People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier Blasts Rouleau Report — “Liberals Protest Their Own”

Today Justice Paul Rouleau released his verdict on Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act to violently crush the Freedom Convoy one year ago.

Rouleau concluded that Trudeau’s use of the Act was justified.

In a delirious statement, he claims that it was reasonable to believe that this peaceful and joyful protest posed “a threat to the security of Canada”!

I have to say, I am profoundly disappointed, but not surprised.

Justice Rouleau was hand-picked by Trudeau to oversee the inquiry. We can’t forget that Rouleau has a history as a Liberal activist and worked with former Prime Minister John Turner.

This Commission was not independent, as it should have been. It was Liberals investigating Liberals.

Is anyone really surprised that Liberals protect their own?

At the end of the day, the findings of Rouleau don’t really matter.

We all know that Trudeau would not have resigned even if the Commission had found he overstepped his powers.

We all know that Jagmeet Singh would not have held Trudeau accountable by withdrawing his support and forcing an election.

No matter the findings of this illegitimate inquiry, Trudeau’s actions of one year ago exposed him as the tyrant he is.

He crushed peaceful protesters with police horses.

He threw people in jail on false charges.

He froze people’s bank accounts without due process.

The Freedom Convoy forced Trudeau to show his true colours.

It exposed the opposition, the NDP, Conservatives, and Bloc as incompetent and incapable of holding the government to account.

Frederick, we must replace these corrupt politicians with People’s Party MPs willing to govern in the best interest of all Canadians!

Help me accomplish this goal with a $10 donation today!

Best regards,

Maxime Bernier Hails the Anniversary of the Truckers Freedom Convoy

Maxime Bernier Hails the Anniversary of the Truckers Freedom Convoy

One year ago today marked the beginning of a historic moment in Canadian history.

The beginning of the largest human rights protest Canada has ever seen.

The beginning of the most inspiring act of civil disobedience I have ever experienced.

The Freedom Convoy.

After 2 years of government tyranny, of lockdowns and travel bans, of curfews and stay at home orders, of governments pitting families and friends against each other, of propaganda and psychological manipulation…

Brave Canadian truckers started a movement that would wake up a nation and inspire the world.

Starting in the Western heartland, they drove east. The line of trucks and cars grew as they passed through each city and province.

Patriotic Canadians gathered on highway overpasses, waving flags and raising homemade signs.

A year ago today they began to arrive in Ottawa.

The corrupt hacks and career politicians that walk the halls of Parliament were reminded that these buildings, this country, belongs to us.

They were reminded that Canadians are not just serfs paying taxes to support their insane globalist projects and inflated MP salaries.

We are a proud people not to be treated like slaves or cogs in some broken machine.

Trudeau smeared the protestors as racists and misogynists. “A small fringe minority with unacceptable views”.

The fake news media painted it as an “occupation.” They claimed the citizens of downtown Ottawa were being “terrorized” and lied about protestors committing arson and other crimes.

But I was there in person. I experienced it first hand.

And I can tell you, it was the most beautiful, peaceful, and patriotic event I have ever seen.

After two years of misery and discrimination, of being separated from friends and family, there was a special sense of love and togetherness in the streets of Ottawa.

People were proud to be Canadian again.

But just as pride and patriotism was resurging in Canada, Justin Trudeau stomped it out, like a campfire at the end of the night.

He gave himself unprecedented powers, meant to protect Canadians at times of war.

He did things that should never be done to peaceful Canadian citizens.

He weaponized the financial system, shutting down fundraisers and freezing people’s bank accounts without due process.

Storm troopers took to the streets, shooting journalists with tear gas and trampling people with horses.

Pride in our country evaporated. We were reminded the tyrants are still in control.

Even though the Freedom Convoy was violently crushed, it was still a brilliant success.

Public opinion had turned. Provincial governments started to quietly drop mandates and restrictions.

We must not forget about what the tyrannical Liberals did to us. What the NDP and Bloc Québécois enabled. What the Conservatives failed to oppose.

We must recapture the fervor and passion of the Freedom Convoy and start fighting now to make change in the next election.

We must replicate what the Freedom Convoy accomplished. After filling the streets of Ottawa with the People, we must fill the House of Commons with People’s Party MPs.

I’ll need your help to do it.

Help me continue the fight started by our brave Canadian truckers with a $5 donation today!


  He that Hath No Sword, Let Him Sell His Garment and Buy One

  Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Friday, January 13, 2023

  He that Hath No Sword, Let Him Sell His Garment and Buy One

Here in the Dominion of Canada, we are now in the eighth year of the federal premiership of Captain Airhead, or Justin Trudeau to use the unkind slur by which he is often called.   He came to power in the Dominion election of 2015 with a majority win for the Liberals and has managed to cling to power ever since with slim pluralities.  Despite, however, the fact that he has been in a position of minority government since 2019, he continues to govern like he has a clear, blank-cheque of a mandate, to do whatever he wants, no matter how unjust and divisive his various agendas turn out to be.

Take Bill C-21.   Please, take it.   This bill was tabled (1) early last year and had finished going through its first two readings around the beginning of summer in June.   The bill is the product of all the hot air that has been coming from the Liberal government since the multiple shooting incident in Nova Scotia in April of 2020.   Shortly after the attacks, Captain Airhead announced on the Communist holiday that a ban by Order-in-Counsel would take effect immediately on what he called “assault-style” weapons.    This was all a lot of smoke and mirrors.  Actual assault weapons of the kind that match the way the Prime Minister keeps describing them, i.e., weapons designed to kill as many people as possible in as short a period of time, were already illegal in Canada and had been long before the Nova Scotia shootings.   The “assault-style weapons” that he was going after were merely non-military grade rifles that had been made to look like military rifles for those to whom such an appearance had an aesthetic appeal.    Captain Airhead then began shooting his mouth off for the last three years about the need to make our streets safe from gun crime, even as he introduced or stuck to policies on everything from border control to mind-altering drugs to bail reform that had the opposite effect.   Bill C-21 if passed would amend various Acts of Parliament to enshrine a much broader gun ban than the one of 2020 into statutory law.   It would do absolutely nothing about making our streets safe from gun crime because these crimes are overwhelmingly committed with guns that are illegally obtained – as were the guns in the Nova Scotia shootings, incidentally – because they are already illegal.    None of these acts of the Trudeau Liberals, from the Order-in-Council of 1 May, 2020 to Bill C-21, have had or will have much of an effect on making Canadians safer from crimes either of the Nova Scotia variety or of the kind that afflicts our inner cities.   Those who are most affected by such empty, self-righteous, gestures are law-abiding Canadians who own guns that they acquired legally and have only used legally.   Liberals like the Prime Minister, Bill Blair and Marco “the Mendacious” Mendicino think nothing about unjustly and unfairly punishing such people for the crimes of actual gun criminals against whom they are either unable or unwilling to act.

All the criticism of Bill C-21 and its drafters in the preceding paragraph applied to the bill even before it went into Committee consideration after the second reading in the House which is where it presently stands.   During the Committee stage, however, the Liberals amended it in a way that made it much worse.    The amendment, which was introduced very late in the year, the Liberals apparently hoping to squeak the amended bill through Committee and its third reading before the House adjourned for Christmas and relying upon the amendment having been introduced just prior to the anniversary of the  École Polytechnique massacre to shield the move from criticism, greatly expanded the list of guns to be banned.  While the Liberals continue to shout “misinformation” and “disinformation” at anyone, especially His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, the Conservatives, when they point this out, it is quite reasonable to conclude from the amended list of guns to be banned that rural Canadians, especially farmers and hunters, are being targeted here.    There are guns on the list that are clearly hunting guns and which are in no way connected to gun crime in Canada.   A traditional shotgun made by English manufacturer Webley and Scott for hunting birds is one such example.   There are many others.  (2)    Indeed, if you were to draw up a list of the most common guns used by farmers and hunters, you would find that many of the most prominent guns on the list are included in the amended version of Bill C-21.  The Liberal Party under its current management loves to turn Canadians against each other, to reward those who vote Liberal, and rub the noses of those who do not vote Liberal in Liberal laws, but here this backfired against them.   At present, as a minority government, they are propped up by the socialist party, the New Democrats, who agreed to support them in Parliament until the next Dominion election.   It is not just the Conservatives, however, who have a large rural base but the NDP as well.   While the NDP is led by urban socialists, much of their caucus represent northern ridings where reservations in which hunting remains a huge part of the way of life are to be found.   When the Assembly held an emergency session in early December and condemned the Liberal bill as an assault on their way of life the NDP had no choice but to join the Conservatives in opposing the Bill in its currently amended form.   When this happened, even the few Liberals who represent rural ridings felt free to break ranks with the leadership of their own party over the issue.   Call it a Christmas miracle.

While initially when faced with such opposition the government gave signs of being willing to make concessions, when asked a few weeks later about this the Prime Minister indicated that they intended to pass Bill C-21 and doubled down on accusing the Conservatives of “misinformation” and “disinformation” for telling the truth about how the bill would adversely affect law-abiding rural Canadians without doing anything about actual gun crime.   How this shall unfold in this New Year remains to be seen.

Earlier last year Captain Airhead made a remark in an interview that is quite revealing about the attitude he brings to this issue.   Appearing on an American podcast (Pod Save the World) he defended his government’s gun control policies and contrasted American and Canadian culture saying:

and we have a culture where the difference is, guns can be used for hunting or for sport-shooting in Canada, and there are lots of gun owners, and they’re mostly law-respecting and law abiding, but you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. That’s not a right that you have in the constitution or anywhere else.

It would be interesting to know if he really believes this or if he was just shooting his mouth off without thinking.     It is, of course, nonsense.   Canadians do indeed have a constitutional and legal right of self-protection and when a right is explicitly spelled out as such in constitution and law the implicit corollary is the right to employ such means as the explicit right may require.   Trudeau may be under the mistaken impression that his father’s Charter is the Canadian constitution, a mistake about which I shall have more to say shortly, but even if we limit our discussion of the constitution to the Charter his statement would be wrong.   Section 7 of the Charter by spelling out Canadians right to security of the person, recognizes their right of self-protection.   Furthermore, the Firearms Act recognizes self-protection as a legitimate grounds for a firearms permit (Section 20) and the Criminal Code (Sections 34, 35) acknowledges the right to use force to protect one’s person and property. 

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, properly understood, of course, is not Canada’s constitution, but a part of Canada’s constitution that was added in 1982.   Even the British North America Act, which, contrary to what many mistakenly think was not repealed in 1982 but renamed (the Constitution Act, 1867), taken together with the Charter, is only part of our constitution.   In Canada, we have a constitution that is both written and unwritten, and the unwritten parts are the largest.   The Charter itself acknowledges that its enactment does not annul other rights and freedoms than those spelled out it in it, that Canadians had previously enjoyed as part of our constitutional heritage of Common Law and parliamentary monarchy.   The right to use firearms in self-protection was already part of that heritage before the American Revolution and was not invented by the United States.   The only thing distinctively American about the United States’ version of the idea of the right to use firearms in self-protection is the notion that the right is absolute.   That people have the basic rights of life, liberty, and property, and the necessary corollary right to protect the same, and consequently the right to the means to such protection was recognized by both the Tory (Sir William Blackstone) and Whig (John Locke) traditions before the latter gave birth to both the American Revolution and the Liberal Party, which, for all of Trudeau’s yap about American influence on Canada, has always been the party of Americanization.

There is a tendency in some Christian circles to misinterpret the teachings of Christ in way that is parallel to how Trudeau misinterprets the Canadian constitution and law.   These misguided brethren have the idea that not merely the use of guns but self-protection in general is forbidden believers by Jesus’ teachings (the Sermon on the Mount specifically), and example (He allowed Himself to be arrested, falsely accused, tortured, and crucified without resisting).  In an extreme form that is associated with the tradition of the far left radical wing of the continental Protestant Reformation this interpretation of Jesus’ teachings and example is taken to mean that Christians cannot serve as policemen, soldiers, or in any other office of the state that requires the use of force.

With regards to the Sermon on the Mount this misinterpretation arises from the basic error of failing to give due weight to Matthew 5:17-19 or to note how these verses apply to what immediately follows in the remainder of the chapter.   These verses are the warning not to think that Jesus had come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfil them.   They come before Jesus’ saying that one’s righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and His expansion upon what that entails with a series of six contrasts in which one variation or another of the words “ye have heard that it was said to them of old time” introduces a quotation from the Old Testament, and then Jesus introduces the other side of the contrast with “but I say to you”.   These latter words are ἐγὼ δὲ λέγω ὑμῖν in the Greek.   δὲ λέγω ὑμῖν means “but I say to you” without the ἐγὼ and ἐγὼ like all other nominative case personal pronouns in Greek is only used for emphasis.   By emphasizing the first person pronoun in this way, in this sort of contrast, Jesus declares His Own authority in speaking to be on par with that of the Old Testament Scriptures.   This format could easily suggest to some minds that Jesus was telling His followers to disregard the Old Testament and listen to Him instead.   Verses 17 to 19 warn His hearers against taking His words in that manner. 

With regards to the first two contrasts, in which the Old Testament quotations are taken from the Decalogue, there is less need of such a warning since what follows the “but I say to you” intensifies the meaning of the quoted commandment.   The third and fourth contrasts, however, could easily be taken as contradicting the Old Testament commandments.    The quotations come from the civil portion of the Mosaic Law, the instructions with regards to divorce and swearing oaths.   Jesus tells His followers that anyone who divorces his wife except for the cause of fornication causes her and anyone who marries her to commit adultery, and tells them not to swear at all.   Verses 17 to 19 tell us that this is not to be taken as annulling the civil provisions of the Mosaic Law.   Therefore, when Jesus said “swear not at all” this had nothing to do with the courtroom, as those sects whose members won’t take the oath before testifying in court wrongly think, but with oaths in common conversation.   Swearing on a Bible to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” does not violate Jesus’ instructions.   Saying “by gum” in casual conversation does.   (3)

The same principle applies to the last couplet of contrasts.   In the first of these, the Old Testament quotation is the Lex Talionis “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”.  In the second the quotation is the Second Greatest Commandment, to love your neighbour.   Note that in this final contrast, in addition to the Old Testament quotation there is added the words “and hate thine enemy”, a false extrapolation from the Old Testament commandment, and it is this false extrapolation to which Jesus speaks with His “but I say to you” which here directly contradicts the unscriptural add-on with the instruction to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.”.

It is Jesus’ “but I say to you” remarks in this last couplet of contrasts that is taken by some to mean that Christians are not allowed to protect themselves against violence.   What do verses 17 to 19 tell us about Jesus’ instructions to turn the other cheek?

The first thing to note, is that clearly verses 17 to 19 tell us that Jesus was not setting aside the Lex Talionis as the standard of criminal justice to be applied in a court of law.   Since that is the case, the extreme interpretation that says that Jesus’ followers are not serve as officers of law enforcement or any other state office the duties of which require the use of force is a twisting of the meaning of this passage.  

The second thing to note is that just as clearly “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also” cannot be speaking about protecting oneself against the violent attacks of others.  This is because the right of self-protection was established in the Mosaic Law.   Exodus 22 is the operative passage.   If somebody breaks into another person’s house in the middle of the night, that person – the homeowner not the burglar – is not guilty of a crime if he uses lethal force against the housebreaker.   It was a limited right – it lasted only to daybreak after which the homeowner would be guilty, presumably because other options than lethal force would then be available – rather than an absolute right, but it is there and therefore,  we can conclude from Matthew 5:17-19, that the instruction to turn the other cheek does not forbid such self-protection.    Indeed, this should be apparent from Jesus’ very words.   The verb translated “smite” is ῥαπίζω and while this word did originally mean “strike with a stick” – it is derived from a noun meaning “stick” or “rod” – or “cudgel” or “thrash”, it later came to be used as shorthand for the phrase ἐπὶ κόρρης πατάξαι which more or less means “knock upside the head” and in writings contemporaneous with the New Testament generally means a “slap in the face”.   This is what it means here in the Gospel where the right cheek is specifically mentioned.   This particular combination refers not to an attack on the security of one’s person, but to an insult, the kind of insult that affronts one’s honour and challenges one to a duel.  To accept that challenge is to take a situation in which a confrontation has been building up in words and escalate it into violence, potentially lethal violence.   The response prescribed by Jesus, however, is one that would defuse such a powder keg.   It is quite perverse, therefore, to take Jesus’ words here as forbidding you from taking measures to protect yourself in situations that are already violent.

This brings us to Jesus’ Own example.   There are a number of important observations to be made.   The first of these is that Jesus clearly did not believe that the use of force is never called for in any situation.   Had He thought that way He would not have overturned the tables of the money-changers and drove the merchants out of the Temple.   The second, is that prior to His meekly submitting to arrest He commanded His disciples to procure for themselves the means of self-protection by selling their clothes if necessary (Luke 22:36, from which the title of this essay is taken).   The third is that His submission to being arrested, falsely charged, falsely convicted, tortured, and crucified was necessary because it was through these events that He fulfilled the purpose for which He came into this world in the first place, to offer Himself up as the propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.  

Related to this last observation is one that can be made about Jesus’ early followers, both in the New Testament and in the early centuries of post-New Testament Christian history.   While it is true that the early Christians submitted to being tortured, imprisoned, and killed for Jesus’ sake, the most important words here are “for Jesus’ sake”.   Jesus had warned His followers at various times, such as in the Olivet Discourse and in the earlier original commissioning of the Twelve Apostles (and later the Seventy), that thy would be persecuted in this manner because of His name and told them that they would be blessed and rewarded for this.   The early Christians rejoiced at the opportunity to suffer for Christ in this way.   All of this, however, had to do with their being treated in this way because they were Christians, because they publicly confessed and proclaimed Christ.   If a disciple were walking down a street in ancient Corinth and were pulled into an alley and beaten and robbed of everything he had on him and left to die, not because he was a Christian but because the robber who neither knew nor cared what his religious beliefs were wanted some quick cash, this did not make a martyr out of that disciple.   When the early Christians qua Christians, were persecuted, tortured, and killed in the name of the Christ they confessed, by submitting to such treatment they bore witness to that Christ, and by doing so persuaded many others of the truth of their faith.   Just as good came out of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, in that His death paid for the sins of the world and made salvation available to all, so good came out of the martyrdom of His followers which contributed to the spread of the Gospel throughout the ancient world.   The willingness of the early Christians to submit to martyrdom or rather to embrace it – St. Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of St. John the Apostle, is said to have yearned for martyrdom his entire Christian life and mourned when he survived earlier persecutions than the one in which he finally attained it – should not therefore be taken as evidence that they thought they needed to submit without resisting to any and every act of violence.   While the death of Jesus Christ accomplished the salvation of the world and the martyrdom of the early Christians helped the Gospel to spread like wildfire, most types of violent deaths – robbing someone for his wallet, murdering someone in a fit of rage, the cold-blooded assassination of your business or political rivals, killing someone in a drunken or drug-induced brawl, etc. – accomplish no such good.   To submit to such acts can indeed do evil to others.   If you give in to the demands of a bully, for example, he will generally not be satisfied and leave you alone, but will continue to bully you more and demand more of you, and will be emboldened to bully others, until someone stands up to him.   This applies to other forms of violent aggression as well.   Those who erroneously think that the teachings and example of Jesus and His early followers tell us that we ought to submit in non-resistance to every sort of violent crime are telling us that we should be content to allow our neighbours to suffer from society being overrun by violent crime.   That is an odd way of loving one’s neighbour.  The Second Greatest Commandment, of course, is to “love thy neighbour as thyself”.   If someone’s idea of loving himself is that he should allow everyone and everything to walk all over him, submit to every sort of affront to his human dignity, and let every imaginable sort of violent crime be perpetrated against himself, I would not place much stock in his love for his neighbour.

 (1)   This terminology might confuse readers from the United States if they are not aware of the difference between their usage and ours. In the Commonwealth to “table” a bill means to introduce it in parliament for consideration, i.e., to “put it on the table”.   In American parlance it has the opposite meaning, to remove a bill from consideration, or to “take it off the table”.

(2)   Amusingly, one gun which somehow made it onto the Liberals’ list of guns to be banned is something called the “Butt Master”.   This gun is pretty much the exact opposite of a gun designed to kill as many people as fast as possible.   It is a single use gun in the shape of a pen that has to be re-loaded each time it is fired.  Moreover, there has only ever been one of these in existence, the one still owned by its designer, Mark Serbu of Tampa, Florida.  

(3)  This is, of course, where the word “swearing” in the negative sense of the term comes from.   Originally, “swearing” in the negative sense meant the use of oaths outside of a courtroom.   Some older Canadians may still remember a time when they would be reprimanded for swearing for saying any of the various sorts of “by this or that” casual oaths.   Ironically, as the word came to take on the generic meaning of “language you shouldn’t use” so as to include cursing, which Scripture is also against, and barnyard or gutter slang about which the Scripture is silent, the sorts of phrases it originally and literally described, dropped out of what most people think when they hear the word. —   Gerry T. Neal 

Unholy Coalition of COVID Crazies Bans MP From Parliament & Doing Her Job for Not Disclosing Her Vaxx Status

Unholy Coalition of COVID Crazies Bans MP From Parliament & Doing Her Job for Not Disclosing Her Vaxx Status

Conservative MP FORCED OUT of Parliament Due To Vaccine Status

She refused to show her proof of vaccination, as it is private medical information, and consequently the Liberal-NDP coalition threatened to kick her out of the House Of Commons.

  • By William Diaz-Berthiaume
Conservative MP FORCED OUT of Parliament Due To Vaccine Status

When the MP for the riding of Yorkton—Melville in Saskatchewan Cathay Wagantall took the decision of finally coming back to West Block in order to better serve her constituents, the Liberals and NDP in the house threatened to kick her out of Parliament. Therefore she preemptively decided to leave, before security would need to get involved. 

After this occurred, she staged a press conference in front of West Block, to explain what the situation was, and what actions had been taken. “There’s no way that any of our public servants are being nearly as efficient as they should be working from home,” she stated.

Wagantall explained that she believes “there are very good reasons why an exemption should be given to a number of Canadians – actually the majority of them. Because there are a lot of reasons why an individual may choose not to get vaccinated.”

“This Prime Minister has decided that the only way you get an exemption is if you take that first vaccine,” she continues, “and you have an anaphylactic reaction to it. That’s insane!”

One thing Wagantall wants to make clear is that she is neither vaccinated, nor unvaccinated. The fact that she does not disclose her vaccination status does not imply if she is or isn’t vaccinated. 

The point she makes is that it is immoral to coerce a free individual into providing private medical information to another person. Two reporters that were at the small press conference challenged her by asking: “what about other Canadians? Why should you have an exemption and not them?”

Wagantall made sure to remind them that she does not believe she should be an exception. 

Following this line of aggressive questioning, a True North reporter asked Wagantall what she thinks of the fact that the whole world is opening up again, and lift mask mandates as well as vaccine mandates, but not Canada. And that since this is happening, why does she think Trudeau himself is not lifting the mandates?

Here is her full response:

“I would really love you all to ask him that question over and over and over again. And put it in your papers. What do I think? There’s clearly an alternative agenda.”

One odd thing with this whole situation is that on Tuesday, Justin Trudeau attended the National Prayer Breakfast and stood right next to Wagantall unmasked.

Leslyn Lewis pointed out that she believes this is insanity, and that all mandates should end now. 

MP Cathay Wagantall will now be forced to go back to serving her people in a virtual manner, and will not be allowed inside Parliament to defend her beliefs, and protect her constituents. 

She pointed out that behind a Member of Parliament’s badge, it is written that they must be allowed inside Parliament at all times, without obstruction. If this is the case, then this situation contradicts the rights that she holds as an MP. 

The Rage of Anti-White “Wokeism”: Ontario NDP Sees “Islamophobia” as he Worst Sin Possible — Throws Longtime NDP MPP Out of Caucus for A Facebook Post He May Never Have Made

The Rage of Anti-White “Wokeism”: Ontario NDP Sees “Islamophobia” as he Worst Sin Possible — Throws Longtime NDP MPP Out of Caucus for A Facebook Post He May Never Have Made

During the 2018 Ontario provincial election,the far-left Ontario NDP stood behind their candidate in Scarborough–Agincourt, Tasleem Riaz, a Muslim woman, who denied allegedly posting a pro-Hitler meme on her Facebook timeline at some point in the past. 

The Facebook post features a quote that is commonly attributed to Hitler overlaid over a photo of the tyrannical despot giving a Nazi salute to a gathered crowd. A title above the image reads, “The Ruler said about Rule.” 
The phrase below it — “If you don’t like a rule … just follow it … reach on the top … and change the rule,” is attributed to Hitler, though there’s no direct historical evidence the Nazi leader ever uttered it. 

In a statement at the time, Riaz said that she was “horrified that an inappropriate meme was on my Facebook page” and that she cannot understand how it happened. 

“I don’t recall sharing it in 2013 — and at no point in my life would I have done so intentionally,” she continued.  
“I am an interfaith advocate, and I have devoted my life to interfaith religious tolerance and freedom. I work closely with the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities in my neighbourhood. In every way, I find Hitler, the hate he spewed, and the genocide he committed to be abhorrent.”

Case closed. Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath gave Riaz the benefit of the doubt. Riaz was believed when she claimed that her Facebook account must have been “hacked”, and the offending meme posted to make her look bad.

Fast forward to 2022. Ontario is set to have another provincial election on June 2. The opposition Ontario NDP is riding high in the polls.

A longtime incumbent Ontario MPP, Paul Miller, is expelled from the party’s caucus at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario this week, after being  accused of being a member of a Facebook group called ‘Worldwide Coalition Against Islam’

Like Ms Riaz, Mr Miller likewise denies ever having committed a moral offence on Facebook.
“I have never posted anything on Twitter or Facebook. Frankly, I’m not that great at the internet”, Miller said. “I have done absolutely nothing wrong”

Unlike, Ms Riaz though, Mr Miller has not been given the benefit of the doubt. He has been kicked out of the Ontario NDP as both a member and a legislator. 

Ms Riaz is a ‘woman of colour’ and a Muslim,so she is automatically the victim in the eyes of the politically correct, ‘woke’, liberal-left,no matter what she says or does. 

Mr Miller is a white male, and thus automatically guilty in the eyes of the politically correct, ‘woke’, liberal-left, no matter what he says or does. 

White leftists like Andrea Horwath worship at the altar of minority pandering, ‘wokeness’, post-modernism, post-structuralism, and while guilt. 

There is increasing no place for White Men on the liberal-left of the political spectrum.Even genuine leftwing union types like Paul Miller are increasingly persona non grata. 
Furthermore, Andrea Horwath is also simply too scared about offending both Ontario’s growing Muslim population (which has been doubling in size every decade since 1991) as well as the feral ‘woke’ mob, to have taken the same action against Ms Riaz in 2018 as she has against Mr Miller in 2022. 

For Andrea Horwath and the Ontario NDP,throwing White Men under the proverbial bus is just the cost of doing politics in Canada during our present Faustian age.
Gary Werfhorst 

‘No dissent is allowed’: School board bars teacher from raising concerns over transgender books

‘No dissent is allowed’: School board bars teacher from raising concerns over transgender books

‘I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that’

Tom Blackwell, NATIONAL POST,


Jan 21, 2022  • 

Carolyn Burjoski, bottom row left, was ejected from this Waterloo Region District School Board virtual meeting for expressing concerns over content in some board-approved school library books.Carolyn Burjoski, bottom row left, was ejected from this Waterloo Region District School Board virtual meeting for expressing concerns over content in some board-approved school library books. Photo by Screen grab

An Ontario school board is facing charges of censorship this week after shutting down a teacher’s presentation to the group, saying her comments about books on transgender issues violated the province’s human rights code.

Carolyn Burjoski was discussing publications she said are available in the libraries of Kindergarten to grade six schools. She had begun to argue the books made it seem too simple and “cool” to medically transition to another gender when her presentation was cut short by the Waterloo Region District School Board’s chair.

Scott Piatkowski ruled she could not continue and the board eventually voted 5-4 to back up his decision. The fallout has continued since.

Though controversial and opposed by most transgender advocates, concerns have been voiced before — including by leading figures in the movement itself — that gender-dysphoric young people are sometimes pushed too aggressively into medical transition.

Piatkowski later told a local CTV station , however, that Burjoski’s comments were actually transphobic and “questioned the right to exist” of trans people. Meanwhile, the organization took down its recording of the meeting — a regular, public session of elected officials — and had YouTube remove another copy of the video for alleged copyright infringement.

And then the teacher was given what she calls a “stay-at-home order” and told not to communicate with colleagues or students, though she’s still being paid and is slated to retire soon. On Thursday, she says her union rep informed her the board had appointed an outside investigator to examine her actions.

We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender

In her first interview on the affair, Burjoski said she was “flabbergasted” by what happened at the meeting and Piatkowski’s remarks afterward.

 “I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that,” she said. “We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender. We’re not having those conversations in our culture because, look what happened to me.”

She said the order to stay away from school was likely meant to make an example of her: “The message is clear: no dissent is allowed.”

Piatkowski declined to comment Thursday, saying he was already the target of organized online harassment and didn’t want to feed it further. He referred to two previous interviews with local media outlets.

The human rights code bars discrimination based on gender identity and other grounds in the areas of housing, employment and providing services.

Asked to explain how Burjoski’s comments violated the code, the chair told 570 News radio station that he would not repeat or respond to her remarks and “give them oxygen.”

But he said he stood by his decision, and that chairs of other boards in the province have told him they would have done the same thing.

“This person was speaking about transgender people in a way that was disrespectful, that would cause them to be attacked and I really needed to ensure it did not continue,” Piatkowski said. “I’m quite confident it was the right decision.”

He said Thursday he knew nothing about the board’s actions against Burjoski or removal of the video of the meeting.

Board spokesperson Eusis Dougan-McKenzie said Friday the video was not officially posted because of concerns about a possible human-rights code violation. In a statement, WDRSB said “we would like to express our deep regret for any harm caused to the transgender community” by Burjoski’s comments.

Two groups representing the LGBTQ community in Waterloo could not be reached for comment. Trans activists, however, often argue that statements questioning medical transition in any way can fuel transgender harassment, discrimination and violence.

“I’m not sorry that someone who opened the door to transphobic comments was stopped from keeping that door open,” Laura Mae Lindo, the NDP MPP for Kitchener Centre, commented on Twitter. “That’s not over-reach. Protect the most vulnerable. Uphold human rights. If you can’t do that, sit down.”

One Waterloo trustee who came to Burjoski’s defence on Monday, though, blasted the board’s decision and said he’s never seen a delegation silenced in that way before.

 “It’s censoring presentations that the chair doesn’t agree with,” said long-time board member Mike Ramsay, who has served as chair three times himself. “As decision makers, we have to make informed decisions.… If we’re going to just take one point of view and say that’s sufficient, that’s wrong on so many fronts.”

Burjoski said she has worked for more than 20 years as a teacher of English as a second language, specializing in children who have immigrated from various countries affected by war and political unrest.

She appeared as a one-person public “delegation” in a session discussing the board’s controversial decision to conduct a system-wide removal of books it considered “harmful.”

Her comments focused on resources recommended by the board for a transgender awareness day. Trouble started when she turned to a book called The Other Boy by M.G. Hennessey and a scene that depicts a meeting between Shane, a transgender boy (born a girl), and a doctor. He voices excitement about starting on testosterone and when the physician says it would mean he likely wouldn’t be able to have children, he says, “It’s cool.”

If we’re going to just take one point of view and say that’s sufficient, that’s wrong

As Burjoski remarked that such books make it seem overly straightforward to take cross-sex hormones, Piatkowski interjected to warn she may be violating the code.

The teacher then went on to say the book was misleading “because it does not take into account how Shane might feel later in life about being infertile. This book makes very serious medical interventions seem like an easy cure for emotional and psychological distress.”

At that point, Piatkowski told her he was “ending the presentation.”

The widely used “affirmation” approach to children who identify as transgender has raised some concerns in several countries, and not just among obvious critics. Two leading psychologists in the transgender medical community, one of them a trans woman, complained in a recent article about sloppy and dangerous assessment of young people presenting as trans, with overly hasty resort to hormones.

Pam Buffone, whose parents group Canadian Gender Report highlights similar issues, said Burjoski raised legitimate questions about the appropriateness of school materials, as places like Finland restrict the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

“If there’s a reason to hide this discussion from public scrutiny, then there’s really something wrong,” she said.

Where each party stands on life, family, and freedom

Where each party stands on life, family, and freedom

CitizenGO legally cannot tell you which party to vote for, and we cannot tell you which candidate to vote for.

We will, however, say that it’s very important that you let your voice be heard on Monday, and do what you can to vote for the candidate that best represents your values.

It’s been the aim of CitizenGO from the very beginning to fight for the common good and for the dignity of every human person. We strive to protect life from conception to natural death, the recognition of family and the most basic and natural unit of society, and freedom.

For this reason, we think it’s important to break down the platforms of each federal party, so that you know how each party winning could affect our country when it comes to issues of life, family, and freedom:

Liberal Party:


  • Plans to revoke charity status to pro-life organizations, including crisis pregnancy centres who provide care and counseling to women who have chosen life
  • Plans to penalize provincial governments who refuse to fund abortion outside of hospitals (such as in the case of New Brunswicks’s Clinic 554)
  • Plans to give legal protection to any business or organization in Canada that demands that all their employees be vaccinated
  • Plans to ban all forms of conversion therapy, banning the work of groups such as Courage International, who non-coercively help people ro live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality


  • Almost every Liberal Party MP voted for Bill C-7, which radically expanded Canada’s euthanasia law, allowing euthanasia for reasons of mental illness alone, and for the incompetent who cannot provide consent but have signed an advanced directive (Source)
  • Every Liberal Party MP (in attendance) voted against Bill C-233, which would have banned the barbaric practice of sex-selective abortion (Source)
  • The Trudeau government introduced Bill C-10 and Bill C-36, both of which aimed to censor Canadians on the internet (Source)

Conservative Party:


  • Plans to repeal Bill C-7, a bill which expanded Canada’s euthanasia law, allowing euthanasia for reasons of mental illness alone, and for the incompetent who cannot provide consent but have signed an advanced directive
  • Plans to ban conversion therapy, but clarifies that non-coerceive conversations will not be criminalized
  • Though the platform claims to support the conscience rights of medical professionals, Erin O’Toole has since clarified that he believes in effective referrals. This means that if a patient wants to be killed through euthanasia, but a medical professional objects to killing them, the medical professional must still violate their conscience by referring their patient to a doctor who is fine euthanizing the patient (Source)


  • O’Toole says that a Conservative government would not interfere with New Brunswick’s decision to not fund abortions that are not in hospitals (Source)
  • Though the majority of Conservative MPs voted for Bill C-233, which would have banned the barbaric practice of sex-selective abortion, Erin O’Toole voted against it. He has repeatedly referred to himself as pro-choice. (Source) (Source)
  • Every Conservative MP (in attendance) voted against Bill C-10, a bill which threatened to censor Canadians by applying broadcasting regulations to social media users (Source)

New Democratic Party:


  • Plans to interfere with provincial governments who refuse to fund abortion outside of hospitals (such as in the case of New Brunswicks’s Clinic 554)
  • Plans to increase access to abortion in rural areas and in the North
  • Plans to ban all forms of conversion therapy, banning the work of groups such as Courage International, who non-coercively help people ro live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality
  • Will use the government to crack down on what the NDP believes to be the spread of disinformation and “fake news”


  • Every NDP MP (in attendance) voted for Bill C-10, a bill which threatened to censor Canadians by applying broadcasting regulations to social media users (Source)
  • The NDP supported Bill C-7, which expanded Canada’s eiuthanasia laws, but opposed it and voted against it when the Senate added multiple amendments to it (Source) (Source)
  • Every NDP MP (in attendance) voted against Bill C-233, which would have banned the barbaric practice of sex-selective abortion (Source)

People’s Party of Canada:


  • Plans to repeal C-16 and M-103, and oppose C-10, and C-36, which are all bills that either censor Canadians or compel/condemn the speech of Canadians who express politically-incorrect views
  • Plans to ensure that Canadians are not discriminated against because of their moral convictions
  • Plans to withhold federal funding from any post-secondary institution shown to be violating the freedom of expression of its students or faculty
  • Opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports

Bloc Quebecois:

  • Every Bloc Quebecois MP (in attendance) voted for Bill C-10, a bill which threatened to censor Canadians by applying broadcasting regulations to social media users (Source)
  • Every Bloc Quebecois MP (in attendance) voted against Bill C-233, which would have banned the barbaric practice of sex-selective abortion (Source)
  • Every Bloc Quebecois MP voted for Bill C-7, which radically expanded Canada’s euthanasia law, allowing euthanasia for reasons of mental illness alone, and for the incompetent who cannot provide consent but have signed an advanced directive (Source)

Christian Heritage Party:


  • Plans to protect innocent life from conception until natural death
  • Plans to restore traditional marriage
  • Plans to repeal euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Plans to protect free speech
  • Plans to defend the conscience rights of all Canadians, and especially those of medical professionals

Green Party:


  • Plans to ban all forms of conversion therapy, banning the work of groups such as Courage International, who non-coercively help people ro live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality
  • Plans to legalize prostitution
  • Plans to expand programs in “reproductive health, rights, and in sexual and reproductive health education”

Indians & Anarchists, White Haters All, Trash Our History, Vandalize & Topple Ryerson Statue: Cancel Culture.

Statue of Egerton Ryerson toppled at university after rally honouring residential school victims

Rosa Saba

By Rosa SabaBusiness ReporterSun., June 6, 2021timer4 min. readupdateArticle was updated 1 hr ago

A statue of Egerton Ryerson at the university named for him was toppled on Sunday after a demonstration in honour of the 215 children whose remains were discovered at a former residential school site in Kamloops, B.C.

The statue, on Gould Street at the heart of the downtown Toronto campus, was doused with paint and smashed during the gathering that began earlier in the day at Queen’s Park.

As the bell tolled 8 p.m. from the Kerr Hall clock tower, people surrounded the fallen statue and later climbed atop the now-empty base, both of which were covered in graffiti referencing the 215 lost children and the role of government and churches in residential school atrocities.

Supporters at the site said they were relieved to see the statue, a point of contention for years, come down.

People have left children's shoes at the site in recent days in honour of the 215 children whose remains were found at a former residential school site in Kamloops, B.C.

Kayla Sutherland, who stood atop the plinth and said a prayer, said she saw the removal of the statue not as an act of aggression but as a ceremony, adding that it would be a positive memory for her.

Sutherland said her grandmother went to a residential school, and she has never been able to access records about the school or what happened there.

She said the march from Queen’s Park to the statue had a strong message: “Canada is guilty of genocide.”

Indigenous people who were sent to residential schools and their families continue to bear the scars of that experience, she said.

As the evening wore on, onlookers came and went while demonstrators milled around the fallen monument.

People took turns hitting the head of the statue while others drummed and lit bundles of sage as the light began to fade. It was a celebratory but at times chaotic scene, with shouts as police briefly talked to the demonstrators, and chants of “No peace on stolen land” as trucks arrived just after 9 p.m.

When the pickup trucks pulled up and men in orange vests got out, demonstrators surrounded the statue, saying it could not be removed.

There's been growing pressure on the university to remove the statue, as well as calls to rename the institution.

Minutes later the trucks drove away and the crowd cheered.

Jamie Drakes-Lindsey, who goes by the name Monikwa, said they weren’t present when the statue came down, but they were moved by the sight of it on the ground.

“I came, I parked my bike, I cried. I literally dropped to my knees,” said Drakes-Lindsey.

“This is very emotional, a very proud thing for us. This is definitely a win.”

Drakes-Lindsey had been camping out at the statue for the last four days, they said, protecting the shrine of children’s shoes at the base representing the 215 children whose remains were discovered in unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School last month.

Drakes-Lindsey said there was a police presence all day during the demonstration at Queen’s Park and at the statue.

Some demonstrators said a “wind” or “tornado” took down the statue, indicating they would not share more details about how it was dislodged.

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Gary Wassaykeesic said the statue “feels good coming down.”

“But we have to go further than this statue,” he said.

Sutherland agreed.

“What policies are actually being changed?” she asked. “What are those systematic changes that need to happen within all levels of government?”

People surround the statue that used to stand outside Kerr Hall on Gould Street.

Sutherland said she wants to hear a proper apology from the Catholic Church, which operated the residential school where her grandmother was sent.

On Sunday, Pope Francis angered people across Canada with a statement that acknowledged the discovery in Kamloops but did not directly apologize to Indigenous people for the church’s role in residential schools.

The statue and the name of the university itself have become flashpoints because of the role of Egerton Ryerson, a 19th-century educator, in shaping Canada’s residential schools system. The system, which lasted for more than a century until the last school closed in 1996, saw tens of thousands of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children forcibly removed from their families and made to attend the church-run, government-sponsored schools. Thousands of children died at the schools, where physical and sexual abuse was rampant.

Wassaykeesic said what happened in downtown Toronto on Sunday represented “the power of the child,” referring to the discovery of the 215 children’s remains in Kamloops.

Last week, a group of faculty called for Ryerson’s name and statue to be removed from the institution.

“We, Indigenous faculty at Ryerson, sign our names to this letter, with the hope we are finally heard, both by the university community, who we ask to join this campaign, and by the university administration, who we ask to recognize that the time to remove the statue and rename our school is now,” they wrote.

Last month, a separate letter from the Yellowhead Institute, a First Nation-led research centre at the university, said its students and faculty would be removing “Ryerson” from their email signatures and other documents, instead calling the school “X University.”

Drakes-Lindsey said they believe this is just the beginning.

“When I used to be homeless … I used to sleep here,” they said outside the university. “It would taunt me. It would look down on me, that statue.”

Last week, a painting and bust of Egerton Ryerson were removed from the Ontario legislature after a request from the leader of the Opposition NDP.

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021: Resistance is NOT Futile!

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021

To : those who care about good government in British Columbia

            Breathe Freely

 GATHERING Jan 23 2021 in Victoria B C

A few hardy souls gathered on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health on a bright wintry afternoon, Jan 23 2021.   20 warm bodies holding signs educating passersby with more and better information than they’re getting from the govt.  Reactions were 50 50  thumbs up approving honks, versus hollering disapproval.  What came through from the screamers is : deep animosity.   There’s a whole lot of pent up hurt and confusion barely kept in check by head Witch Bonnie Henry casting her spell every day chanting   “ cases cases cases death death death” 

As Professor Marshal McLuhan taught me : “When someone feels his self image is challenged, he has a mandate for war.” 

Encountering signage urging “take off the mask” a guy wearing the muzzle can have a minor psychotic break.   Our tiny witness contradicting the official brainwashing causes him to lash out at us for startling him out of stupor.   Normal politeness comes unglued  … they scream out their confusion  = “go to hell”.  

From half a year’s involvement in this authentic populist movement I know that part of my calling,  is, channeling that raw emotion on to who’s responsible — the fools in high places perpetrating this Crime against Humanity ie. the Covid 19 HOAX;    namely, John Horgan and his supporting cast of NeeDiPpers.

Our little rallies are crucial for connecting like-minded folks in what we used to call the real world.  A good example being   last week, when the car rally was forming at Dallas Road, a man came up and told the protesters that he had no idea there were people like him = disgusted with the official version of KronaMadness.  The warMth of a simple hug means a lot in these trying times

After standing with the protest for a while on Blanshard St., I headed out to the Breathe Freely EVENT which I had organized.  There, I did most of the talking as six of us stood around in LESS THAN so-called Social distance, encouraging each other.  I got a kick out of handing out pages proving a “support group” is one of the categorical exemptions from the Public Health Act Order banning GATHERING  and EVENTS.   Another exemption being, “political activity”.   I had a hard copy in hand so if an officious bye=law enforcement officer were to start in on me, she could be put in her place. You’re damn’d right we’re a support group!

One of the attendees was a man who had been given a violation Notice for failing to wear a mask in a public place.  The very next day after diktat M425 came in to effect – November 26 2020  – he’d gone in to a food store, done his shopping silently, all the while the employees were literally ‘in his face’ bothering him because he wasn’t muzzled.  When the police arrived he was laying on the floor, without a word. They handcuffed him and put him in the cop car, ostensibly under arrest for “obstruction of Justice”.   But the cops spent the next half hour discussing what to charge him with. Eventually, he was handed a ticket pursuant to the Covid19 Measures Regulation Act.   When I get an image of that Violation Notice, I’ll be sending it out  : Publicity is the soul of Justice.

The tragedy in which we now find ourselves could not have happened without despicable complicity by the so-called “legacy media”.  In nearly a year, not once have I seen a line of print in the local rags / pathetic excuses for newspapers,  contradicting the premise of medical fascism with a smiley-face

Last summer the very character of our province changed without a murmur nor the rustling of a wing feather by those who style themselves the guardians of propriety.  Statutes were sneaked through the castrated Legislature.   The Emergency Powers Act and the Covid 19 Measures Regulations Act and the Public Health Act were amended so that merely talking back to someone in authority re the HOAX of the purported pan-demic, is now an offence.     Really ominious, is, official protocol for having someone tossed in a mental ward for voicing disbelief with the Central Party Line.  The tentacles of Red Fascism wrapped around British Columbia while citizens slept.  The court jesters,  scribblers and quislings such as David Obee, Les Layne, Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smith, Keith Baldrey etc. are missing in action.  Worse, though ! where are the guys who pretend to be Christian leaders? Commanded by God to be Watchmen on the Wall?  With rare exception … a bunch of chickenshits whom Jesus Christ said he will spue out of his mouth because they were lukewarm when it mattered.  This coming Friday, I’ll be in the Vancouver Lawcourts viewing the Affidavits of a couple of pastors – men with the courage of their convictions  – who have a Judicial Review underway, challenging the lockdown measures pertaining to  believers congregating

At the Breathe Freely GATHERING one of the attendees told me what happened  in Duncan, just lately.   His friend called her doctor, requesting a note to substantiate medical exemption from having to wear a face covering. Without so much as consulting her, the doctor made an appointment for the patient to go in for an interview with the mental health branch.    The book “Psychopolitics” by one of the monsters of Stalinism,  Lev Beria,  describes how the psychiatric profession was captured by the communists, so dissenters were labelled “insane” then parked in mental wards.    This is how it was done in the Soviet Union and is done in Red China and British Columbia,  this afternoon.

I’ll be convening another meetup of Breathe Freely,  soon.  Please share this little missive to let all and sundry know  RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020 — A Report by Gordon Watson

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020

About 200 folks gathered under the porch at the head office of the Ministry of Health,  encouraging each other as we dissent from the Central Party Line.   Victoria is famous for being mellow and so we were.   In high spirits in the pouring rain, exercising our right to assemble peacefully … from little papooses wrapped closely on their moms, children playing ‘mongst concerned parents / grandparents, to elders in our 80s, we hugged each other spreading good will,  dispelling KronaMadness in the most practical way.      

Among the excellent speakers, doctor Stephen Malthouse was the hero of the hour.    In 8 minutes he put the boots to the official non-sense.   
On the very doorstep of her office, calling Bonnie Henry a liar … going so far as to declare  “there is no real pandemic, This thing was pre-planned.   governments around the world are lying in lockstep”.    I urge you-all to locate the Malthouse open letter sent to BC’s Chief Health Officer.    Call Dr. Henry and demand she address the serious queries in it.   Saint Bunnie’s phone number is 250  952 2611  

For 3 hours, everyone in attendance was violating the Public health Order as well as Farnsworth’s Ministerial Order M425.    Yet –  other than a few passersby – none of us were muzzled.   Of course the mainstream media was conspicuous by its absence.   The scene of our ‘crime’ is about half a mile from the Victoria Police building, but not one of them showed up.   Days earlier, Premier Horgan had come out in petulant mode, fuming that provincial officials have been delegated to issue tickets against us bad citizens … antimaskers! antivaxxers!!  Heretics !!!  All that did, is,  confirm scuttlebutt that the RCMP are declining to issue Violation Notices in light of legal counsel that Covid regulations in British Columbia won’t stand scrutiny by a Judge.     

Linda Morken made several excellent points, quoting Sally Fallon, founder of the Weston A Price foundation: ‘Don’t grumble about a problem ‘til you can offer a solution’.  Everyone wants immediate remedy for the outrageous intrusion of Big Sister govt.  into our lives. But we’re going to have to put up with what Charles Maclean said in his classic work “Popular delusions and the madness of crowds” :   People go crazy in herds, they come to their senses one at a time.  Each speaker told us that our task is to kindly educate those entranced in the propaganda, so they can “untie the knot of fear in their mind’.  Other than bearing witness in our daily lives – particularly, by going around breathing freely and cultivating strong personal immunity   – we were pointed to Action4Canada’s big project =   taking on the validity of the Orders in Court via a constitutional challenge in Court. 

As seemingly tiny as they are, each  grassroots gathering across the continent and around the world, are having effect.  We are what George Washington called his “winter soldiers”  the men who suffered through the first winter in appalling conditions … the backbone of the first American revolution.   Those who show up at rallies, witnessing against authoritarian-ism, are every bit as important to our nation now.

We got hundreds of favourable honks / thumbs-up from motorists going by on Blanshard St.   This present administration has badly miscalculated the depth of opposition to its Covidiocy.    The  (NDP) are fat and sassy now, coasting in the glow of re-election to majority government.   That happened mostly because Dr Bonnie Henry cast her spell, daily, bewitching the electorate.   But when people realize the enormity of the damage, this authentic populism will get organized,  then this gaggle of  antichrists  will go down as the most unpopular govt. in BC history. 

The contrived jolly public face the Premier put on while electioneering brings to mind what they say in Poland : “he laughs. He has not yet heard the bad news.”   Most recently,  though, it’s the smirk peculiar to conmen, aka “duper’s delight”.   My take on Mr Horgan, is: he’s a local boy made good but that’s as far as it goes.   Capable of getting elected on his own turf, played his hand well as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, but IN-competent at actually governing.   Stupified in the newsmedia glare,  he’s not the “brains’ of the NeeDiPpers.   No, he’s akin to the puppet clubs of “motorcycle enthusiasts” which the Hells Angels allow to operate on their territory … ie. Mr Horgan’s riding where the HA clubhouse is.   Big bluff Irishman Horgan is the mouthpiece of guys like Geoff Meggs, lifetime Trotskyite in a 3piece suit. 

Back in 1967, I made my way to Haight Street in San Francisco.  That summer, there was magic in the air… it really was peace love and good vibes, outwardly. I crashed overnight in one of the iconic Victorian skinny houses, then dropped in to the Digger house. What I encountered was the other, seamy side of the hippie culture. Local Negro petty thugs had mugged a couple of naive  white kids fresh in from rural America.    About 50 people were sitting around the front room, talking about what to do. Like something straight out of a movie, The Big Man who had been summoned from the local white gang, tossed a handful of bullets in to the middle of the circle,  saying “is it going to come to this?”  Simpleton that I was, I  gathered them up, handed them back to him. Then got-the-hell-out-of-there.   My infatuation with the hippie thing sobered-up right there and then.  Point being : we’re now at that same stage of the spiritual battle against KronaMadness.   The diplomatic Sitzkreig of the last 10 months ended with the image out of Calgary.  Two hysterical female cops embarrassing themselves in a textbook example of how  NOT  to carry out an arrest,  hints at what’s planned.      Faced with larger increasingly-confident displays repudiating the PANICdemic,  officialdumb  – comprised of individuals with the emotional plague** –  will turn the screws to enforce their delusion.  ** Wilhelm Reich defined such character as someone so emotionally-crippled they cannot abide anyone else enjoying life.   Mockery drives emotional plague types right around the bend.   Laughter is the anti-dote, so –  bring on the comic relief ! 

Thank you Brett Beckett for putting on quite the party, and!  to the guys who gave us live music. Let’s do it some more

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians