing attacks, threats to my life and disgusting conditions in cold dirty prison cells really be my ‘penalty’ for loyalty and patriotism?
I have only 7 weeks until I am back in the dock, so we are preparing to mount our most ferocious and stubborn legal defence to date:
Belfast Trial Fund
Target: £15,000
Raised so far: £2,105
Name: Elsa Schieder
Recommended: Chip in £20
Target: £15,000
Raised so far: £2,105
Name: Elsa Schieder
Recommended: Chip in £20
Elsa, you are my only hope of beating this savage assault on my freedom and keeping me at home where I belong.
I am asking for your help. Can I depend on you?
Yours sincerely,
Jayda Fransen
Jayda Fransen