His name is Steven Amenhauser a white male, 53-years-old. He was set on fire by two black teens (16 & 14)—who doused Steven in a flammable liquid & was murdered in this “brutal and vicious crime.”
Facebook says: “This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam:
vdare.com” Outright political censorship of immigration reformers VDARE. Presumably, the murder of Whites is OK with Facebook “community standards’.
Is the U.S. Deep State, the Minority Heavy Biden Government Planning a Purge of Nationalists, Trump Supporters — the “Deplorables”?
Terrifying — A purge of nationalists, “nativists” and even libertarians is promised by the radical around Joe Biden. ENDGAME NOW! Globalist Purge Imminent
Petition to Stop Silicon Valley’s Censorship of Christian Voices
Big Tech’s brutal assault on free speech is appalling, and it is directed at you, me and anyone who stands for life, family, freedom or any moral value!
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Apple, Amazon, Pinterest, and other Big Tech companies have launched a worldwide crusade to censor voices like ours.
They showed the world just how far they are willing to go after they banned former U.S. President Donald Trump from all of their platforms.
And if they can censor elected leaders like Trump, they can do it to anyone…
…including YOU and CitizenGO!
What few people realize is, Big Tech’s banning of “unapproved” speech started long before Trump was banned.
Amazon, Google, and Apple conspire to bring down the conservative-leaning social media app Parler.
The US pro-family National Organization for Marriage was stripped of its online fundraising portal.
The rising pro-life conservative party in Spain, VOX, was banned from Twitter.
I could go on and on.
It’s clear that those in power at these Big Tech conglomerates seem to think they can use their oligarch control of online interactions to do as they please.
And with the growing effectiveness of CitizenGO in exposing the culture of death, transgender madness, and indoctrination of children in gender ideology, they will attack CitizenGO at any time.
But unlike others, I will not quietly cower and hope to be allowed to speak.
That’s because I know these tech giants are not as invincible as they’d like us to believe.
If you and I stand up to the Big Tech bullies, we can show them they will lose popular support, AND they will also lose billions of dollars in profits and suffer legal penalties.
This is something no CEO likes to tell their stockholders.
Right now, these social media platforms are some of CitizenGO’s most valuable advocacy tools, with our followers sharing our campaigns daily.
Our allies and CitizenGO have leveraged our over 15 million supporters to launch impactful campaigns, including:
Defending our own U.K. campaigner, Caroline Farrow, from malicious, unfounded lawsuits that sought to jail her for standing up for traditional family values;
Freeing Asia Bibi from anti-Christian persecution in Pakistan;
Standing up to corporate behemoths like Disney and Netflix who insist on promoting anti-Christian and LGBTQ ideology, even to very young children;
Exposing UN lobbyists who tried to force pro-life governments in Africa to support abortion or lose critical aid; and
Saving baby Tafida from heartless bureaucrats who sought to deny her life-saving medical care.
And these campaigns are only a small part of what our online presence has helped us accomplish.
But if radical Leftists like George Soros and some of the leaders of the Big Tech get their way, any group — even private citizens — could be banned from promoting our values.
Big Tech claims their main goal is to fight hate and false facts.
But you and I know what the real goals of their leaders more often than not are: to weaken our defense of the unborn, free speech, the natural family, freedom of Religion and Christian values.
If CitizenGO members like you stand idly by, these tech giants could get away with one of the most significant assaults on free speech since the rise of the Nazis and Communists.
That’s why our petition to these Big Tech CEOs insists they uphold the ideals of a free and open public square which allows space for discussion and opposing ideas.
You and I must stand together to show them they will pay a heavy price in loss of popular support, lost revenue and legal penalties.
Tell them to stop the censorship of pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty speech and activism on their platforms.
Judges will decide whether she had the right to comment on grandfather’s health care
CBC News · Posted: Sep 17, 2019 5:00 AM CT | Last Updated: September 18, 2019
Carolyn Strom arrives at the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in Regina on Tuesday. Strom was found guilty of professional misconduct by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association in 2016 and handed a $26,000 penalty. (Michael Bell/The Canadian Press)
The nurse who was found guilty of professional misconduct over a Facebook post will soon learn whether she had the right to make those comments.
Three judges of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal reserved their decision Tuesday on the matter until a later date.
The court heard the Facebook post was made in good faith and was an exercise of her free speech.
Court also heard that the post may constitute fake news, although that wasn’t discussed at a lower court hearing, and that there are no charter rights that protect unprofessional conduct.
Post violated social media policy
In 2015, Carolyn Strom wrote a post on Facebook criticizing the health care her grandfather received while in palliative care.
In the post, Strom said staff at St. Joseph’s Integrated Health Centre in the town of Macklin, about 225 kilometres west of Saskatoon, needed to do a better job of looking after elderly patients.
“It is evident that not everyone is ‘up to speed’ on how to approach end-of-life care … or how to help maintain an aging senior’s dignity (among other things!),” read part of the Facebook post.
Some of the nurses in the hospital felt Strom’s post was a personal attack and complained. The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association ruled the post brought the nursing profession into disrepute and violated its social media policy.
Strom was found guilty of professional misconduct and given a $1,000 fine by the association and was ordered to pay $25,000 in tribunal costs.
She appealed the ruling but her appeal was dismissed because the judge could find no reason to interfere with the association’s decision, setting the stage for Tuesday’s appeal hearing.
‘Made in good faith’
On Tuesday, Strom’s lawyer Marcus Davies argued her comments never mentioned nurses — just staff.
He said there were roughly 40 staff at the health centre, and it’s hard to know specifically who Strom was referring to.
Davies also argued the comments were made in good faith, and that she exercised her right to free speech.
“In the discipline committee, it says, ‘It is accepted that Ms. Strom was not driven by malice,'” Davies said. “Well, that means her comments were made in good faith, if she was not driven by malice, then she was driven by good faith.”
The nurses association argued Strom should have gone through the correct channels and lodged an official complaint.
‘Fake news’
Roger Lepage represented the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association at Tuesday’s hearing.
He took the position that there is no charter right protecting unprofessional conduct and that there is no right for individuals to harm the reputation of other individuals.
Lepage argued that Canadians would be harmed if nurses would be able to say whatever they wanted about the health-care system.
He argued Strom’s post qualifies “fake news,” but the judges presiding stated the previous hearing never found Strom’s comments to be untrue, and said Lepage himself shut down that argument then.
Lepage argued Strom’s post amounted to venting on social media and that other staff members “had their hands tied” by professional ethics.
Lepage also argued that Strom’s post was not free speech or part of the public discourse, but rather an attack on an individualized group.
“If you read her post, it’s very personal, she’s zeroing in on St. Joseph’s, she’s zeroing in on Macklin, she’s zeroing in on identifiable people who work there, the staff,” Lepage said.
“That’s what takes this out of the protection that Ms. Strom would ask of this court and was asking of the discipline committee.”
Lepage said that Strom should have filed a formal complaint with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, but didn’t.
‘I wish it didn’t have to be this hard’
Strom spoke with reporters outside court on Tuesday, after the judges decided to reserve their decision.
When asked if she regretted making the posts on Facebook, Strom said she will always stand up for her family and she had no regrets about it.
Three judges of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal reserved their decision Tuesday on Strom’s case until a later date. (Chanss Lagaden/CBC)
“What I don’t think is fair is … what this has turned into,” Strom said. “I didn’t expect this… I wish it didn’t have to be this hard.”
She said she was shocked to hear Lepage comment Canadians would be hurt if nurses were able to say what they want, when they want.
Strom responded to accusations that she was a liar and didn’t have her facts right, made by the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association’s legal representation, and said they were false.
“I just cannot believe that, that was low, that was false, and I just don’t understand how people get away with that,” Strom said. “There was absolutely no reason for that to have been said.”
Strom, who is working as a nurse part time in Prince Albert, Sask., said the court case has led her to question whether she wants to be a nurse.
Strom said she couldn’t decide today whether she would carry on the case if the judges don’t rule in her favour.
“It will depend; every step is different and it gets harder every time, with respect to the toll that it takes to recover from all of this,” she said. “It’s just so hard to stay composed when you’re so involved.”
3 groups intervene
Three groups have applied for intervener status in the case, including the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and the Canadian Constitution Foundation.
The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN), represented by Ronni Nordal, was the first group to speak on behalf of the interveners.
SUN argued the post was directed specifically at the St. Joseph’s Integrated Health Centre, not at the nurses generally.
SUN argued there was no factual basis for which a finding of professional misconduct could be found.
SUN also argued that one of Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association’s statutory mandates is to promote the standing of the registered nurse professionally, not to defend or protect individual nurses, and the organization’s argument was not rationally connected to its mandate.
The B.C. Civil Liberties Association, represented by Greg Fingas, argued the informal nature of social media meant that speech should not be compared to a letter from a judge.
The Canadian Constitution Foundation argued citizens should be allowed to express opinions and criticize health care and services without punishment and noted that because public health care dominates public policy, people should be allowed to speak about it.
The federation also asked the court to consider what kind of precedent this decision sets for all professionals who want to share their opinions or concerns.
Hi Friend, For years, Big Tech has used me as Patient Zero in their test case in mass de-platforming by eliminating my ability to reach the public because of my political views.
I know I’ve been a little offline since I ran for Congress in President Trump’s home district, Florida-21 a few months ago, but I feel compelled to reach out to you to share a shocking story about something that happened to me and is relevant to all of us. It might have seemed implausible a few years ago, but things are rapidly changing here in America, our rights are in danger, and our Republic is in a fragile place.The new bans on President Trump and Conservative voices around the nation over the last two weeks are what I’ve been dealing with and actively fighting against for years.My speech on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been banned and eliminated.
My ability to conduct business on PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe and other financial institutions has been banned.Chase Bank once shut down my online banking.Comcast blocked my congressional campaign from sending texts and emails to voters while they donated to my democrat opponent.Even my ability to travel has all been restricted, as I am permanently banned on Uber and Lyft.I can’t even have a sandwich delivered because I’ve been banned on UberEats.
What I haven’t shared with you is that last year, I found out my 2nd Amendment rights have also been stripped without warning or explanation. That’s right, I – a young woman who faces constant death threats – cannot own or possess a firearm for my own personal protection.
My 2nd Amendment right has been BANNED and I need your HELPWhile I have NEVER been convicted of a felony, domestic violence, and I’ve never been adjudicated mentally unfit by a judge, my name was placed in the Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and I have been prohibited from ever owning or even touching a firearm. It’s called “Red Flagging”. The only people who have the ability to put you in the NICS database is the FBI. It could happen to you too as a conservative!I learned during my campaign for Congress that despite the fact that I have never been charged or convicted of any crime whatsoever, my name had been placed on a secret Federal “no buy” list maintained by the FBI, which prohibited me from my legal right to buy a firearm. My name landed on this secret “no buy” list shortly after I questioned the former FBI director James Comey at his first book signing event about a number of lies in his published memoir. I was acting entirely legally in my role as an investigative journalist and as an attendee of the event.As a result, I’ve lost my rights to protect myself and my home. But, with your help I WILL be getting my rights restored. CLICK HERE TO HELP ME FIGHT FOR OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.I’ve been sitting on this news for months while others helped me investigate and find out why I’ve been Red Flagged. I’ve had the deepest background checks run against me . . . and I don’t even have a speeding ticket. We’ve concluded the obvious . . . I had my 2nd Amendment Rights stripped due to my political views and activism.Given that the FBI is the only organization that can put you in the NICS database, I have reason to believe that I’ve been targeted by the FBI.This has been extremely troubling to me because as a young woman and a public figure, I often get death threats, and I have had to call the police numerous times as well as the FBI because I have been targeted by ANTIFA, Islamic terrorists, and members of the radical left have even come to my home and vandalized my car. I have no way to protect myself except for private security, which is costly. HELP!Just as conservative Americans are being banned from social media, banned from banking, and placed on No-Fly lists across the country right now, the next step is to designate them as “domestic terrorists” and strip them of their gun rights.The police state is about to take unfettered power after today January 20th with the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Shockingly I had the first taste of what is to come for all Conservative Americans when I was detained at the Miami airport last week while flying back into the country from a brief post election trip to El Salvador where I was working on my upcoming book, LOOMERED: How I Became The Most Banned Woman In The World.I was singled out with no explanation and subjected to a thorough search, I was not allowed to grab my own suitcases from baggage claim, and I was detained for several hours while different federal officials from Department of Homeland Security interrogated me about my Wikipedia page, which states that I am a right-wing extremist and was an official Republican nominee for Congress, endorsed by President Trump. DHS officers also asked me about the events that occurred on January 6th in Washington DC. Needless to say, I was not in the country at the time, and know nothing about the protest at the US capitol.That’s why it’s so important to challenge this now, because I’m confident that I can have the Red Flag removed and publish the information and document the process so that others who will soon be targeted by the Democrat Party for their conservative political views can do the same when this happens to them.Help me fight back now.To cover legal expenses, and retain a top 2nd Amendment Attorney to restore my gun rights and prevent this from happening to you through a national Second Amendment issue advocacy campaign, I need your help to raise $20,000.Can you chip in and help cover the costs? CLICK HEREI have no choice but to sue the federal government over this abridgment of my 2nd Amendment rights.They have taken the 1st Amendment away from us. If they take the 2nd Amendment away from us, we will NEVER regain the 1st.Respectfully,
Unlimited Power, No Acountability: Unlimited Power, No Accountability: Facebook Censors Mexican Cardinal for Denouncing ‘New World Order
Facebook has censored a video of Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, for suggesting that globalist leaders are exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to bring about a new world order.
In place of the cardinal’s weekly video, Facebook exhibited a greyed-out screenshot emblazoned with the banner “False information.” Underneath, Facebook added, “This publication repeats information about COVID-19 that independent fact checkers deemed false.”
On its Facebook page, Semanario Arquidiocesano Guadalajara, an information service run by the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, posted the following screenshot on January 13, along with the text “Cardinal Juan Sandoval denounced the imposition of a new world order, hours later his video was censored”:
Cardinal Juan Sandoval Cardinal Juan Sandoval
In the nine-and-a-half-minute January 12 video, bearing the title “Plot of a new world order,” the cardinal begins by saying, “Dear friends, this will go on for a long time.”
“This pandemic won’t end in a month or two months, perhaps not this year, perhaps not in three, four, five, six years,” he said. “That’s what these men want. It will be a long haul.”
“It’s a tough, difficult situation, the likes of which has not been seen in human history,” he said:
“Bill Gates is a prophet and foretells the future,” the cardinal noted wryly, “and not only did he predict the coming of the coronavirus, but has also warned of a possible future smallpox pandemic.”
During the pandemic, Cardinal Sandoval has criticized the shuttering of businesses and services as disproportionate measures to curb the spread of the virus.
“What they’re after is a world government, a new world order,” the cardinal asserts in the video.
“They want a single world government, a single army, a single currency, a single economy, and also a single religion — that will certainly not be the Christian religion,” he said. “It will be the religion of Mother Earth, in the name of humanity and universal brotherhood.”
“To this end, pandemics serve to weaken nations; they impoverish and in debt them, bringing down their economies,” Sandoval said. “They also weaken education, closing schools and replacing them with distance learning.”
“These pandemics also impede religious practice, as we saw all last year,” he said. “They close the churches, reduce the number of people who can worship.”
Mexican President Defends Trump and Calls Out Big Tech for Violating Free Speech He’s defending Trump better than most Republicans.
In a strange turn of events, Mexican president Andres Manuel López Obrador recently came to President Donald Trump’s defense after social media platforms blocked his account.
Facebook and Twitter’s decision to ban President Trump elicited strong words from the Mexican president, who described the actions as a “bad omen.”
The concept of private companies deciding who can be censored and muzzled violates the freedom of speech, according to a statement AMLO made during a press conference on January 8.
“It’s like a censorship court is being created, like the Holy Inquisition, for the management of public opinion,” he declared. take our poll – story continues below
VOTE NOW: Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot three BLM rioters?
AMLO said that he found Zuckerberg’s behavior to be “arrogant.”
“He’s talking about his norms, but what about freedom and the right to information? What’s the role of legal and legitimately constituted authorities?” the president said. “We can’t allow one corporation that is the owner of Facebook, or of Twitter, decide who it can and who it can’t grant the possibility to communicate.”
AMLO and President Trump have been able to forge a solid working relationship, as evidenced by Trump’s success with the Remain in Mexico policy that has largely prevented asylum seekers from Central America from clogging up America’s immigration system by having them stay in Mexico as their asylum requests are processed.
Although Mexico has all the trappings of a failed state — out of control crime, cartels effectively exercising sovereignty over pieces of land, and an inability to keep cartels in check —, President Trump has found proactive ways to cooperate with AMLO and lay the foundations for a strong relationship between two neighboring countries.
The Mexican president can sympathize with Trump because of the former’s experience with voter fraud in some of his previous attempts to run for the Mexican presidency.
Good on AMLO’s part for defending Trump and calling out Big Tech overreach. He’s actually defended Trump more effectively than most GOP leaders.