The next two weeks will be very exciting for everyone
committed to freedom in B.C.
Following after our spectacular 350+ attendance
rally this past Saturday, we will once again join together this coming
Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 at 12:00 at Stuart Park in Kelowna.
The entire Interior from Penticton to Salmon Arm,
saw over 600 people opposing the tyrannical lockdown and mask policies of our
corrupt B.C. Gov’t.
Our posters below set out the agenda for the
following weekend MEGA Rally in Kelowna, B.C. on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020. With everyone from Salmon Arm to Kamloops to
Osoyoos coming, this promises to be an exciting day of representation to Bonnie
Henry and Farnworth that not only do we not agree with their unconstitutional
orders, we are not complying with them!
Bring all your friends and anyone
who truly believes in FREEDOM to the biggest Constitutional ASSEMBLY for
freedom the BC Interior has ever seen!
Sunday December 13, 2020 is our CLEAR Common Law
Solution Zoom call, due to the lack of available indoor facilities at
present. This is a must for everyone who
desires to learn the fundamental principles of our common law that not only
support, but recognize our right to civil disobedience to the present COVID-19
orders of Henry and Farnworth. We urge everyone interested to pre-register by e-transfer at, (Password: FREEDOM) for
only $25, or mail cash to: Common Law Education and Rights Initiative,
P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, B.C. V2A 8K8, or for those
in attendance at our rallies, registration can be made to Mary Lou. Any
questions can be directed to this email address as well.
Unfortunately, due to
the recent orders by the B.C. Gov’t, including Bonnie Henry and Mike Farnworth, our planned November
29, 2020 CLEAR opening has been postponed until January. This was brought to our
attention on Tuesday.
We are looking at all possible options right now and hope to be able to re-schedule this important event and
presentation as soon as possible. If you have informed anyone of our event, please let them
know of this postponement.
We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have
caused. Fortunately, the organization in
charge of the building we were going to use, is taking serious pro-active
actions against the gov’t in relation to what has happened. However, a decision was made by the organization
to postpone our opening to accommodate the actions that they are
I understand and respect their position, and courage to
challenge the Government on these issues, and we need to remember the blame
lies fully and completely with Bonnie Henry and the B.C. Government, none of us
personally. It our hope to be able to offer this presentation and event shortly.
If you have any questions or comments, please email me at:
you to everyone for your patience and understanding. If anything, this
should strengthen our resolve to refuse to comply.
Our rallies throughout the Okanagan will continue every Saturday in Vernon, Kelowna and Penticton as part of our
ongoing opposition to theGovernment actions as well. More details in our next email update on Thursday.
Hi everyone. Despite Bonnie Henry’s recent “suggestions“, we are continuing to hold our 1st ever rally in Penticton this coming Sunday. We will meet in the small park on Warren St. at 12:00 (see map below and on attachment) and I will introduce myself and bring everyone up to speed on our objectives and commitments for these rallies, which are so important.
I will
have mask brochures to hand to people as well.
details are in the attachment as well as information about tomorrow’s Kelowna
rally, and upcoming Vernon, Vancouver and Calgary rallies as well.
There has
never been a more critical time for our rallies for freedom in Canada. I
really look forward to seeing as many people as possible on Sunday.
We urge
everyone, to bring at least one friend with you.
C.L.E.A.R.’s END THE LOCKDOWN Activities in the Okanagan
—————————-Confidence is rooted in understanding–Fear is based on the unknown
Rallies, events and info
:November 29, 2020CLEAR Okanagan Grand Opening
November 21, 2020 Kelownaand VernonRallies!
November 22, 2020 1stPenticton Rally!
November 21, 2020Calgary Walk for Freedom
December 5, 2020Christmas Freedom Rally
Billboard fundraising
Telegram group set up for everyone
Updates from 1stVernon Rally and Kelowna Rally
Kelowna–Nov.29, 2020CLEAR is having our grand opening in the Okanagan, on Sunday,November 29, 2020 1:00-5:00 p.m.Location will be announced Nov. 23, 2020, in the heart of Kelowna. Our much anticipated,opening indoor meeting is set for November 29, 2020, where Memberships will also now be available.
We are urging everyone in the Okanagan and Interior regions, and anyone else able to travel here,to come to our afternoon opening. It is our opening day for freedom,oriented activists to join our group, learn about common law,and meet others throughout the region. You’ve heard about us now all year.We want to meet personally with everyone and provide you with some grounded information that we believe and have supported now for almost 18 years.
One of our group objectives beginning early in the new year,is to provide information and tools to assist people to know our Constitutional law and structure, and to empower them to learn our law and procedures to hold gov’t officials accountable for their actions, and to learn how to think of possible options, individually and with others in our organizations.We want to listen to your thoughts and feedback as well.Every group has a specific area of expertise they can provide to its members.Ours extends from interconnections with freedom oriented activists all over B.C.and Canada,to our public activities, and providing some of the most comprehensive and accurate knowledge on our foundational Constitutional and common law principles anywhere in Canada.
When the mask and social distancing issues are over, and they will be,we will still be here with information and knowledge to support everyone with respect to other fundamental rights and liberties deprivations by our gov’ts. We continue to will empower you long after this COVID corruption is over. When the lawyers petitioned the King for a monopoly over helping people in the courts in the 1600s, people had to take personal responsibility for their legal affairs or pay significant sums to monopolistic lawyers,with internal procedures, legal and Constitutional principles previously only knownto them. Let’s work to change that situation.Further objectives include gaining public recognition and respect through our rallies and factually/medically/Constitutionally supported positions that we take. To permit us to prepare, it is important for everyone wishing to come to this exciting event, to pre-register with CLEAR. You can do so by simply emailing us
This will be our inaugural CLEAR membership campaign,featuring information, books and a presentation from our CLEAR President, David Lindsay. With opportunities for participants to: meet David personally meet others from throughout the Interior learn of upcoming seminars and events participate in workshops & other activities get help with Telegram and much more!Cost:$25
See Darlene at our Rallies, or mail to:
P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall,
Penticton, B.C. V2A 8K8. We can only take cash at this time, however,other payment methods are being worked on.————
Kelowna, B.C.See everyone on Saturday, November 21, 2020, 12:00noon atStuart Park in Kelowna.
Vernon, B.C.See everyone on Saturday, November 21, 202012:00 noon at Polson Park
CAFE DIRECTOR PAUL FROMM(left)C.L.E.A.R. organizer Dave Lindsay
Spirited END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Kelowna, Saturday, November 7 (and every Saturday). CAFE was delighted to join many local freedom fighters under the able leadership of Dave Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R.
Dave Lindsay Links Property Rights & Freedom of Speech
REXDALE. September 4, 2013. In a wide-ranging speech tonight, Dave “The Unlicensed Man” Lindsay, who has appeared in more than 300 courts cases challenging Canada’s Income Tax Law and assisting other rebels fighting for individual rights, linked property rights and freedom of speech.
“I haven’t filed an income tax return since 1996,” Mr. Lindsay explained, ” because it is against Christian principles, it contradicts the Coronation Oath and it imposes usury. The courts won’t touch the Coronation Oath because, if they did, 80 per cent our laws would be ruled illegal.”
In his own failure to file case, he explained: “I was convicted and sentenced to 60 days in jail in Kamloops. My case seems to be the first in Canada where the accused was not fined $1,000 and issued with a compliance order. For me, it’s not a matter of the money. I probably made less than $10,000 in each of those years.”
Perhaps, an explanation for the judge’s unusual sentence is that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) “is trying to keep me out of court as an agent for defendants.” Last year a judge acknowledged: “Mr. Lindsay’s arguments are thorough and competent.”
“The Crown is supposed to be independent,” he said with disgust, “but they are just thugs for CRA!”
Since 9/11, he explained, there has been a massive erosion of our rights: “The State is waging a constant attack on our rights.”
Holding a pen aloft, Mr. Lindsay explained: “I have the right to use and dispose of this pen. You don’t have to possess something for it to be your property,” he added, referring to someone with a package of pea or carrot seeds who would have the right to the produce these tiny seeds might grow.
Quoting Bastiat in The Law, Mr. Lindsay reminded his audience: “God created us with physical and moral life and faculties. We use our faculties to develop resources.”
“When you come up with thoughts, you have the right to express them. All the information in your brain is yours — it’s your property. The state has no right to interfere with the exchange of your property — your ideas via e-mail, or writing or phone,”
The state, he added, “has no lawful right to spy on us and our intellectual property.”
He noted that a Supreme Court of Canada decision stated: “The Constitution Act of 1982 is not exhaustive;” there are other rights not in there.
“You have the right to use your intellectual thoughts. You cannot fully exercise this right if you’re worried you’re being spied on by government. Laws allowing the state to spy on us is a trespass on our property. We should not even have to prove damages in this regard,” Mr. Lindsay added.
“When you talk to somebody, you are are exercising your right to communicate your property. We have a constitutional right to our ideas and a right to communicate these thoughts as they are our property. The Coronation Oath imposes a constitutional obligation on the Queen not to proclaim laws which violate our rights to property, Privacy is one of the most important things we have. It is absolutely critical to watch what you say in e-mail,” he warned, “until we can stop government spying on us.”
In referring to Richard Warman’s numerous anti-free speech complaints about posting on the Internet, Mr. Lindsay concluded: “I have a constitutional right to hate,” because I have a constitutional right to my property– to my thoughts, whatever they might be.