END THE LOCKDOWN Leader Chris Sky Banned from Toronto Where He Works: Toronto’s Medico-Stalinist Police State at Work Banned from Toronto | Chris Sky speaks out after protest arrest
There was a somewhat unpleasant epilogue to the Yahoo Nation anti-lockdown protest in Toronto last Saturday. While it initially seemed as though freedom fighter Chris Sky would avoid any charges, this was not the case after all.
Indeed, as most of the demonstrators began to disperse in the late afternoon, Sky discovered that the police weren’t going to let him off the hook this time around — perhaps because earlier, Sky had led dozens of unmasked protesters into such stores as Shoppers Drug Mart, Longo’s, and Whole Foods, causing much grief for managers and security personnel.
And so it was that when Sky reached his SUV, there were some police officers waiting for him. He was promptly tossed into a paddy wagon for a few hours, and eventually charged with one count of common nuisance and four counts of public mischief. And in the department of insult to injury, Sky also received a parking ticket — now that’s harsh!
To some, Chris Sky is a hero taking a brave stance against draconian economic lockdowns that are taking such a huge toll on so many people. To others, Sky is a so-called “Covidiot” who is being increasingly reckless with his protesting ways.
In any event, we caught up with Sky in Vaughan, Ont., just a few days after Saturday’s shenanigans in downtown Toronto. And one thing is for sure: whether you love him or loathe him — and despite receiving enough tickets to wallpaper his living room — Chris Sky vows he’s not going away anytime soon. All of which begs the question: what will he do for an encore?
, John Tory’s Anti-END THE LOCKDOWN Rally Goon Squad — “It Felt like Tienamen Square, Not Toronto”
This past Saturday, police were out in full force at Yonge-Dundas Square yet again to violently shut downToronto’s weekly anti-lockdown protest.
As one protester succinctly put it, Yonge-Dundas Square was more reminiscent of Tiananmen Square than the bustling downtown plaza we’ve come to know and love.
Unlike the week before, however, protesters weren’t even able to enter the area, as police had it completely cordoned off — forcing the crowd to peacefully assemble across the street where they were picked off, one by one, for exercising their right to protest. There seems to be a whole new litany of things citizens cannot do in the vicinity of Yonge-Dundas Square. These include (and we’re not making this up): Standing alone on the sidewalk Waving a Canadian flag Chanting anti-lockdown rhetoric Painting anti-lockdown messages on one’s minivan
The police also made sure to harass, shove, and bully Rebel News reporters who were there to do what the mainstream media was unwilling to do — cover and report on the rally.
Where was this reaction during the Black Lives Matter protests this summer?If you recall, Toronto police refused to condemn those protests, choosing to capitulate and take a knee instead. I made sure to ask every police officer I talked to about that, but unsurprisingly, they had little to say about the matter.In any event, the protesters remained defiant and continued with their plans to march around the city.
You can watch my entire report right here: More than 100 police officers greeted the protesters who were brave enough to return to Yonge-Dundas Square. And just like at the start of the protest, officers continued with their pugilistic enforcement tactics.
Toronto police have reached a new low and have obliterated whatever public trust still remained. They’re no longer upholding their oath to serve and protect the people, preferring to do the bidding of our political elites instead. What were they trying to accomplish with this disgraceful abuse of power and how much did this farce cost the taxpayers? To what end exactly?
More importantly, what do Mayor Tory’s thugs have in store for us this weekend? We’ll be back this Saturday to find out. Stay tuned. Yours truly, David Menzies
Police State: Toronto Cops Lock Down Protestors – Clash at Yonge/Dundas Square
by David Menzies, Rebel News – January 19, 2021 Duration of video is 30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzT0Pzc7bc0&feature=youtu.be The Lockdown Lords (namely, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Toronto Mayor John Tory) set their sights on Yahoo Nation this past Saturday. And things got ugly — assuming you’re a fan of silly little civil liberties such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
The anti-lockdown protesters who comprise the rank and file of Yahoo Nation have been protesting the economic lockdowns since last April. And they’ve rightfully been allowed to do so. Until Saturday, that is.
Indeed, one could feel the chill in the air on social media on Saturday morning. For example, Mayor Tory tweeted: “Stay home. Full stop.” Odd, given how His Honour had nothing but excuses and even platitudes for his buddy, ex-Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips, when Roddo buggered off to St. Barts at Christmastime…
The Toronto Police Service also tweeted out the following: “Participating in large gatherings, including protests, is not just in contravention of these (emergency) orders, but also puts attendees and the broader community at risk. When these events happen, police will be present and prepared to respond appropriately.” (Odd how Toronto police didn’t break up Black Lives Matter protests last summer, but rather, took part in these events by bending the knee!)
In any event, the police made good on their warning by arbitrarily arresting and ticketing individuals for protesting, and then forcibly removing people from Yonge-Dundas Square. It was bizarre. And disturbing.
Bottom line: much like the infamous G20 summit protests back in 2010, the crackdown on the anti-lockdown protesters will serve as a dark and troubling chapter in Hogtown’s history.
2,000 people march through Aylmer, Ont., to protest COVID-19 health measures
Many came from outside the town, a move public health officials say is dangerous
Kate Dubinski · CBC News · Posted: Nov 07, 2020 8:10 PM ET | Last Updated: November 8
Hundreds of people stand by the side of the main street in Aylmer, Ont., before a rally and march to protest public health measures. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
Chanting “Rise up!” and “Freedom is essential,” at one point up to 2,000 people marched through the streets of Aylmer, Ont., calling for the end of public health measures such as mask wearing and physical distancing that say encroach on their rights.
Supported by other groups who have held similar rallies in Ottawa and Toronto, the protesters held signs that said “Facts over fear” and “No new normal.”
The marchers included many people from the town’s large religious communities.
“I am here to standing up for freedom. Freedom not to have the government overreach, freedom of assembly with those we love, freedom to go where we want to go,” said Herma Van Meppelen Scheppink, who came from nearby St. Thomas, Ont., to show her support.
Protesters in Aylmer, Ont., held up a variety of signs. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
With a population of 7,500, the town of Aylmer, has the highest case rate of any surrounding community and the highest in its health region, even though Southwestern Public Health includes two counties and two larger cities. Public health officials in the region and surrounding areas called the rally dangerous, saying the combination of a large crowd and not wearing masks could be disastrous for the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
The rally was organized by Kimberly Neudorf, an Aylmer mom with backing from the controversial Church of God pastor Henry Hildebrandt, who has fought against public health measures and shutting of his church since the beginning of the pandemic.
“I’m here to voice my opposition to a tyrannical government. I want to show support to this community. People are here for masks, I’m here for freedom,” said Catherine Carter, who came from Windsor, Ont., and has gone to Ottawa to similar rallies.
“I have been watching this movement grow in the last six months. The louder people are, the better people will hear us.”
Up to 2,000 people marched through the streets of Aylmer, Ont., angry about masks and physical distancing rules put in place by the provincial and federal governments. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
When news of the protest, and those from other cities, spread in Aylmer, the mayor declared a state of emergency, freeing up more resources for the police.
Aylmer Police and Ontario Provincial Police officers stood by during the rally at the East Elgin Community Complex and the subsequent march through town.
Those who support public health measures in the town held their own small rally in the morning, and some lined the streets watching the protesters walk by.
“This is my home. The majority of Aylmer is adhering to the mask requirements, but we have this small group of people who are bringing in hundreds and hundreds of people from outside the community, encouraging them to shop in our stores,” said Anastasia Gelinas. “And the virus will surely spread, and they just don’t care.”
Aylmer resident Anastasia Gelinas says those who oppose public health guidelines in the town are the minority. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
“They’re spreading terror through this community. I’m worried about the town and the businesses in the town. Some have quit their jobs because there are so many people coming in without masks. I’m embarrassed. The town, the vast majority, is not like this.”
Mike Moore stood amid the large number of protesters holding a sign that read “Respect your neighbours, wear a mask!”
“I believe we’re in a pandemic with the coronavirus and we need to take it seriously. The government mandated masks for a reason,” he said. “I’m embarrassed. I’ve never seen anything like it here in this quiet community.”
Aylmer resident Mike Moore says he is embarrassed about the people in his town who are protesting the public health measures and angry at those from outside the community who came to protest. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)Protest organizer Kimberly Neudorf speaks to the large crowd. (Kate Dubinski/CBC)
I met the notorious Dr. Teresa Tam at yesterday’s END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Toronto. A thousand patriots, many in costumes, dancing hugging, shouting “freedom”/”liberte”. Actually, “Tam” is blonde, beautiful and all Canadian, but a masterful makeup job. We had fun standing up for freedom.
A CAFE Supporter Challenges Freedom Lovers in the GTA –Time to Put on
Your Marching Boots: END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY, Toronto, Saturday, October
24 — Be There
Nobody here is going to accomplish anything politically from behind
your computers and hiding at home, especially under current tyrannical
Work on getting your freedoms back first!
It’s time to lace up your boots, get out there, and march!
Faith without works is dead.
Two Saturdays ago, a minimum of 4,000 patriots and freedom
fighters (myself included) took over downtown Toronto and marched.
Think I’m lying?
If you live in Ontario, I expect you out next Saturday, 12:00 p.m. at Dundas Square (Yonge and Dundas St.). No excuses!
If you’re outside of Ontario, find a march near you. They’re happening all over the country.
“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little if any protection from infection. The desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.” — NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, May, 2020.
The basic facts are that the coronavirus is not fatal to 99.997 per cent
of people under the age of 65, and not fatal to 94.6 per cent of people
above the age of 65. The vast majority of people of all ages, including
the elderly, have zero or minimal symptoms when afflicted by it. The
approximately 98 per cent of people who do contract the coronavirus and
survive it appear to be thereafter largely immune to it, at least for a
time.” — Conrad Black (National Post, October 24, 2020)
“Research also shows that over 80 per cent of fatalities attributed to
the coronavirus in advanced countries that test comprehensively and
report accurately are people who also suffer from other significant
illnesses or vulnerabilities. The extent to which the coronavirus is the
effective cause of death varies in each case and is sometimes nearly
impossible to determine.” —
— Conrad Black (National Post, October 24, 2020)
100,000 Quebecois in Montreal say END THE LOCKDOWN & NO MASKS. August 8, 2020 “Fini les masques!” 100 000 personnes marche pour la liberté et contre les mesures abusives du gouvernementhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twWx8I6NuEY