Anonymous Vancouver Antifa Target Videographer Brian Ruhe

Anonymous Vancouver Antifa Target Videographer Brian Ruhe


The tactics of Vancouver antifa terrorists. They target videographer Brian Ruhe. He has no bodyguards or bullet proof vest like the Trust Fund Kid.


He reports: “:On Saturday Oct. 12, a friend saw the attached poster of me very firmly glued to a Georgia Straight box at 12th Ave. & Commercial Drive. He emailed me the photo. The bold heading is:


Then a  dressy photo of me, which is how I normally dress so they can recognize me, then



Antifa Smashing Camera at “Zombie” Youth Climate Strike

Antifa Smashing Camera at “Zombie” Youth Climate Strike 


I’ve had a dramatic week which got recorded and is on the videos below. My camera got smashed at the Youth Climate Strike on Sept.27th. Three Antifa attacked me. They man in black mask threw it over the Cambie Bridge and it got smashed. — Brian Ruhe
Antifa Smashing Camera at “Zombie” Youth Climate Strike

Many people have expressed their concern for my safety so I have listened. My $350 video camera with memory card was destroyed which I need to replace soon. Please donate as I am succeeding in waking a lot of people up. A few of months ago I was getting 1000 views a day but now it is 2000 a day so the mission is going well. Below is an easy link to donate online.

Antifa Thugs Attack Brian Ruhe, Steal and Smash His Camera

Antifa Thugs Attack Brian Ruhe, Steal and Smash His Camera


At the Youth Climate Strike two guys attacked me and tore up my signs. A half hour later they returned with a masked guy. One shoved me and knocked my camera to the pavement on the Cambie Street bridge.,



What will Vancouver’s “Hate Squad” do about this hate and violence/

Brian Ruhe’s Report on Today’s Assault by Antifa & Smashing of His Camera

Brian Ruhe’s Report on Today’s Assault by Antifa & Smashing of His Camera


At the Youth Climate Strike with 15,000 people today, two guys attacked me and tore up my signs. A half hour later they returned with a masked guy. One shoved me and knocked my camera to the pavement on the Cambie Street bridge. Then the masked guy grabbed the camera and threw it over the bridge onto the exit lane. Then, one of them got it and threw it down 50′ to the concrete ground and smashed it. They took out the memory card so that was lost too. I have the smashed camera and two friends filmed the whole thing so we have close up video with the dialogue and will post it on my Bitchute channel when it is ready. I made a police report and I’m waiting for them to call me back. I wasn’t hurt but I lost a $300 video camera and some dynamic footage.


My signs included: ”

Global Warming HOAX

by Globalists to

tax, impoverish

& enslave us

Don’t be fooled!


Junk Science

Scam & Lies!

Climate Change


Don’t be a Sucker!



This is another day on the job at The Brian Ruhe Show. The masked guy who took the camera looked like the same age and build of the masked guy who stole my camera a year ago.


Brian Ruhe Assaulted & Camera Stolen and Smashed by Masked Antifa

Brian Ruhe Assaulted & Camera Stolen and Smashed by Masked Antifa

Videographer Brian Ruhe was interviewing people at the climate change demo today in Vancouver. He was assaulted, his sign (Climate Change Hoax) stolen and one of his video cameras stolen, tossed over the Cambie Street bridge and smashed by masked Antifa terrorists. Video to follow

Vancouver Communists Threaten Protests Against Maxime Bernier’s Rally, September 25, 2019

Revolutionary Communist Party - Vancouver's photo.

Demonstration against Maxime Bernier and the Far-Right

Join the Revolutionary Communist Party – Vancouver, the Revolutionary Student Movement – Vancouver, and other anti-fascists in a demonstration against Maxime Bernier, the People’s Party of Canada, and their fascist goons.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the far-right People’s Party of Canada, will be hosting a rally to gain support for his election. Bernier’s colonial, transphobic, nationalist, and anti-environmentalist rhetoric has called fascists from across Canada toward his party. Members of the Proud Boys, the Soldiers of Odin, and even Vancouver’s local neo-Nazi, Brian Ruhe, have all pledged their support to the PPC and are attempting to use the party as a Trojan horse for their own fascistic agendas.

The Hellenic Community of Vancouver will be hosting this event at their location. Back in March they were planning on hosting two white supremacists, Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern until the backlash they faced from the community forced them to cancel. They clearly did not learn anything from the last time because now they are back at it again. If it makes you mad that the Hellenic Community of Vancouver is hosting another far-right event on their property we encourage you to get in contact with them directly and voice your anger.

Phone: 604-266-7148

Let the Hellenic Community of Vancouver know we will not allow them to bring the far-right into our communities!

Even Some Free Speech Supporters Don’t Get It

Even Some Free Speech Supporters Don’t Get It


Vancouver vidoegrapher Brian Ruhe reports: “Today [September 10, 2019]  Dave and I went to video the UBC demonstration in favour of the people in Hong Kong and they posted the below post about it! Brian Ruhe’s mere presence triggered the leader. His silly denunciation of Nazism is almost comical. The tyrannical state beating the protesters in Hong Kong is communist, not National Socialist.


It also seems a tad ironic that a free speech group would denounce another person, Brian Ruhe’s, alleged support for his ideology.

A rabbi came and spoke with the organizer who was a young Jew holding the Hong Kong flag. This caused Tim to find me and support my free speech and send me the post below.



Are We Entering into a Post Truth World?

Are We Entering into a Post Truth World?

Posted by  on Aug 19, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Are We Entering into a Post Truth World?

I just watched ufologist Richard Dolan’s Aug. 18, 2019 members only video, off his website at .


I want to comment on several good points that he raised.


One part I played four times was when Richard said that the financial powers who control the world are likely the same powers controlling the UFO situation. I felt sympathetic that he wouldn’t say the Jewish bankers, as I do but I am pleased that we both agree that the financial powers are the ones suppressing UFO disclosure. That is enough justification for my Bitchute playlist of videos, “Jewish Control Over Ufology” at:


He talked about how society is being degraded and what can we do? He said he believes in universal justice. He didn’t use the word karma but he expressed the Buddhist conviction in taking refuge in the security of the law of karma. He said he had an insight in his twenties that his dog is higher than an ant and he’s higher than his dog so he realized that there is likely some higher intelligences than humans. I believe that is devas and aliens. He believes in a higher power and in goodness and doing good so that is Buddhist enough for me. He also has a statue of the Buddha sitting behind him and his wife Tracey when they make their videos.


He said that many in the UFO field do not feel free to speak their minds. So, I feel sympathetic to him, Kerry Cassidy, Linda Moulten Howe and others who I can see are curbing their own speech more than I do, so they can stay on YouTube and keep publishing their books.


He talked about how Elon Musk used to speak out against the dangers of AI but now he’s leading the idea of his company introducing brain implants with a chip and microfibers connected to the brain to receive visual and audio imagery. That could lead to a Matrix-like world. He regards Elon Musk as a danger, as I do too!


He said that the higher powers could not have predicted how the Internet has changed the intellectual discourse in our society and the free exchange of ideas. So to curb all this free speech, since 2009 they are trying to pull it back with political correctness and accusations of hate speech, greater surveillance and censorship by Facebook, Twitter, etc. In the 1970s only a few big companies controlled information distribution but one advantage we had back then was privacy. Now and the in the future we are losing our privacy in a 24/7 surveillance world.


He said that maybe the Mayan predictions about 2012 were right. Maybe future historians will look back to the era around 2012 as the dividing line between a former era and a “post truth era”. He said there was a big change around 2010 or 2013, 2014 and I feel it too! My big personal wake up happened around then too. On March 17, 2013 I made my first bold step forward into speaking the truth on YouTube about the truth about Adolf Hitler.


I appreciate Richard Dolan’s frequent videos and I always feel he is holding back the words that would censor him. If I had the time and inclination, which I don’t, I could create a series telling the audience the truth behind what Richard is saying. I am interested in taking my audience to the pinnacles of truth so I will continue to comment upon what others in the field of ufology are saying. Same goes with any subject vital to truth in the world.