Help Brian Ruhe, Victim of Zionist-Inspired Job Loss and Persecution
People have asked me where is my fall schedule of meditation courses. Members of a powerful Zionist organization openly state that they contacted Capilano University and four Vancouver Community Centres in order to have me fired from teaching there. They succeeded and I am now unemployed after teaching for 17 years at some of these community centres. This is a loss for spreading Buddhist meditation and it’s a financial hardship for me. I ask for your support at this time as I adjust. I have a fund raising drive on the Indeigogo website at:
I still intend to teach meditation and lead retreats privately, where my employers cannot be as influenced. You can volunteer to help in organizing this too. I also want to make a change to benefit more people so I have started my own talk show on YouTube using the amazing technology of Google Hangouts on Air which makes an instant YouTube video from each interview. I want to interview great minds all over the world on spiritual and truth search themes. This is, “The Brian Ruhe Show” and my recent guest is Sensei Mui from Chicago on this YouTube video: What is Wrong with Buddhism Again
I have over 600 YouTube videos on all aspects of my teachings which have reached over 750,000 views. My videos have focused upon Buddhism and meditation but now my talk show also focuses on issues relating to truth and justice on a global scale, WWII historical revisionism, and a Buddhist interpretation of world events and history. These are controversial topics, yes and I am one of the few on YouTube expressing these vital ideas from a Buddhist perspective. This is a free speech issue and I have a video about my current dilemma, made with the Canadian Association for Free Expression, at:
Most people are unaware of the damaging powers of Zionist supremacist forces behind the scenes, such
as Bill C-51 which allows for spying on Canadians.It is very important for me and others to speak out. We are the 99% and our voice can make a decisive difference. We are being lied to by our political leaders and the media. Please go online to get informed instead of relying on TV or newspapers, and please support my talk show where you can see how I use my freedom of speech. You don’t have to agree with everything that I and my guests say but it is wise for us to open up this dialogue with a sense of urgency. Hundreds of comments on YouTube encourage me to speak out, to take a stand and let out the truth, which got me fired from my teaching career in public institutions. In this I am facing a critical challenge but I am committing myself to continue the fight for justice because I can do what others will not dare to do if they have a family to support. Because of the responsibility for justice, I encourage all people to take part to allow justice to run, by supporting our mission, as I work with others. You’re welcome to make a donation to join me and support me in raising awareness about our true history.
I have some spiritual insight and I will not back down before intimidation and persecution. I can give you such evidence and I am challenging this. I‘ve had threats but I will continue to profile guests who are courageous and intelligent. You can see recent episodes at with guests Mark Weber, John Friend and Sensei Mui. With your donations we can make a difference towards creating a good and gentle world. If you have a sense of what I’m trying to do and what I have already done, please consider making a financial contribution so I can afford to focus more time and energy on this mission.
I have spent about 3000 hours since 2007 studying outside of the controlled mainstream media, subjects of truth search themes, such as the International bankers’ control over our society, World War II revisionist history, the international Jewish community, UFOs and government cover-ups. Prior to that I also spent a lot of time on these things going back to my childhood but in 2007 I discovered YouTube and I since have learned from every educational modality you can name. In 2009 I created the Vancouver UFO and Conspiracy Meetup group and from there I have found mentors and advisers here in Vancouver who have personally guided my studies. Since then, I have changed my mind on issues
a few times but I am now able to come to some conclusions about the world and how power flows in it.
My own YouTube videos since July 2014 are about truther themes, the surprising true history of World
War II and National Socialist Germany, as well as challenging Jewish supremacy in our society, but I state
that 95% of Jewish people are not aware of nor are they responsible for the actions of the elite. I don’t
discuss such matters in the Buddhism and meditation retreats and courses I teach but I have been fired
from seven teaching positions just
because of these videos. YouTube is a big focus in my life and my altruism and over 80% of myinteraction with the world is through YouTube. What I say is backed up by better evidence than the
conventional history we were brought up with and taught in the mainstream media and universities-
which are centres of cultural Marxism. This is about truth vs. peer group pressure, about the forces of
good and the forces of Mara in the world. This is profound and I have always been drawn to the
I am a Theravada Buddhist teacher and I regard what I am doing as a higher moral standard and
I am sacrificing my own reputation in order to protect people who criticize me. I have more courage
than most Canadian men do. I now know that we are in a war but most people don’t even realize that
they’re in a war. I’m fighting in an info war for what is good and decent in the world.
If you want to know more with real evidence I can tell you more in person, and I also have more
info attached. This is part of my mission in life so to support it I accept donations for my time,
otherwise it’s not practical nor sustainable for me to spend my time contacting people one-on-one about
such things. My YouTube videos are free and they explain it all and you can watch as many as you like, at:
These truths uncovered, are the biggest surprise of my entire life and they profoundly effect every
single person in the world. This is nothing less than a paradigm shift and I am grateful that I have had a
transformational experience. My inner strength and happiness is better than ever because
my internal refuge is strong and grounded in reality.

I believe that what I am doing follows the Buddha’s teaching and ethics in general. The Buddha taught that we should make an effort to see through delusion, confusion and lies and He said, “Three things can not be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth”. Of the ten paramis (perfections) truthfulness is the most important one. It is the only one that the bodhisatta, the Buddha in his previous lives, could not break because of the profound karmic implications of the truth. The Buddha criticized people who lied to him and he taught that you can blame those who are blameworthy. The Buddha was in constant argument and debate with other spiritual leaders of his day in his proclamation of the dhamma- which is truth. He taught that dhamma is a universal objective truth and that we should live in harmony with it. The Buddha taught universal loving kindness for all beings and it is because I have loving kindness for 7,000,000,000 people that I am making a personal sacrifice for them now, greater than what I have made in my past 20 years of teaching. I have right view and my knowledge of the grave dangers hidden in the world surpasses the vast majority so knowledge means I have a responsibility to act.
The Buddha taught that our actions should be timely, not untimely and that we should use right speech which is not only truthful but skillful, at the right time, spoken without harshness or ill-will and it should be beneficial. I am accomplishing all of that through the medium of YouTube because there are millions of voices on YouTube. I am skillfully adding my voice to these millions of videos to tweak an adjustment more towards what is true, wholesome and good in the world as I am a moderate in comparison to others on YouTube.
The Buddha defined enlightenment as “seeing things as they really are.” There are so many lies from the top down in our society that an intelligent Buddhist should use their discernment and insight to see through these lies and speak out against them, which is what I am proud to do.
The Buddha taught that we should not cling to attachment to views but that does not mean that we live
without views, which is impossible. It means that we don’t force our views on others or act unskillfully
based upon our views. We should still have views rooted in dhamma, the Buddha taught, and we should
act and live by those views in a way that is skillful and beneficial to ourselves and to others.
Some Buddhists make the mistake of using meditation as an excuse to not get engaged in the social issues in the world believing that they are good just by developing their practice and they actually withdraw from the world but the Buddha was opposed to this. The Buddha taught ethics for his followers because they are in the world and they are responsible for taking care of their world. In May, I met with Zen Buddhist professor David Loy when he was giving lectures in Vancouver. He told us “If Buddhism can’t help us face the social issues of the world, then maybe Buddhism isn’t what the world needs right now. But I think Buddhism can help.”
The Buddha said to a Jain who joined him that people should support their current teachers as well as their former teachers. There is also the 2,500 year Buddhist tradition of dana, referring to donations and generosity to support Buddhist teachers. In the Numbered Discourses the Buddha said that there are three people who should be remembered- the one who introduced you to the path, the one who established you on the path and the one who helped you reach a deeper insight. I have done the first one or two for countless people.
Donations can be made at:
or by PayPal or mailed, being payable and sent to:
Brian Ruhe
#104 – 1960 West 7th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V6J 1T1
It would be gratefully appreciated!
May you be well, happy and peaceful,
Brian Ruhe