Last Place Calgary Mayoralty Candidate Charged With “Hate” — Prissy Press Won’t Explain WhyThe story broke on Friday, January 31, 2014. When I landed in the Calgary airport prior to the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee meeting that night, I noticed the streaming news at the baggage carousel announcing: “Former Calgary mayoralty candidate charged with hate.”
Once I reached my hotel, I found a copy of the Calgary Sun. The Calgary Sun reported that Milan Papez, Sr., who ran and placed last in the recent mayoralty elections had been arrested for “hate” presumably under Canada’s notorious “hate law” – Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Here’s the story:
“Former mayoral candidate Milan Papez who finished last in the race for the city’s top job has been charged with inciting hatred. Cops say since the beginning of the year, the police Hate Crimes Co-ordinator has received more than dozen complaints about two men carrying signs and allegedly publicly inciting hatred downtown, with messages targeting two people and a specific community.
Milan Papez. 72, has been charged with four counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel.
Charges against another man are pending.
Anyone with information is asked to call police at 403-266-1234 or Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477.”While the Sun was touting for more information to help the political police, they provided almost none themselves. For instance, just what was it Milan Papez, Sr. said?
By Saturday, the Calgary Sun (February 1, 2014) offered a few more details but still no information about just WHAT it was Papez had said. Don’t forget a charge is just a charge. In Canada, we still cling to a few remnants of Anglo-Saxon law including the belief that a man is INNOCENT until proven guilty. The public should know what it is the man is accused of saying. Here is the jist of the Sun story.“Allegedly inciting hatred against Calgary’s Chinese community and publishing defamatory libel about a prominent city lawyer has landed a former mayoralty candidate in legal hot water. Milan Papez Sr. was released on a non-cash bail Friday with conditions which include he stay away from Chinatown after police charged him with five offences.
Four of those are the rarely laid allegation of publicly inciting hatred against an identifiable group accusing him of doing so four times in the past week. He’s also accused of committing defamatory libel against high profile criminal lawyer Alain Hepner and an unidentified Asian individual by displaying signs between Jan. 6 and 27….
Const. Eric Levesque, the Calgary Police Service hate crimes coordinator, said inciting hatred charges are rare because the actions have to be likely to lead to a breach of the peace before they become criminal. ‘A breach of the peace could be somebody being very upset … and maybe assault the person that’s doing the inciting,’ Levesque said.’It’s relatively rare,’he said. ‘Often times we are dealing with things that are very offensive, but they don’t meet that level of hatred that’s required,’ Levesque said.
He said the last time CPS laid a charge of publicly inciting hatred was in 2009.”
Notice: Still no information about what Papez actually said or wrote on his signs. There is the almost Orwellian claim by political police cop Eric Levesque that Papez was being charged for inciting people to hate and possibly injure HIMSELF: ” ‘A breach of the peace could be somebody being very upset … and maybe assault the person that’s doing the inciting,” So, if Papez displays signs with a message that might upset some Chinese to assault him, he, not some fast-fisted Chinaman, is the one to be arrested.
Well, I thought, perhaps we’ll do better with the more upscale Calgary Herald (January 31, 2014)
“A Calgary man who ran for mayor in the last municipal election has been charged with public incitement of hatred. Police say since the beginning of 2014, the hate crimes co-ordinator has received more than a dozen complaints from citizens about two men carrying signs with messages targeted towards two specific individuals and a specific community downtown.
Milan Papez, 72, of Calgary, has been charged with four counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel. Another man is also facing charges. Public incitement of hatred charges are laid when statements of hatred against an identifiable group are made and can lead to ‘a breach of the peace,’ police said.”
Presumably wearing a placard reading, “Kick me; I am stupid” might incite someone to take you seriously. Could that too lead to charges? Likely not, as no privileged group would be involved.
The next day’s Herald was no more informative. Under a headline “Update: Former mayoral candidate, son, charged with inciting hatred,” we learned that Milan Papez Jr. had also been charged. However, the Herald was also not forthcoming as just WHAT is was that Papez, Junior or Senior, had said. Reporter Clara Ho wrote:
“The son of a former Calgary mayoral hopeful has been charged with a hate crime alongside his father in connection with signs bearing messages targeting specific individuals and a specific community.
Milan Papez Jr., 53, has been charged with three counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel.
His 72-year-old father, Milan Papez Sr. — who ran for mayor in the October municipal election and came in last place — was charged with four counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel.
Police say the charges stemmed from more than a dozen complaints made this month about the two men in Chinatown and near the courthouse holding signs.
The placards bore messages targeting the Chinese community and an individual of Asian descent, as well as a prominent defence lawyer, whose image and name was used to incite hatred, according to court documents.Calgary police hate crimes co-ordinator Const. Eric Levesque said the rare charges of public of incitement hatred are laid when statements communicated in public set off hatred against an identifiable group, such as a particular religious group or race, and are likely to lead to a breach of peace.
Over the years, father and son have been spotted in downtown Calgary on various advocacy campaigns. Both faced public incitement of hatred charges in 1997 in relation to an incident near Chinatown.In 2002, the Alberta Human Rights Commission ruled one of the elder Papez’s pamphlet was ‘virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Asian.”
Calgary mayoral candidate Milan Papez handed out campaign flyers to commuters on 5th Street SW in August 2013. Papez has been charged with public incitement of hatred. (Colleen De Neve/Calgary Herald)
We have long argued that most of the North American media do not provide objective news; that is, the who, what, where, why, when and how of a story or “the facts, ma’m, just the facts,” as Sgt. Joe Friday of Dragnet used to say. Instead, we are exposed to a soap opera, with readily identifiable good guys and bad guys. The press signals the good guys or bad guys by the details or adjectives they use. Notice that both papers — the populist neo-con tabloid Sun and the more cerebral Herald, studiously avoid telling us the what — what was it the father and son Papez said or wrote. Note, as well, that what details we are provided with are almost all negative, especially that Milan Papez Sr. had been found guilty by an Alberta Human Rights Tribunal of a pamphlet that was “deemed virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Asian.” The helpful implication is that he must be guilty this time. While the Herald notes that father and son have “been spotted in downtown Calgary on various advocacy campaigns” we are given no clue as to what these might be.For 20 years, free speech champion the late Doug Christie pointed to a pattern in “hate cases”: “demonize, isolate, criminalize.” The political police and the media jackal pack demonize the intended victim. People turn away, afraid to support or help the victim, and, then, now that the victim is alone and thoroughly vulnerable, the courts or human rights bodies move in for the kill.
Well. I did a little research — research that the Sun or Herald reporters could have done. Papez has a website. The Herald’s own report on candidates for the last municipal election provided some more information about Papez Sr, who, in the 2013 mayoralrty race, garnered 492 votes and finished ninth of 9 candidates. [He really doesn’t sound like a dangerous guy!] The foreign born Moslem Nameed Nemshi won.
. “Milan Papez Sr. — Calgarians may have seen Papez around, handing out his campaign pamphlets to downtown passersby. His one-sheet brochure calls floodway building ‘the biggest fraud in Calgary’s history,’ and decries LRT congestion and the $295-million Airport Trail tunnel.
‘Mayor Nenshi knows nothing about anything and city council is still out to lunch,’ Papez’s brochure reads.
The salesman and his son have for years wandered downtown Calgary sidewalks on various advocacy campaigns. In 2002, the Alberta Human Rights Commission ruled one Papez pamphlet was “virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Asian.” Papez has recently demonstrated against Nenshi, wearing a shirt that claims the mayor is “brainwashing” people.(Calgary Herald, August 13, 2013)
If Milan Papez has a problem with some Jews, it may be that the complaint over a decade ago to the Alberta Human Rights Commission was filed by Harvey Kane, Calgary head of the Jewish Defence League, whose U.S. founding body has been labelled by the FBI as a “terrorist” group and whose late leader Irv Rubin openly boasted that he was responsible for the 1995 firebombing of revisionist publisher Ernst Zundel’s Toronto house. Neither paper pointed out that the threshold for a guilty finding at human rights commissions is the low “balance of probabilities” and not “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Human rights commissions across the country have been labelled kangaroo courts and those who sit in judgement are often people tied to the human rights industry and not objective disinterested parties. Papez Sr’s appearance before the Alberta Human Rights omission cost him a $2,500 fine.
Readily available online material reveals Milan Papez Sr. to be a proud Czech. He has no love of Nazis and labels people he dislikes, including Calgary’s Mayor Nenshi a “Nazi.” Papez writes: I am “a survivor of German Nazis and my campaign is all about exposing the criminal acts of the Alberta Government and the fraud of the City of Calgary by issuing building permits in the flood plains.” He is a critic of Calgary’s traffic gridlock. He has also long advocated that government do more for schizophrenics, including forcing them to take their medications and institutionalizing ones that are dangerous. He feels Aboriginals have received a bad deal. This readily available information would have offered a more balanced picture of Mr. Papez rather than the soap opera villain who just hates Jews and Chinese He seems all over the political landscape — an opinionated eccentric with a passion for promoting his causes — not the sort of person an increasingly intolerant political system should be seeking to jail.
Here are some passages from Papez website in his own words:
POSTED 11 Nov 2013
We must change our political landscape in Calgary. We must create more plebiscites for Calgarians to get more involved in city politics. A plebiscite for secondary suites is excellent example. Budget cuts by City of Calgary, Government of Alberta and Government of Canada put the City of Calgary into crisis. Harvard educated professor mayor Nenshi turned Calgary’s crisis into a total catastrophe. Mayor Nenshi, parachuted into City Hall is telling us all beautiful fairy tales and City Council is doing nothing but listening to the mayor Nenshi bedtime stories. Mayor Nenshi knows nothing about anything and City Council is always out to lunch. We now have C-trains jammed up on 7th avenue, our freeways, Deerfoot Trail and Crowchild Trail are parking lots and every street is a traffic jam. We have a six-lane tunnel at Airport Road that goes nowhere. The city limits end at 68 street east because of the sour gas wells and the tunnel goes nowhere but to mayor Nenshis back yard.
At one of the council meetings, I told Mayor Nenshi and City Council and I even gave it to them in writing.
A. Not to waste 500 million dollars on the airport tunnel when 68 street is the city limits and will be for a very long time because of the sour gas wells instead of finally finishing the C-train tunnel downtown that we desperately need. We now have an airport tunnel that is a monument to Mayor Nenshis stupidity.
B. How to increase the C-trains capacity at no cost which is done in every city for example allowing every 3rd or 4th C-train to turn around at Anderson and Brentwood stations and return downtown and not continue to the end of the line empty. By doing this we will simply add 3 or 4 trains into operation every hour.
C. To improve traffic congestion on Deerfoot and Crowchild trails and limit the amount of cars in downtown Calgary we must demand from the province to pay for a single track of C-train to run from the last station in Calgary to Okotoks, Airdrie, and Cochrane. We should also be talking with the railways to run trains to these towns.
Mayor Nenshi and city council have failed to protect Calgarians today and in the future from floods. We could have prevented this flood damage by simply following the strategy developed by the government of Alberta in the 1970’s. Firstly, no one will build on the flood plains and secondly relocate everybody from the flood plains. A trailer home park and many homes already been moved in Calgary. The cancelation of this project because of budget cuts so we save a few dollars on our taxes only to pay out billions for our mistake.
The multimillion-dollar disaster control center is a total failure because of provincial and federal governments who do not have a weather and climate monitoring in Banff, Canmore and Kananaskis areas because of budget cuts. Mayor Neneshi and City Council should jump 10 feet high and demand that this must change immediately. The Alberta emergency alarm started for the City of Calgary at 08:45 am. However, the diggers were digging dikes in Canmore at suppertime the night before. The evacuation order went out at midnight for Canmore and the flood washed the first homes away. The 08:45 am alarm for Calgary is a criminal act by the Government of Alberta and issuing building permits in the flood plains is the biggest fraud in Calgary’s history.
We must immediately begin a nonstop negotiation with provincial and federal governments to establish adequate coordinated weather and climate related information gathering and sharing. We must have mandated operational procedure for railway transporting dangerous, poisonous and flammable goods through Calgary so Calgary will not turn into a Hiroshima.
My major objective is to change the spending habits of city hall on projects we do not need and to improve transit and traffic congestion. I moved to Calgary in 1968. I worked in the development of commercial properties and I am currently working in sales and promotion. My roots are in Calgary, if elected my commitment will be to the people
I am a survivor of German Nazis and my campaign is all about exposing the criminal acts of the Alberta Government and the fraud of the City of Calgary by issuing building permits in the flood plains. My campaign was gaining support and a positive response by Calgarian’s “I will vote for you” the Calgary Herald is doing everything to destroy my campaign and my activism by using the fraudulent 2002 Alberta Human Rights Commission ruling of my son and me being anti-Semitic and anti Asian as a discouragement to my supporters. The Calgary Herald is fully aware that the Alberta Human Rights Commission ruling is a fraud and the news media in Calgary or in Canada has never published or reported our side of the story, ever. The fact that the Human Rights Commission never accepted our defense and the fact that we wrote and produced a play about the Holocaust the Human Rights Commission never accepted our defense and their ruthless fraudulent decision had catastrophic affect on my whole family especially my children. The fact remains that mayor Nenshi was brainwashing Calgarians by building an airport tunnel going nowhere except to Nenshis backyard and he was only pretending to take good care of the flood when the Alberta Emergency Alarm was 12 hours late at 08:45 AM. As of today, we still have nobody monitoring the flow of water in the mountains. Nenshi does not even know that the flood was fueled by fires in Colorado. The selling of land for profit in the flood plains is a crime. The issuing of building permits in the flood plains is a crime. The issuing of a late emergency alarm at 08:45 AM is a crime. The fraudulent 2002 Alberta Human Rights Commission decision of my son and me being anti-Semitic and anti Asian is a crime.
For 15 years, we have lobbied the Alberta legislature to amend the Alberta Mental Health Act with an involuntary treatment for seriously mentally ill. For our efforts we were spat on, punched, kicked, and rocks thrown at us. We told the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission that we are the victims of a mistake in identity; and that the commission should pay attention too and defend the rights of a voiceless minority the seriously mentally ill. The commission refused. Without the help of any lawyer or any organization, we introduced a private bill in the legislature to amend the Alberta Mental Health Act. IN 2006, THIS BILL PASSED IN THE ALBERTA LEGISLATURE. For 25 years, we have lobbied law firms, HOWARD MACKIE, BENNET JONES VERSHERE, HEREDANCE AND CO. We have lobbied lawyers, Scott Watson, Lindsey Neville, Terence Semenuk, and John McPherson. We have lobbied members of the Alberta Legislature Garry Mar and Ralph Klein, and we have lobbied the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission and all we have is their sympathy because all they have to say is “THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO FOR YOU”. All we want is a fair hearing and this is how Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission treat minorities in Alberta. We are CZECHS. There are about 2500 Czechs living in Alberta. Therefore, we are a minority within minorities and nobody wants to listen to the concerns of Czechs in Alberta. There are 10 million Czechs living in the Czech Republic and for 300 years, Germany burned our books and forbade the speaking of the Czech language. Germany occupied the Czech Republic until 1918 and a 100 million Germans failed to destroy the Czech nation. How is it possible that Canada has done the same thing to the Aboriginal Nations as Germany did to the Czech nation? There is no one in Canada that wants to help the Aboriginal Nations. When the German NAZIS returned to the Czech Republic in 1939, the Czech nation was No. 3 on Hitler’s, to be gassed list in concentration camp ovens. No. 1 was the Jews, No. 2 was the non-white races, and No. 3 was the Czechs. In 1984, we wrote and produced a play “THERE IS A ROSE GARDEN” at the Pumphouse Theatre. The artistic community in Calgary warned us to produce the play under an assumed name because a production with our Czech names will result in a low attendance. “
So, what exactly did the two Papez men say that led to their arrest by the political police? I found an online photo that would have been readily available to the Herald or Sun had they chosen to write a balanced NEWS story rather than a soap opera piece. The picture shows a younger man, presumably Papez, Jr. with an upside down Canadian flag — the symbol of distress. A busy placard features many upside down Canadian flags and the words: “Death Penalty. Hang ’em high. Calgary Chinese Centre, Cheuk Tam, Jewish Defence League Harvey Kane, Canada. Shame on you for enjoying the Chinese and Jewish torture of innocent [sic] people.” The remaining two lines are illegible, Frankly, the references seem obscure, but does all this add up to a trip to court, lawyers’ fees and possible imprisonment?
Only in stifling politically correct Canada!
Whatever happened to the healthy reaction to such zany folks: “You have a RIGHT to your opinion, but I ain’t buying. Heck, I can’t even understand what you’re saying”?