No Criminal Charges for Whatcott’s mission to the Yukon
Bill Whatcott truth telling and speaking out against the Yukon government’s imposition of homosexual clubs on school children in front of the Yukon Legislature, May 2022
No charges against man who distributed anti-LGBTQ2S+ leaflets in Yukon: RCMP
Yukon NDP and cabinet communications confirmed the respective parties reported leaflets to RCMP
A man who distributed a series of anti-LGBTQ2S+ leaflets in Whitehorse last month will not be facing criminal charges, police confirmed in an email on June 3.
RCMP previously told the News there were four files under investigation related to Bill Whatcott’s recent time in the territory.
“Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to reach out to the Whitehorse RCMP or other supports/resources that they trust,” Cst. Carlie McCann said.
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“Police will continue to take any concerns from the LGBTQ2S+ community seriously, and are working to strengthen our relationship with the LGBTQ2S+ community.”
An NDP spokesperson and cabinet communications for the territorial government each confirmed in May the respective parties reported the leaflets to police.
The leaflets specifically criticize Bill 304, a motion put forward in the Yukon legislature by NDP MLA Emily Tredger, who is named in the leaflet, during the 2022 spring sitting.
Premier Sandy Silver of the Yukon Liberal Party is also called out by name in the leaflets, alongside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
In April, Yukon legislators from all three territorial parties voted in favour of passing the opposition-led bill to make it mandatory for territorial schools to have safe spaces in the form of activities and organizations dedicated to LGBTQ2S+ students.
Contact Dana Hatherly at
To see NDP leader Kate White’s open letter incorrectly calling me a so-called hate criminal go here:
[It’s been three years of torment for Bill Whatcott. In 2016, he and several other Christians infiltrated the Toronto Gay Pride parade disguised as Gay Zombies and handing out a hard-hitting tract that criticized the practice of homosexuality from both a Biblical and scientific point of view. The LGBTQ crowd has not amused by this spoof. High powered homosexual lawyers launched a class action suit against Mr. Whatcott seeking $104-million for hurt feelings and humiliation and, more deviously, seeking the identity of fellow participants or any who had backed him or housed him or contributed to the printing of his literature. The suit was reluctantly dismissed by a judge.
The lobby did not give up. Ontario’s then lesbian premier Kathleen Wynn and her Pakistani Attorney General Yasir Naqvi gave the necessary Attorney General’s consent to laying of charges under Canada’s notorious anti-“hate” law, Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Despite lobbying by CAFE and the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, the new Kathleen Mulroney Doug Ford’s first Attorney General refused to stay the charges or withdraw the A’s consent.
The case slowly wound its way through the courts. The charge was always bogus, easily defended on two grounds: sincerely held religious belief and truth (scientific/medical facts about the vile results of homosexual practices). So, today was a sort of Christmas present for Bill and his family. Yet, it marked once again ABUSE BY PROCESS, how a state beholden to entitled minorities can persecute a person and hobble them with bail conditions, stress and worry.
CAFE reached Bill this afternoon at his home in Alberta to congratulate him. “I am just happy to be able to spend Christmas with my family and not in the South Toronto Detention Centre,” he said. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE]
I have been acquitted of the charge “Wilful Promotion of Hatred.” This is good news for me personally. The Crown Prosecutor was seeking 18 months incarceration for my zombie stunt where I snuck into the Toronto Homosexual unGodly pride parade with much needed Gospel literature and medical information warning about the dangers associated with the homosexual lifestyle.
While this is good news for me and to some extent this is good news for all Canadians who value freedom of speech, the judgment is not without its concerns. Justice Goldstein noted my stunt fell into the “grey zone” between freedom of speech which is offensive and hate speech which is criminal.
The flyer which I handed out in the Toronto Homosexual UnGodly Pride Parade in my view should not fall into any type of “grey zone.” Now that my trial is over and my bail conditions are lifted, you can freely view the flyer for yourself. This flyer should be unequivocally legal in a democracy.
Feel free to share my flyer with others. This flyer is no longer under a publication ban. Let me also take this opportunity to thank Mass Resistance for keeping this flyer publicly available on it’s website for people to see when it was illegal for me to share it in Canada.
Notwithstanding this victory, I note religious freedom and freedom of speech still remains distressingly precarious in Canada. I have no easy answers on how to bring back the vibrant and free society we once had, but I do pray that Christians will find their boldness and let their lights shine once again in our land. I do believe where there is a national repentance and where people turn from licentiousness to virtue and self control, we will gain greater freedom.
If we embrace Biblical repentance and turn away from sexual anarchy, atheism, and materialism, and turn towards God and an acceptance of the Lordship of His Son, Jesus Christ, our King over our lives; I believe God’s blessing will come once again. It is clear to me where Christ is, there will also be freedom. Bill Whatcott
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.“ Galatians 5:1
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land“ 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14 Follow Bill on Gab a true free speech social media platform:
Verdict for alleged “hate crime” this coming Friday 11:00 am EST
Dear Friends,
Please remember this coming Friday, I will be in court at 11:00 am Toronto time to hear the verdict for my alleged (not credible allegation) hate crime. Please keep this issue in your prayers this week.
You can see my alleged “hate crime” in the picture below. I am diguised as a “gay zombie” wearing a rainbow tutu, marching in the Toronto homosexual pride parade (note the naked guy to my left with one of my Gospel packs). I have my hand in my sachel and am getting another Gospel packet, disguised as a “Zombie Safe Sex” package.
We handed out 3000 of these precious packages and they contained the Gospel on how to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, accurate medical information on the harms associated with the homosexual lifestyle, a testimony of a transgender who reclaimed his manhood after turning to Christ and criticism of the Liberal Party of Canada.
For this potentially life saving ministry the Crown Prosecutor is asking 18 months incarceration.
Zoom links are available from Arthur Schaper of Mass Resistance for those who wish to hear the verdict live at 11:00 am EST.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” Jesus Christ
An important prayer request and a reminder. The verdict for my so-called “hate crime” trial will be rendered at the Ontario Superior Court in Toronto, ON on Friday, December 10th at 11:00 am, Eastern Standard Time, which is 8:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Pray that Justice Goldtein renders a just verdict based on the evidence and that his judgment is free of political interference and personal self interest considerations.
Those who wish to attend in person can do so at 361 University Ave, Toronto. Those who wish to hear the verdict on Zoom will be able to do so. Mass Resistance California’s Director Arthur Schaper can provide Zoom links to those who wish to hear the verdict online. Please try to send your request for a link to Arthur 24 hours in advance.
Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.
While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.
While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.
I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or wether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”
Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.
Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.
It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.
As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.
While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.
While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.
Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.
While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.
Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad
“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts
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Whatcott commentary and update: Canada is no longer free. We lost it. The ship has sailed.
Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.
While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.
While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.
I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or whether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”
Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.
Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.
It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.
As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.
While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.
While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.
Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.
While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.
Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad
“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts
as amended November
24th 2020
TO : DAVID EBY Attorney General of British Columbia
Box 9290 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria British Columbia V8W 9J7
1170 605
Robson Street Vancouver BC
V6B 5J3
C/o Allevato Quail and Roy
405 510 West Hastings Street Vancouver
V6B 1L8
all persons whose interests may be affected by the Orders sought TAKE NOTICE that the Petitioner applies to Court for the
Relief set out in this Petition
proceeding has been started by WILIAM WHATCOTT, Petitioner, for the relief set out in Part 1, below
you intend to respond to this Petition, you or your lawyer must
a ) file a Response to Petition in Form 67 in the above-named Registry of this
court within the time for Response to
Petition described below, and
( b ) serve on the Petitioner
( i ) 2 copies of the response to Petition, and
( ii ) 2 copies of each filed
affidavit upon which you intend to rely at the hearing
including orders granting relief claimed, may be made against you, without any
further notice to you, if you fail to file the response to petition within the
time for response.
Time for response to Petition
response to Petition must be filed and served on the Petitioner,
( a ) if you reside anywhere
within Canada, within 21 days after the date on which a copy of the filed
petition was served on you,
b ) If you reside in the united states of America, within 35 days after the
date on which a copy of the filed petition was served on you
( c ) if
you reside elsewhere, within 49 days after the date on which a copy of the
filed petition was served on you, or
d ) if the time for response has been set by order of the court, within that time
( 1
) The address of the Registry is :
800 Smithe
Street Vancouver British Columbia
SERVICE of the Petitioner, is :
Office Box 47034 Langford British Columbia V9B 5T2
( 3 ) the Petitioner speaks for himself
an Order that, because therewas a reasonable apprehension of bias in
the tribunal from before it even got underway,
its ruling is thus set aside
For Declaration that
sections 2 ( a ) 2 ( b ) 2 ( c ) and 2 ( d ) of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms do override section 7 ( 1 ) of the B C Human
Rights Code. And for an Order that the ruling of the
Tribunal in the matter of OGER versus WHATCOTT
is thus a nullity
For Declaration that section
2 ( b ) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms entrains the right of a citizen to receive
expressions of particular information previously unknown to him or her. And for an Order that, as the Tribunal failed to consider
the right of each elector in Vancouver Fraserview riding to receive information
via the publication in question, the Tribunal erred in law
For Declaration that by excluding certain witnesses whom WHATCOTT had called to
testify in his defence, the Tribunal denied him the right to make full answer
in defence
For Declaration that, by preventing the
Defendant testing the veracity of the proposition central to the case, ie,
Complainant’s assertion that he ‘is a woman’ then relying upon it as a fact when there was
no evidence supporting it, the Tribunal
made an error in law
For an Order that
Commissioner Cousineau’s ruling in the BC Human Rights Tribunal matter of OGER versus WHATCOTT,
having been predicated in abovementioned errors of law, is therefore set
aside ; a nullity
01 the FACTS which form the basis of this
matter are set out best in pages 1 to 3 of the
Amended Additional Response which is Item One in
times material to his complaint OGER was a vice president of the New Democratic
Party. In the provincial election in
June 2017 he was that party’s candidate in the Vancouver False Creek riding
02 OGER was
born in France. Official records in that
country reflect that he was born a male child, with the birth name “RONAN”.
[ page 44 lines 28 to 47 of the
transcript ] In
Canada, OGER married a woman and had
children with her. At the time those
children were born, Complainant identified himself as “Ronan Oger”.
Official records of the birth of each of his children show ‘Ronan Oger’
as their father. The transcript of the hearing shows OGER pitching to the
Tribunal that the flyer and subsequent commotion arising from it, affected his children. At no time in his
political activity, particularly in his campaign in the 2017 provincial
election, while declaring himself their parent, did OGER ever say that he was not the natural father of those children. Apparently – from his campaign literature /
public appearances – Complainant manipulated the Vital Statistics Branch of
British Columbia to change certain information in official records to pretend
he is now female.
03 After the election OGER originated a
formal complaint to the Human Rights Commision about the flyer in which
WHATCOTT critiqued OGER’s fitness to be elected. Devyn Cousineau was appointed to be the
sole commissioner presiding on the tribunal considering that complaint.
Appointment of Commissioners to preside over Administrative Tribunals falls
under the Ministry of Attorney General.
In the run-up to the hearing,
various citizens notified Attorney General Eby that Cousineau was a
long-time activist promoting the cause of “transgender rights”. AG Eby never dealt with complaints that her
presence on the tribunal was a reasonable apprehension of bias. Rather,
AG Eby appointed two more people to the tribunal with Cousineau in
04 The
Tribunal proceedings are best described in modern parlance as a charade trying
to give the pretence of impartial adjudication of law but in reality, it was
nothing more than a pro-LGBT kangaroo court in which there was not defence that
WHATCOTT was able to employ that would
have brought about a different result, other than him renouncing the truth that
Mr. Oger is man. To the chagrin of its
members, WHATCOTT correctly referred to
OGER as male, using the correct pronouns
‘he’ and ‘him’ when giving testimony in his own defence. During the hearing
adjudicator Norman Trerise in advertently spoke the truth, referring to OGER
four times using the correct pronouns even though he later concurred with the
other two adjudicators in finding WHATCOTT guilty and assessing additional
costs because WHATCOTT did the same. Diana Jurecivic revealed her bias by
ordering WHATCOTT to remove his teeshirt
that said Mr. Oger was a man, and had the Bible verse “God made them male and
Genesis 5:2. But Jurecivic did
not order the homosexual and transgender activists in the room, to remove their
shirts with pro-LGBT slogans. Ms Jurecivic kept a score of the times WHATCOTT
refused to lie ( as he was ordered by the Tribunal, allegedly, to protect Mr
Oger’s feelings) And tallied each time
WHATCOTT used the correct male pronouns in his defence. The Tribunal refused to
consider that WHATCOTT would literally
be discrediting his own defence, his beliefs and his moral character if he
referred to the Complainant with female or gender-neutral pronouns. In its ruling the Tribunal assessed
WHATCOTT an additional $20,000 in costs,
because he refused to participate in the charade i.e ‘Mr. Oger is a woman’.
05 The
Tribunal delivered its ruling in March 2019.
On May 24th 2019 lawyer Daniel Mol originated a Judicial
Review on behalf of WHATCOTT. On
November 13th 2019 a private
citizen – acting completely independent of lawyer Mol nor WHATCOTT – took it
upon himself to serve Respondents with a copy of the Petition, only. UN-learned in the law, assuming that there
was no requirement to serve them because they were available electronically,
that individual did not serve hard copies of Affidavits which had been filed
when the Petition was originated.
Neither Respondent submitted a Response to that partial service. After May 29 2019 professional lawyer Daniel
Mol took no further step in the matter.
On October 15th 2020 William WHATCOTT took back
personal conduct of this matter. Mr
Mol is not counsel of record.
06 This Petition is brought in accordance
with the Judicial Review Procedure Act to have a Justice of the Supreme Court review
a ruling of a provincial body. For his
argument for setting aside the ruling of the Tribunal, Petitioner adopts the
reasoning including the authorities, published by his counsel at the hearing,
the Summary a copy of which is Item Three in the MATERIALS TO BE RELIED
UPON. And for certainty : said
reasoning is set out in this PART using letters defining paragraphs instead of
the numbers used in the original.
to Attorney General Submissions OGERversusWHATCOTT
( a ) At stake is the future of political free
speech. The question is whether the
Province has jurisdiction to regulate the content of political free speech uttered
or stated in a publication in the course of an election campaign.
the Subject Matter Within the Scope of Section 92 (13) read together with 92
(16) of the Constitution Act, 1867
and Within Provincial Jurisdiction ?
Response to Paragraphs 30, 36-49 of Attorney General Factum
( b )
In Scowby, Estey J. at p. 233i, determined that the test for deciding
whether a section of a provincial human rights code falls within the
jurisdiction of the province, boils down to the
activities legislated. Housing, employment and
education were all activities that
are in relation to property and civil rights or were matters of a local and
private nature.
( c
) The activity of political free speech is at
issue here. Is there absolute
freedom to discuss the moral fitness of a political candidate running for
public office?
( d
) The Respondent says
that his liberty, personal autonomy, psychological integrity rooted in security
of the person, all guaranteed by s. 7 of the Charter, is impaired by the coercive reach of s. 7 of the BC Human Rights Code (“Code”). Moreover, his deprivation of these
constitutional freedoms is done by a governmental adjudicative process that
violates fundamental principles of justice.
Rulings made by the Tribunal,
both before and during the hearing, resulted in the abandonment of the
search for truth, a prohibition upon cross-examination of the complainant to
test credibility, the application of a
legal test for liability that eliminates mens
rea, a legal test that eliminates
good faith, a legal test that deems
truth to be irrelevant, deprivation
of a finder of fact composed of a representative jury, and the imposition of an
order compelling speech to conform to gender specific pronouns.
( e
) The result is the
imposition of strict liability based on an objective test of a hypothetical
reasonable person. Although the norm
in judicial review of administrative action is reasonableness, the Respondent says that the appropriate
legal standard can only be one of correctness. This is because what is reasonable to the
average person who forms part of the majority, does not take into consideration
what is reasonable to discrete and insular minorities, who are powerless and
marginalized because of unpopular views.
To counter this imbalance, a finder of fact assessing this case, that is
essentially about democracy, must give weight to unpopular dissenting views
that are perceived as unreasonable or even hateful, by adopting a correctness
standard, instead of a reasonableness standard that will only be certain to
impose liability upon the Respondent.
( f
) The Respondent says
that there is no authority, express or implied, within the scope of s. 92 of the
Constitution Act, 1867 that grants jurisdiction to the province to
regulate the content of political speech in the course of an election
campaign. Section 7 of the Code
strikes at the heart of democracy.
Here is why.
( g
) The prohibition of
alleged hate speech during an election campaign will exacerbate social problems
and not relieve them. Banning free
speech will bottle up steam that needs a way to peacefully vent. Restricting free speech disrespects
individual autonomy and self-determination. The concept of democracy is
self-government by the people. For
the system to work, an informed electorate is necessary. In order to be
knowledgeable, there must be no constraints on the free flow of information and
ideas. Democracy will not be true to
its essential ideal if there is law that can manipulate the electorate by
withholding information to stifle criticism of the moral fitness of a political
( h
Democracy thrives when
there is no regulation of the content of free speech during an election. Good
intentions to prevent hurt feelings to targeted candidates harms the political
and democratic process. Free speech,
not human rights law, is the antidote to the social diseases of prejudice and
hate. In this war on free speech, the ultimate casualties are truth and
( i
) Whatcott’s flyer
created a golden political opportunity and platform for Oger to expose Whatcott
as a prejudiced bigot and to attack the Bible as a fount of hate
literature. The activities of Whatcott
identified him as a political opponent and revealed the precise nature of his
thinking. This allowed Oger to counter with a strategic political response, by using religious clergy to oppose the
biblical authorities cited by Whatcott.
( j
) The effect of legally supressing
unwelcome political speech will outrage and alienate those who share Whatcott’s
beliefs and views. This consequence
marginalizes minorities who may then view the legal order as illegitimate and
regard the electoral and democratic process as a one-sided sham. History teaches us that suppressing
peaceful political speech in the short term can eventually lead to violence and
illegal means to accomplish political goals.
Conflicts are inevitable in any society, but what sets democracy apart
from other political systems is that it offers the means to resolve conflicts
peacefully without violence.
( k
) Regulating political speech means
that the majority and “reasonable” viewpoint in society will attain power that
can lead to abuse. Classifying dissenting minority speech as unprotected “hate”
speech, will be an easy means to attack moralists who quote the Bible, and to
expose people like Whatcott to detestation and vilification by the general
public. People like Oger will use s.
7 as a shield to defend dominant groups that have protected status in law, and
used like a sword to punish Whatcott, by stifling his political speech and to
financially and socially destroy him, labeling him a hater and relegating him
to marginal existence, all because Whatcott decided to meaningfully participate
in the democratic electoral process and to manifest his religious faith.
( l
) The irony is that outliers and
dissenters who are most in need of speech protection, will be denied that
protection by any finding that s. 7 of the Code is constitutional and may
regulate the content of political free speech. If the Tribunal disempowers those who
advance biblical authority to justly criticize the moral fitness of a political
candidate for public office, the enemies of Whatcott and what he stands for,
will have cleverly set the stage for a direct attack on the Bible itself, as
cesspool filled with hate literature, that condemns the immoral to eternal
suffering and punishment for sin.
All this will flow from an innocuous complaint regarding the content of
a political and religious flyer that has not a shred or hint of posing any
clear or present danger of criminal activity or hatred to the person of Oger or
to anyone else associated with Oger’s gender identity.
( m
) All these aforementioned
activities cannot be said to have any rational connection to the powers granted
to a provincial government under s. 92.
The inevitable conclusion is that s. 7 of the Code poses a grave threat
to the very foundations of democracy itself.
( n )
Regulating the content of political
free speech and thus restricting Whatcott’s public participation in the
democratic electoral political process is incompatible with a free and
democratic society.
( o
) If s. 7 of the Code is
constitutional, then the provincial government will have the authority to
regulate the content of political expression during an election. Such a finding
is opposite to the conclusion of the Tribunal in CJC v.
North Shore News, para. 190, “Thus
s. 7(1)(b) does not in any way restrict hateful expressions that are likely to
expose … politicians … to hatred or contempt, because of their political affiliations
…” Close scrutiny of Whatcott’s flyer
reveals that his goal was to persuade other voters not to vote for the
NDP, a political party advocating the
political, legal, and social agenda of Oger,
who is the current Vice-President of that same party.
( p
) The content of political free
speech cannot be limited by provincial law, as this activity is outside the
scope of s. 92 and arguably also s. 91.
The written and unwritten constitution of Canada is a legal instrument
that is superior to any positive law passed by any provincial government or by
the federal government. Unregulated political free speech is in its own
right, is a political institution of the highest order, enshrined by both the
implied bill of rights found in the unwritten constitution and in the Constitution Act, 1982. Support for this is found in the Keegstra decision, where freedom of
expression is regarded as the most powerful of all the s. 2 Charter rights. See: Brunner, p. 302.
( q
) In Switzman v. Elbing, at p. 328 [SCR], Abbott J. stated, “… neither a
provincial legislature nor Parliament itself can ‘abrogate this right of
discussion and debate.’” Political free
speech is the lifeblood of democracy.
Political free speech, like the air itself, is not confined to the
physical limits of a building housing the elected members of parliament or the
legislature, but extends everywhere as a treasured political institution that
is at its highest level of importance, during an election campaign, when the
freedom to choose a candidate is at stake.
( r
) In this case, the Whatcott flyer
injects truth and Christian morality into the political debate, to dissuade
voters from electing a party that nominated an individual perceived by Whatcott
to be morally unfit. To mischaracterize
a flyer intended to be the sunlight of truth as the darkness of hate,
disregards the rule of law, which permits citizens to “explain, criticize,
debate and discuss in the freest possible manner such matters as the qualifications
… and social principles …” of a political candidate. See pp. 327-8, per Abbott J. in Switzman.
( s
) Do moral virtues and social
principles derived from Judeo-Christian authority that informed the genesis and
development of the common law and the rule of law still matter today? If the
answer is yes, the message that Whatcott preached through his flyer cannot be
properly interpreted as hateful at all.
( t
) While gender identity and
expression is be legal as a protected class under human rights legislation,
there is a hot political opposition from some feminists who argue that this
kind of activity is unwelcome gender misappropriation, offensive to biological
women. Does this mean that all
political opposition to the legal status
quo is uniformly hateful, whether based in feminist theory or in Christian
doctrine? If only Christian doctrine is
viewed as hateful, is this not bigotry and hate toward Christianity itself,
manifested as Christphobia?
( u
) The human rights legislation
includes religion as a protected class too.
Is not the depiction of Whatcott’s flyer as hate, also an indirect
attack on the Bible itself as hate literature? Where is the jurisdiction in the
province to make a determination that the holy book of a major established
religion is hate speech and cannot be quoted in an election to oppose the
morality, political platform, and social principles of a political
candidate? Assuming there is a hate
finding against Whatcott, is this not State discrimination against Christian
evangelists and activists, contrary to the statutory policies of the Code? Where is the jurisdiction in the division
of powers that allocates such a sweeping mandate to a province? There is none.
( v
) A political proposal to repeal the
protection of those people who identify as transgender might be regarded by
some as hateful, and the subject of a complaint to the human rights tribunal.
But however repulsive Whatcott’s political actions might be to Oger, who lobbied
to amend the Code to protect gender identity, CJC Duff ruled in Reference re Alberta Statutes, at pp.
133-4 that “every point of view” is legitimate in both the advancement and in
the attack upon political proposals.
This freedom is governed by criminal laws that protect public order from
violence and protects by tort law the reputation of individuals from
defamation. Duff CJC does not identify the truth as a limitation that may be
restricted by law.
the Subject Matter Within the Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Criminal Law, s. 91
(27) Constitution Act, 1867 ?
Specific Response to Paragraph 40,
AG Factum
( w
) The imposition of a penal
sanction, such as the deprivation of physical liberty for a predetermined
period of time, is not the only identifying characteristic of criminal law
regarding the classification of legislation to be in pith and substance
criminal law. Whatcott faces the
possible lifetime deprivation of his liberty to evangelize, to manifest his
religion in the public square, and to use the pronouns he chooses. He also risks losing his freedom to express
his conscience and to publicly rebuke immorality, as part of his participation
in a democratic election to urge voters not to vote for a candidate or a
political party, or both, that he believes is morally unfit to hold public
office and to exercise power. These
infringements of liberty are far more insidious and restrictive of personal
liberty and his psychological integrity, which is integral to his security of
the person, than incarceration that imposes no control over the mind.
( x
) Section 7 of the Code resurrects
the crime of seditious libel that was once regulated in the Criminal Code. Exclusive jurisdiction
for the regulation of hate speech as a crime is conferred upon the federal
government by s. 91(27). The Keegstra decision is an illustration of
the exclusive authority of the federal government to regulate hate speech.
( y
) In this case, Oger asked the
police to bring a hate crime prosecution against Whatcott. No charges were laid. That ought to
have been the end of the matter. It is a
violation of the rule of law and the division of powers to use human rights
legislation as criminal law to accomplish the suppression of Whatcott’s views.
( z
) Had Whatcott been charged with a
hate crime, he was entitled to be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond
a reasonable doubt, to test the credibility of Oger, to rely upon the defence
of truth, to the admission of expert evidence from Dr. Gutowski, allotted more
time to cross-examine and to make legal submissions, and if indicted, to be
tried by a judge and a jury, just to name a few due process protections
available under criminal law. Whatcott
would have been far better off to be criminally charged and undoubtedly
( aa )
The test for charge approval is that there is no likelihood of conviction and
that it is not in the public interest to proceed. That was the right decision.
( bb
) However, s. 7 of the Code is
bereft of the due process requirements of criminal law. In effect, Whatcott is unconstitutionally
prosecuted for a human rights hate crime that is not only outside the
jurisdiction of the province, but also
is shamefully lacking legislative safeguards that ensure due process.
( cc
) The penal sanctions test deserved
more than just a cursory look by the Attorney General to see if the Tribunal
has the power to jail Whatcott or not. A proper analysis begins with the finding
of liability. A finding of liability under the applicable statute attaches
moral culpability and social stigma to the offender. The sanctions imposed by
both a sentencing judge for a criminal offence and for a human rights offence
are the same. The sanctions are designed to compel behaviour modification.
( dd
) Behaviour modification is the goal
of sanctions that are designed to denounce, deter, rehabilitate and make
reparations to the complainant and to society at large. In this case, this Tribunal is asked by
Oger to make a finding of liability; to make a declaration that s. 7 of the
Code was violated; to impose costs of $35,000 for alleged defiant and
disrespectful behaviour, both in and out of the sight of the Tribunal members;
to assess a severe monetary penalty of $35,000 to punish for the public
expression of alleged hateful thoughts and ideas that allegedly harmed Oger’s
dignity and reputation, to pay an unspecified large sum of money to a
transgender-rights organization to pay for harm done to the larger transgender
societal community; for an order that Whatcott be compelled to be re-educated
by participating in a school designed to teach him a better understanding of
gender identity, with the goal to humble and humiliate Whatcott by indoctrinating
him with the Tribunal’s view of Whatcott’s legal obligations under the
( ee
) Denunciation is accomplished by
the declaration that Whatcott violated the Code and amounts to a societal
miscreant who is a hateful bigot. The
monetary penalty of $35,000 for harming Oger’s dignity and reputation serves as
a deterrent to both Whatcott and others who might follow his example.
The monetary penalty of $35,000
in costs also serves to deter Whatcott and others from criticizing the lack of
due process, coercion and bias alleged by Whatcott to have permeated the human
rights proceedings. The coerced
donation to an organization supporting what Whatcott considers to be immoral
political, social and cultural goals is designed to make reparations to a
certain segment of society that identifies with the political advocacy of
Oger. The order for coerced
re-education is designed to rehabilitate Whatcott in the hopes that his
thinking and behaviour will conform in the future to transgender values and
objectives. The individual and
collective sum of all these sanctions amount to behaviour modification through
a combination of financial penalties, social stigma, and forced re-education of
his mind by social engineering.
( ff
) These sanctions are indeed penal
and to anyone with a sound knowledge of criminal law, recognize that these
sanctions follow the basic principles of criminal law sentencing. In fact, the
sanctions sought are more comprehensive and more draconian than simply a fine
and a term of probation with conditions that is normally imposed as sanctions
for summary conviction offences that result in a criminal record.
( gg
) A human rights record is no less
odious than a criminal law record, and is perhaps even worse, because there is
no process for a human rights pardon.
Whatcott faces a lifetime of unemployment. No employer is required to
hire an individual deemed by law to be a hate monger. He will be discriminated
against, in spite of his Christian beliefs. Social isolation, ostracism and
expulsion are other consequences. For
an indigent individual like Whatcott, bankruptcy looms, and the financial
penalties affect not only him, but his wife and two young children. Compulsory
re-education imposes the state’s will upon Whatcott’s security of the person,
in a similar manner to a judge unconstitutionally ordering the castration of a
convicted sexual offender or the forced ingestion of unwanted prescription
drugs upon a convicted person, to modify that individual’s behaviour and mental
state. Compulsory re-education at a
facility amounts in principle to a form of temporary incarceration to brainwash
Whatcott so that he will modify his Christian beliefs to accept transgenderism. This sanction is similar to the current
situation in China where over a million Muslim Chinese are confined to a
detention facility to modify their religious beliefs so that the prevailing
orthodox view of the secular state is unchallenged in society.
( hh ) For the Attorney
General to conclude without any substantive analysis in paragraph 40 that “there is no penal sanction that could
possibly make this [legislation] criminal law,” ignores the provisions of the
human rights legislation, that permit
sanctions that follow the principles of behavior modification and sentencing
utilized in criminal and human law.
( ii )
There is no doubt that s. 7 of the
Code in pith and substance is criminal law.
Rand J. at pp. 12-13 [SCR] ruled in Switzman
that prohibiting any part of political free speech “as an evil would be within
the scope of criminal law,” and then referred to sections of the Criminal Code that dealt with sedition.
( jj
) Section 7 of the Code, according
to the AG in para. 40, does not specifically ban the propagation of a political
belief. If that is the case, why was
this case not dismissed at an early stage upon the application of
Whatcott? The evidence in this case
is clear that Whatcott was expressing a political belief that was grounded in
Christian morality.
( kk
) Duff, CJC read s. 92(13) and s.
92(16) together in Reference re: Alberta
Legislation. At p. 26 [SCR] Duff
summed up the law that leaves no doubt that s. 7 of the Code falls outside
provincial jurisdiction: “Democracy
cannot be maintained without its foundation: free public opinion and free discussion throughout the nation of all
matters affecting the State within the limits
set by the criminal code and the common
law. Every inhabitant … is also a
citizen … The province may deal with his property and civil rights of a local
and private nature within the province;
but the province cannot interfere
with his status as a Canadian citizen and his fundamental right to express
freely his untrammelled opinion about government policies and discuss matters of public concern.” [My emphasis]
( ll
) This conclusion is supported in
para. 47 of the AG factum. In OPSEU, Beetz J. held, “… neither
Parliament nor the provincial legislatures may enact legislation the effect of
which would be to substantially interfere with the operation of this basic
constitutional structure.” The
structure is the right to abrogate the right of free public discussion and debate
referred to in the immediately preceding authorities cited, of Switzman and Alberta Statutes.
( mm )
The law is clear: the mandatory and
prohibitory provisions of s. 7 of the Code are ultra vires of the provincial legislature.
07 Section 32 of the British Columbia Human Rights Code Application of Administrative Tribunals Act to
tribunal, particularly, its section ( i ) states section 45 [ tribunal without jurisdiction over Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms issues ]. Cousineau et al. were statute-barred from
entertaining the OGER complaint until Charter issues had been canvassed in the Supreme
Court of B C. As a
lawyer knowing perfectly-well that
the matter invokes the Charter ab initio, and that the Defendant had
already voiced such defence to the Commission in the run-up to the
hearing, Commissioner Cousineau ought
not to have gone ahead with OGER’s complaint, at all.
08 UN-learned
in the law as he was prior to the hearing,
it was not incumbent upon WHATCOTT to point out to the tribunal that the
BC Human
Rights Code is fatally-flawed. Even if he was remiss in not challenging
that aspect in the run-up, he hereby
raises it now pursuant to section 24 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
09 Several
people applied to Intervene in the hearing but were denied standing. One of them being Gordon S Watson, who had
stood as a candidate in the provincial election of 2001. He funded part of the cost of publishing the
flyer in question. Watson’s submission
to the Tribunal prior to the hearing proves he did intend to argue that the
reciprocal of the right to expression, is the right to receive information.
Thus every one, whether known to a
publisher or not, has the right to receive new information by any and all
media, especially the free press. And
that as an Intervenor he could best make this argument. Shutting out his pitch re such right directly
on-point legitimacy of speech in the fray of the election, the Tribunal evaded its duty to hear from a
stake-holder as it dealt with a kind of complaint never encountered before.
10 Because of
the fact that political activist Cousineau had been appointed to preside over
the OGER WHATCOTT matter, when it was well known she was a longtime activist in
the “trans-gender” cause, there was apprehension of glaring bias such that the
Tribunal was convened illegally ab initio.
Item four the MATERIALS TO BE RELIED UPON, find a photograph of her in
full throat in her activist mode. The
location, ie. on the public sidewalk outside the MLA constituency office of
Premier Clark, is important.
MLA Christie Clark – miraculously – moved the “transgender” amendment to the B C
Human Rights Code through the Legislature via
3 readings in one day, while the gallery was packed with supporters of that
political cause.
11 Any
reasonable person who learned that AG EBY had picked Cousineau to preside on
the OGER WHATCOTT matter, involving this vice president of the New Democratic
Party ( OGER ) can see that that was done so the goal of OGER and Cousineau’s
personal political campaign would have the color of law. Allowing this matter
to go ahead under Cousineau, after
her bias had been brought to his attention, AG Eby knowingly evaded his duty to
ensure WHATCOTT’s civil right to due process of law
: ‘the fix was in’ and the Attorney General himself was in on the fix.
12 After
the fact, Cousineau’s prejudice is
proven in her Reasons where she changed the very words spoken in the hearing,
inserting feminine pronouns where the official transcript shows WHATCOTT having
used “he” “his” “him” when referring to OGER.
13 The nature of evidence is
that it can be tested. If it cannot be tested, it isn’t evidence
OGER’s core delusion been put to the test in cross-examination, his credibility
would have been ruined. Example being, at page 47 lines 43- 44 of the
transcript of examination in Chief, where OGER
relates an exchange with someone who believes he is mentally ill. For
the Tribunal to prevent WHATCOTT’s counsel from testing OGER’s assertions that
he was somehow ‘a mom … her children … who she is’ [ lines 17 to 20 page 41 transcript of his
evidence in Chief ]
while relying upon that absurdity as a fact, is an error of law.
14 Compelling
his accuser to take the witness stand so he can be exposed as a liar is a
fundamental right of a Defendant within British jurisdiction. This right is long established … predating
the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. WHATCOTT was entitled to exercise that right
in order get at the facts regarding OGER’s mental state, especially the
delusion that he “is a woman”. The term for the mental
illness suffered by OGER is gender dysphoria. Such people are
“brittle” personalities. When their
preposterous self image is challenged, they come un-glued. Based on its acceptance that what the
Complainant said was so, but for which there was not a scintilla of evidence
then the Tribunal’s ruling is as patently absurd as OGER’s belief he “is”
a woman.
Item One Amended Additional Response
Item Two Supplemental Submissions
December 16th 2018
Item Three Summary of Whatcott’s
defence December 21 2018
Item Four photograph of political
activist Devyn Cousineau in full throat
outside the
constituency office of MLA Christie Clark
Item Five application by Gordon S
Watson for status as Intervenor
Such other affidavits as Petitioner may come up with, and be permitted, prior
to the hearing
estimates that the Review will take one full day of Court.
All of which is respectfully submitted
this 24th day of November 2020 A. D.
of Gordon S Watson
Agent for Petitioner WILLIAM WHATCOTT
by Bill Whatcott » Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:20 pm
Dear Friends,
My lawyer John Rosen just
finished the latest pre-trial conference for my so-called “hate crime”
charge today. The “hate crime” is now over four years old. Since then
the civil $104 million lawsuit that was commenced with much drama (see
the drama here:
immediately after my Gospel infiltration of the Toronto unGodly pride
parade has been dropped as of late last year. The criminal hate crime
charge remains ongoing and now as of today Justice Goldstein has set
the tentative trial date for my “hate crime” trial for Monday, October 4, 2021.
could be forgiven if by now they forgot the Gospel stunt that I pulled
off that made the homosexual activists so mad that nearly 5 years after
the fact they still want me in jail for 18 months for raining (in a
Godly sort of way) on their parade. For those who forgot or who don’t
know about this redemptive, creative, and definitely not hateful act of
truth telling activism, here it is: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10526&p=26007#p26007
for other news not much has been going on in my life. Being out on bail
for the past 2 years has its limitations. I had to turn my passport in,
so that precludes travel outside of Canada. Now with the advent of the
Chinese Communist Party virus travel is shut down for most of the world
and Canadians can’t travel abroad anyways.
Then there is the
economic fallout from the lockdown and virus protocals being imposed on
businesses across Canada and the world. The unfortunate thing about
outstanding criminal charges is even though you are “presumed innocent”
until proven guilty, in actual fact the police reveal outstanding
charges to your potential employers during background checks when you
apply for a job and the presumption of innocence bafflegab aside, most
employers decline to hire people with outstanding charges. When this
sort of thing goes on for years it is quite limiting, especially when
the unemployment rate is in the double digits as it is in Canada right
now thanks to our corrupt and incompetent government destroying our
resource and manufacturing sectors , before the economic hammering
brought on by the Chinese Communist Party virus lockdowns and layoffs.
being said, I have been blessed these last few months to be putting in
20-30 hour work weeks with a temp agency. Ten years ago that would be
considered extremely marginal, but today many Canadians with no
outstanding criminal charges are out of work and would love to have a
20-30 hour a week minimum wage job. How times have changed!
times have changed, in fact I believe Canada has fundamentally changed.
The freedom and prosperity we took for granted is gone. Thanks to our
Liberal government colluding with foriegn NGOs to sabotage Canada’s oil
sands, what was once the largest employer in Canada’s resource industry,
the oil sands is largely destroyed now. Conventional oil, mining,
lumber, etc…. are also almost dead. There are no jobs in any of these
Eastern Canada’s manufacturing base is also largely
gone. Without manufacturing or resources there simply is no means of
wealth creation to keep handing out government cheques, so with that in
mind the CERB payments are ending next month and literally millions of
Canadians will be off CERB and will still be out of work with no
prospects of economic recovery coming in the near future.
could blame the Liberal government for this mess and indeed they deserve
alot of the blame. Their carbon taxes, other taxes and onerous; I would
even say malicious, regulations have ruined our nation’s oil industry
years before the CCP virus reached our shores. We could also blame the
Chinese Communist Party as the virus they covered up and allowed to
spread around the world has had a catastrophic effect on our economy and
quality of life. Had the CCP warned the world earlier that this virus
escaped from their lab (more probable than wet market) and declined to
vacuum up all our PPE before we knew what was going on, we could have
been better prepared and mitigated much of the suffering we are now
experiencing thanks to the pandemic. However, I believe there are deeper
issues at play in Canada’s repid demise.
“For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14
believe God has removed His blessing from our land and it is He who is
allowing wicked governments such as the Canadian Liberals and Chinese
Communist Party to harm us.
Canada has murdered more than 3
million unborn children by abortion. We have murdered thousands of
elderly and disabled through euthanasia. We are allowing our children to
be switched to the gender they are not but are not and are allowing
children to march in homosexual parades but we won’t allow them to
recite the Lord’s prayer in our schools. We have rejected God’s Word and
embraced instead homosexual perversion and socialism, so now it is not
surprising to me that the land is starting to suffer under God’s
judgment in tangible ways.
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be eaten by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 1:18-20
believe God in His great mercy can forgive us of our sin and turn back
the judgment on our land if we repent and turn to Him. I know in my own
life I have suffered both tremendous loss because of my sun and
experienced tremendous, undeserved, grace and forgiveness when I
repented, confessed, and turned away from my sin. I believe on a
national level these same principles hold true for Canada. I would
strongly encourage Canada’s Christians to start to fast and pray for our
land. Even if it is too late to turn back the judgement, perhaps with a
bold witness some souls could be snatched from the coming fire.
I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust
to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people
who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14
left) The “hate crime” for which I am now slated to go on trial for
this coming June 2020. Handing out 3500 zombie safe sex packages AKA
known as life saving Gospel literature to naked sodomites and others at
the 2016 Toronto homosexual pride parade. (Picture right) Bill Whatcott
poses with two Toronto police officers while taking a break from handing
out zombie safe sex packages at the unGodly pride parade.
Dear Friends,
Yesterday was my last day of court before my trial,
Crown Prosecutor tried to argue quite forcefully that I had a “deep and
complex hatred of homosexuals.” Multiple times during the hearing the
prosecutor reiterated “Whatcott hates homosexuals” and at least once the
Prosecutor asserted I have an “intense and ongoing hatred of
For proof of this alleged intense (apparently
selectively criminalized) emotion that I am carrying with me the
Prosecutor wants to introduce social media posts and flyers that I have
penned over the decades into evidence where they can pull words like
“sodomite,” “freak,” and “homofascist” out of the paragraphs to
establish my alleged hatred of homosexuals.
Crown Prosecutor pulled the word “freak” out of a January 2019 post on
this site where I referred to this guy walking around with a pride flag
stuck out of his bum as a “freak.” Here is the post the Prosecutor cited
as evidence of my “hatred of homosexuals:” viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10744&p=26366&hilit=pride+flag+bum#p26366
you engage in behaviour worthy of ridicule what am I supposed to call
you? In my world if you run around naked with a pride flag sticking out
of your bum you are a freak…… For a Prosecutor to use my reality
based assessment of a homosexual’s highly public behaviour as evidence
of criminal intent worthy of 18 months incarceration is highly
disturbing and I wonder when Canadians will wake up and forcefully
demand their God given right to speak sanely once again?
the word “sodomite” is a behaviour based word that is pejorative in the
Bible, so are the words “adulturer,” “thieves,” and “sorcerers”
pejorative in the Bible. In my circle of friends I have people who have
stolen, who have committed adultery, and who have engaged in homosexual
acts. In Canadian law we can quite correctly seperate acts of adultery
and stealing from a person’s innate genetic make up. We know people may
experience seemingly irresistable urges to steal or sleep with someone’s
spouse, but we also know that people are morally responsible when they
commit this behaviour and that people who engage in this behaviour will
often change, especially when they seek moral guidance and desire to
change these unhealthy behaviours in their lives. Sadly, with homosexual
behaviour there is a huge disconnect with reality and it seems time
tested rules that apply to other sexual behaviours are hysterically
attacked and in some cases even criminalized when they are applied to
homosexual behaviour. Truthfully critiquing homosexual behaviour and
pointing out its harm is now simply called “hate” and is banned.
course Christians condemn stealing, but don’t hate people who steal and
we will always condemn sodomy (even though the Prosecutor doesn’t like
me saying it, sodomy does have significant economic and social costs
that are being born by all Canadians) but that does not mean we hate
sodomites. In fact we know thieves and sodomites (and all other sinners)
can change.
do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of
God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters,
nor adulterers, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you
were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit
of our God.“ 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
But heck now
Bill S202 has passed first reading and it seems to me the homosexual
activist media is pushing this bill with complete garbage stories of
multitudes of homosexuals committing suicide after being told by some
evil and crazy Christian therapist that they can change their sexual
behaviour if they are motivated to do so, and now our homosexual
activist Prime Minister is supporting the bill which will make such
Christian counselling an indictable offense punishable by up to five
years in prison.
And yet the Prosecutor pulled the word
“homofascist” out of my writings and acted like this particular word is a
made up delusion and more evidence of my “intense and ongoing hatred of
Is it possible that this word might actually apply
when referring to Canadian politicians and LGBT activists who want to
see Christian counsellors put in prison for 5 years or Christian
activists jailed for 18 months who hand out “zombie safe sex” packages
on the streets of Toronto during “Pride” month?
Please pray for truth and true justice to prevail in this hate crime case.
looks like my trial is definitely going forward for June 2019. The
trial will last a month and I will need to be in Toronto for two weeks
before the trial begins to work with my lawyer.
No money is
needed for legal expenses as that is covered by legal aid now, but I
will need some donations to survive for the 6 weeks that I will be
forced to reside in Toronto for my trial.
At this point in time there is no news on my appeal in Whatcott vs Oger
where I (as predicted) lost in the British Columbia Human Rights
Tribunal (BCHRT) the case that Mr. Ronan Oger prosecuted me for saying
he was a man and that God did not want Vancouver-False Creek residents
to vote for him during the last provincial election. The penalty for
refusing to call him a woman during my hearing and for participating in
the provincial election by advancing a reality based perspective, based
on an orthodox Christian perspective, was a whopping $55,000 fine.
No news yet on when my trial date is coming in the Jonathan Yaniv vs Whatcott
case either. In this case Mr. Yaniv is seeking over $35,000 in
compensation from me because I refered to him as a man and criticized
his prosecution of 16 female estheticians who he dragged to the BCHRT
for refusing to wax his balls.
As Canada moves further away from
the God who created us and who desires Lordship over our lives, it seems
we are inventing ever stranger notions of what justice and human rights
looks like. Please pray for God to deliver Canada from this darkness
that is gripping our land and that He will have mercy and heal this land
so that we can have leaders capable of discerning real justice and
pray the Canadian people will see their need to repent and turn to the
Living God so they can be reconciled with their Lord and the Saviour of
their souls once again.
my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Notwithstanding, I did not ask for this engagement with Mr. Yaniv, and generally speaking starting a conversation by serving me with a frivolous lawsuit demanding $35,000 is not the best way to warm me up to a guy, it seems Mr. Yaniv went into a hissy fit that I am not referring to him using his preferred pronouns.
Please keep in mind I have never threatened Mr. Yaniv, nor have I swore at him or even seriously insulted him, though I would understand someone being less charitable than me; the guy is after all behaving in a predatory fashion and is using a lawless government agency to enforce a make-believe speech code and is expropriating people’s money in a discreditable fashion. Mr. Yaniv does not deserve to be spoken to politely, but in any event, I have been nothing but polite to him. I have merely stated the obvious after Mr. Yaniv chose to seek me out, sue me. and engage with me; I have simply told the BCHRT the truth, they are an abusive government agency and their behaviour is not credible, as demonstrated by their prosecuting Yaniv’s victims and I have stated the obvious that Yaniv is a predatory, disturbed, biological male.
Anyways in response to my compelled BCHRT response Mr. Yaniv started with this e-mail to the BCHRT and ccd it to me:
Then Yaniv sent some attachments to myself and the BCHRT asking for additional costs to be imposed on me and asking for increased security to be provided for him at the hearing. When I clicked on his attachments I was unable to open them so I sent a polite e-mail that seems to have provoked an agitated response from the complainant insisting I engage with him using female pronouns.
Mr. Yaniv and the BCHRT had a little hissy fit and refused to respond to my request for Mr. Yaniv’s increased security and costs application, presumably because they are both mad at my personal rule that I only use reality based pronouns when engaging with human beings. Anyways, after a week I sent an e-mail reminding both of them the BCHRT’s own rules clearly state all form correspondence is to be shared between the parties. Within a few hours I finally got Mr. Yaniv’s application for another $7500 in costs and his perceived need for more security. Here is the most relevant excerpts:
Here is the July 26th incident that Mr. Yaniv is talking about
My “abusive” behaviour consists of my September 23rd response (see above) to Mr. Yaniv’s human rights complaint and the above above e-mail where I respond to the complainant with the correct gender pronoun.
Here is more of the application:
Keep in mind I never asked for this engagement, it is Mr. Yaniv who sought me out and used the BCHRT government kangaroo court to force me to engage with him. I never agreed to maintaining any sort of confidentiality with either him or the kangaroo tribunal. I have grave concerns that the BCHRT and predators like Yaniv thrive best when there is no public exposure or awareness as to what they are up to.
As for respecting the process? Mr. Yaniv is not alone in demanding I “respect” the process. I recently received an e-mail from a Christian lawyer whom I have a degree of respect for who has declined to help me with this case citing my response to the BCHRT as being “disrespectful, lacking in decorum, and injudicious” that means I am going into this fight alone.
Reflecting on the matter, I am not sure that Canadians should be so deferential to kangaroo courts. We are not merely in a legal dispute where lawyers are politely arguing over who has rights to a property or a disagreement over what constitutes “facts” in an alleged crime; this is an ideologically driven judicial body compelling Canadians to call biological men women and enabling a predatory male to victimize vulnerable women and men who dare to criticize him. The BCHRT is out touch with reality, has disregarded real due process in preference to having a veneer of due process (to give them the air of legitimacy that they do not deserve), so they can ram their neo Marxist gender ideology down our throats and do their part in deconstructing the western European Christian foundation that our nation was built upon.
When before a real court we should show respect and when dealing with broken sinners we should have compassion. However, look at how the prophet Eijah dealt with King Ahab and his false prophets (the highest authority figure in the Kingdom of Israel) and both the King and his prophets would have commanded a great deal of respect from the population.
Elijah mocked the false prophets in the presence of King Ahab:
“At noon Elijah mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.”
1 Kings 18:27
Then once their fraud was fully exposed Elijah called on the people to kill the false prophets
“Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.” And they seized them. And Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slaughtered them there.”
1 Kings 18:40
Now maybe stating the obvious that Ronan Oger and Jonathan Yaniv were born with wangs between their legs and they are therefore male is too much for the tender ears of so-called transgenders, well meaning Christian lawyers who can’t sully themselves by associating with such common sense, and BCHRT kangaroos who donate to transgender causes, refuse to recuse themselves when their political sympathies are exposed, and who with no pang of conscience destroy freedom of speech and equate correctly gendering a transvestite, far left, political candidate with white supremacy, but still my speech and actions are downright refined compared to how the Prophet Elijah handled King Ahab and the false prophets of Baal.
Now maybe I am not too overly deferential to a fake legal body who already has trampled on our election freedom and fined me $55,000 for not calling a biological male, NDP candidate a woman, but what I said and did and the consequences I am suffering is all small potatoes compared to Christianity’s first martyr.
“Some of those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), and of the Cyrenians, and of the Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia and Asia, rose up and disputed with Stephen. But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking. Then they secretly instigated men who said, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.” And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes, and they came upon him and seized him and brought him before the council.” Acts 6:9-13
St. Stephen due to his public preaching and works was brought before the high priest and a council of Jewish elders (an authoritative body commanding more respect and judicial power than the BCHRT). While a Jewish council was held in high regard by the common man in ancient Israel, many people besides myself correctly hold the BCHRT in contempt, as they have discredited themselves with their insane rulings, complete disregard for real human rights, and attempts to impose gender non-reality on those of us who disagree.
When the High Priest and council allowed themselves to be consumed with bias and rejected the truth of St. Stephen’s preaching, look at what St. Stephen said to them.
“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.”
Acts 7:51-51
St. Stephen’s blunt truth telling so enraged the elders and those listening to him that his trial was cut short and he was stoned to death on the spot. What would a “polite” Canadian Christian lawyer who demands decorum out of those who care enough to plainly speak against injustice do with St. Stephen if he was their client?
Anyways, the $42,500 that Mr. Yaniv wants (likely to grow to $50,000 + after he reads this update and files it with the BCHRT as evidence of my further misconduct) is but a distraction in comparison to Oger vs Whatcott where literally Canada’s election freedom is at stake. It seems to my horror that most Canadians are asleep and unaware of what is at stake in Oger vs Whatcott where a political candidate decided their so-called gender identity is off limits from discussion, even though their gender identity was destined to be what drives them in their political career. Worse yet the BCHRT kangaroo tribunal agreed with Oger that Canadians can’t express a critical opinion about his gender identity as that might cause voters to think about how fake gender identities might impact government policies that directly effect their lives and indeed their very freedom.
Then there is my upcoming “hate crime” trial on January 6 for distributing 3,000 “zombie safe sex” packages that contained the Gospel and wholesome good news that homosexuals and transgenders CAN change their sexual behaviour and realign their gender identities with reality.
Please pray for all of the above. I am a weak and flawed Christian going into these battles with few earthly resources. Left on my own I will surely bring disgrace to Christ’s cause. However, our Lord also promised “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 1 Corinthians 12:9.
While I am weak, sinful, maybe not cultured enough, and not always too wise, we will see what God does…..
“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
2 Timothy 2:1-3
I cannot believe that so many Canadians are asleep or don’t care.
However, I can assure you that there are more Canadians, little by little, who have woken up and who are waking up others to fight this LGBT perversion!
Canada’s Prime Minister committing no crime, other than not quite growing up when he was 29 years old
Dear Friends,
The last month has been quite busy. I got this e-mail from Mr. Yaniv (the fellow who charged 16 female estheticians with discrimination and dragged them before the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) for refusing to wax his “female penis.”)
Jessica Yaniv <>
Sep 15, 2019, 10:25 PM (4 days ago)
to <,>
The deadline for the Respondent to provide a response to expedite process was August 26, 2019. I received no response, therefore, I did not reply as per the directions given by the Tribunal. It is now September 16, 2019.
What is the Tribunal’s decision in the matter regarding expediting, given the reasons listed in my application?
Miss Jessica Yaniv
Anyways, the BCHRT in quick fashion (hours after Yaniv sent his e-mail) sent me a mediation agreement to sign, seeing as they would like to see if me and Mr. Yaniv could come up with a mutually acceptable agreement to remedy the alleged loss of dignity he suffered when I briefly mentioned he is a biological male who dragged 16 vulnerable women to the BCHRT during a preaching session in front of the BCHRT during my trial there in December of last year.
Here is the BCHRT mediation agreement they want me to sign. I didn’t sign it yet as I would like the meeting to be face to face and not subject to a confidentiality agreement:!Avrh8Zy7sQqXiBW50qi7_BQq5wN9
Yaniv wants me to pay him $35,000 and my position is I am broke and have no money to pay him, but I will give him the Gospel which is far more valuable free of charge. Whether we can bridge our differences remain to be seen.
On the $104 million dollar lawsuit we are heading to appeal court soon where a judge will decide if I have to reveal the names of my friends who helped me launch the Gospel guerilla operation against the Toronto homosexual shame parade in 2016. My position to the courts is much the same as it was last year and the year before that. I’m broke and I have no money to give them, if they take stuff by force of a court order, my second hand furniture, second hand car, whatever they find in my bank account, etc…. I have no power to stop them.
As for my friends, I believe it would be a sin to reveal their names and I prefer to sit in jail indefinitely rather than do it. Some of them have dependants and all of them have modest means to defend themselves against this lawsuit. They did nothing wrong in helping with my charitable Gospel stunt, so it is my duty to do what I can to shield them.
On the criminal hate crime case, we will be going to trial on January 6, 2020. I believe the trial is going to be held in the Ontario Superior Court at 361 University Park Ave, Toronto. How long the trial will last I am unsure. The lawyer I have representing me on this case is now John Rosen.
As for the election,
I was blessed to spend last weekend helping the Scarborough Christian Heritage Party (CHP) candidate Mark Theodoru collect signatures so he could run. Over the course of an hour or so we collected signatures standing in front of a condo complex in the far east end of Scarborough. The people we asked were mostly Muslim and East Indian. Most declined to sign Mark’s nomination papers, but some did and they were mostly polite and friendly.
One Muslim fellow is quite memorable and I had an interesting conversation with him. The Muslim appeared to me to be either Pakistani or Bangladeshi and he smelled of alcohol and was somewhat inebriated. Our conversation went like this:
Me: “Will you sign Mark Theodoru’s nomination papers so he can run in your riding this election?”
Intoxicated Muslim: “What party is he with?”
Me: “Christian Heritage Party”
Intoxicated Muslim: “What do you think about Muslims?”
Me: “Muslims are human beings”
Intoxicated Muslim: “Do you think returning ISIS fighters should be pardoned?”
Me: “No, I don’t believe returning ISIS fighters should be pardoned, they should stand trial for their crimes”
Intoxicated Muslim: “Sorry, if you do not support a pardon for returning ISIS fighters than I can’t sign your nomination paper”
With that the intoxicated Muslim handed me my clipboard and pen back and walked off. I was a little startled by the candid opinion of my intoxicated Muslim friend, but quickly I got into conversations with other riding residents and the intoxicated, apparently ISIS supporting, Muslim was out of sight and out of mind.
Ten minutes later the intoxicated Muslim came back, grabbed my clipboard and pen from me and asked:
Intoxicated Muslim: “What is your opinion on Syria?”
Me: “I am speaking for myself and not the party. I don’t think the United States belongs there.”
Intoxicated Muslim: “What about Russia?”
Me: “Actually, I personally think the Russians have done more good in Syria than the Americans.”
The intoxicated Muslim abruptly shoves my clipboard and pen at me again and proclaims: “I was thinking about signing your sheet, but for sure I can’t now!”
With that the intoxicated Muslim storms off down the sidewalk and is soon out of sight again.
Mark was observing the spectacle in awe and I just looked and Mark and shrugged my shoulders and said “I can’t make everyone happy” and got back to work engaging passerby again.
Five minutes later the intoxicated Muslim showed up again roughly telling me, “give my that clipboard” and before I could respond he grabbed my clipboard and pen.
Intoxicated Muslim: “I’m going to sign your paper. Where do I sign???!!!”
Me: “right here, and please print your name and address and then sign”
The intoxicated Muslim correctly gave his name and address with some help and then he handed back my pen and clipboard and said: “I’m pro-Israel”
and walked off…..
Me and Mark looked at eachother again, wondered where “I’m pro-Israel” came from and then got back to our work….
As for my riding I have no CHP candidate to vote for, so after talking to my People’s Party of Canada (PPC) candidate, I got a few names in my riding for his nomination paper and informed him I will be voting for him. While the PPC lacks an understanding of Canada’s need to repent and turn back to the God who created us, the party at least believes moral issues can be discussed and Christians can run and be themselves without being thrown out of the party every time the media says “boo,” unlike the so-called Conservative Party.
Disturbingly, two Conservative MP’s have publicly endorsed the “Morgane Oger Foundation” and one Calgary Conservative Member of Parliament, Michelle Rempel, hosted a fundraiser for the foundation last year. The sole purpose of the Morgane Oger Foundation as far as I can tell is to prosecute Canadians who publicly disagree with Oger’s (and apparently Rempel’s) warped ideas about gender. The PPC is the only party besides the CHP that has the courage to allow their members to question whether children should be force fed propaganda in grade school about being able to switch their gender. Scheer on the other hand has disqualified candidates this election for publicly saying children should not be forced fed transgender propaganda in our public schools. The Conservatives moved too far away from their conservative roots for me to vote for them. While my first loyalty is with the CHP and their Godly vision for Canada and I am happy to be helping my friend Mark with his campaign in Scarborough, in my riding I have decided the PPC is at least conservative enough and tolerant enough of Christians that I can vote for them in good conscience without feeling I wasted my vote….
Now here’s my thoughts eight days into Canada’s Federal Election campaign:
Whatcott thoughts on Day 8 of Canada’s election campaign
Speaking as a Canadian, I don’t actually care if my Prime Minister wore a blackface, or a brownface, or any other coloured face, at some party twenty years ago. It is well known Trudeau is a party boy who to this day has never grown up. Trudeau was and continues to be ill prepared to lead the country and as Prime Minister he is frankly incompetent.
Putting on costumes depicting Arabians, blacks, or natives, is as far as I can tell harmless. The two Sikhs in the above picture don’t seem too traumatized by Justin Trudeau’s costume and the fact Justin is posing and smiling with them leads me to to conclude our Prime Minister probably wasn’t harbouring malicious Ku Klux Klan thoughts that day. The fact this is Justin’s behaviour that set off a media storm causes me to shake my head in wonder.
Canada’s national media being the near homogenous partisan Liberal hacks they are, I fully expect they will quit covering this story as soon as they feel they can and they will likely create a faux scandal and attribute it to the conservative leaders (Scheer, Bernier) in the coming days. I don’t actually feel sorry for Trudeau getting roasted for his silly costume mind you. Trudeau after all is a disingenuous “feminist,” “anti-racist,” “progressive;” the sort who would thump his chest in faux outrage and demand a conservative resign if a similar twenty year old photo surfaced of the said conservative wearing a “racist” costume at some long forgotten party. I don’t like the mob frenzy that the media whips up with these so-called “racist” twenty year old incidents, but if we must endure the media mob, I suppose if Trudeau is the one targeted by it, that is some sort of justice at least.
Actual bigotry by Trudeau that has mobilized me to work against his re-election this election season would be his government’s decree that Canadian businesses, charities, and non-profits who were unwilling to sign a statement of support for abortion, same sex marriage, and gender identity, would be ineligable to partake in the Summer Jobs Program. Of course this decree targeted businesses and charities run by conservative Christians, as we are the ones who would be unable to sign such a statement of support. The media is all good with that sort of actual bigotry that caused harm to pro-life/pro-family Canadian taxpayers, who were forced to pay for the program but were barred from participating in it because of their moral and religious values.
Trudeau early in his Prime Ministership once candidly told a Baptist pastor “Evangelical Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” Once again Trudeau displayed actual bigotry and said this while sitting in office. The mainstream media while sanctimoniously beating their chest about silly decades old costumes is silent about this.
The SNC Lavalin affair is so serious it should have forced the Prime Minister to resign and face criminal prosecution, but the media is already not covering this scandal. For those who don’t know what this scandal is, our Prime Minister was tape recorded pressuring his former Justice Minister to terminate a proper criminal prosecution against a Quebec engineering company known as SNC Lavalin for corruption and get them a deferred prosecution deal. The Justice Minister refused to do such a thing as it would be illegal and unethical to do that as the corruption was serious and involved billions of dollars in illegally obtained construction contracts. Trudeau then fired the Justice Minister for doing her job honestly and the now former Justice Minister blew the whistle on Trudeau and provided the taped convesations she had with him which clearly exposed our Prime Minister committing a criminal offense by pressuring her to drop the criminal proceeding against a company that donates money to the Liberal Party and hires employees in the Prime Minister’s riding.
This next reason to not vote for Trudeau while maybe not criminal like SNC Lavalin, is still bad. The Prime Minister has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to cross Canada’s border and collect benefits. The sheer scale of Trudeau’s open border policy (legal and illegal) has aggravated the already severe tax strain on working Canadians and has exacerbated an affordable housing crises in all Canadian cities. Canadians who are homeless are far more visable now than ten years ago.
The Prime Minister is a chronic attender of “gay” pride parades and Trudeau added gender identity to our nation’s hate crime legislation meaning we can be criminally prosecuted if we criticize cross dressing now. The Prime Minister also added gender identity to the nation’s human rights code forcing biological women to share bathrooms, sports competitions, and federal prisons with biological men.
The next reason to not vote for Trudeau might be criminal as I can see no rational reason for our government to wave their own tariffs and give the work to China (a hostile nation who is illegally holding two Canadians in detention) without a bidding process. But we will never know what sort of corruption enabled China to build our LNG plants and dump their steel on us as the national media is silent and not investigating or asking questions. Trudeau’s government has waived tariffs and is allowing China to dump $42 billion dollars worth of their cheap and highly subsidized steal on Canada to make our LNG plants in BC. Worse yet, the Chinese are not even sending us raw steel, but rather fabricated steel as they are making our LNG plants in China. The components of the LNG plants will be made by module in Chinese factories and shipped by boat from China to Canada. This decision by the Liberal cabinet will deprive Canada of more than 60,000 jobs as we have the steel mills and trades to provide the product and do the work, but Canadian businesses were not even allowed to bid.
The Liberals harmed our oil industry with carbon taxes, government mandated gender analysis, and onerus red tape that has made it impossible to get oil projects built or product shipped to market. Hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs are gone in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan due to Liberal ideological hatred of our natural resource sector.
The Prime Minister has spent multiple millions of Canadian tax dollars promoting abortion in third world countries that don’t want it.
These are the reasons (and many more) why I won’t vote for Justin Trudeau. As for his childish 20 year old make up stunt that the national media is in a frenzy over? I don’t care……
“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
Ephesians 4:5,6